QUT offers a diverse range of student topics for Honours, Masters and PhD study. Search to find a topic that interests you or propose your own research topic to a prospective QUT supervisor. You may also ask a prospective supervisor to help you identify or refine a research topic.

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Found 662 matching student topics

Displaying 361–372 of 662 results

Not included: Taxes, Fees and Surcharges - Consumer reactions to partitioned prices in online retail

Not included: Taxes, Fees and Surcharges - Consumer reactions to partitioned prices in online retailPartitioned pricing, which refers to the practice of diving prices into a base price and surcharges such as taxes, shipping or handling fees is increasingly popular (Greenleaf et al., 2016; Choi et al., 2019). Yet at the same time it is a practice that divides practitioners, where some online retailers partition their prices while others opt not to. Scientific insights on this issue are in its …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations

Human rights and future environmental change

Dr Bridget Lewis is interested in talking to students who wish to undertake research on environmental human rights, intergenerational justice, the human rights impact of climate change, the rights of future generations or any other topic at the intersection of human rights and environmental law.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)
Centre for Justice

Food literacy projects (see description for options)

Food Literacy is a collection of knowledge, skills and behaviours required to plan, manage, select, prepare and eat foods to meet needs and determine food intake. It is the scaffolding that empowers individuals, households, communities or nations to protect diet quality through change and strengthen dietary resilience over time. Areas for further research include, but are not limited to:identifying models to integrated food literacy into dietetic practice e.g. through the Nutrition Care Processdevelop population level indicators for food literacy that …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Health
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

International entrepreneurship in a digital era

I am interested in supervising students with a high level of commitment and ambition to publish on top academic journals.My interests are around international entrepreneurship (international business and also entrepreneurship), emerging markets, innovation, and digitalisation.Topics that include two or more of these fields are of my interest, and I would be keen to see your proposal and work with you on shaping it to a high standard.

Study level
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Management
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research

Financial security and ageing

Dr Kelly Purser is interested in supervising students who wish to undertake research about estate planning, financial security and ageing. Financial security as people age is something that is determined by the whole of life course, not just what people do as they near retirement. It is therefore important to consider the implications of future planning on the life able to be led 'post-retirement'. This includes not only estate planning tools such as wills and enduring documents, but also financial …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

Housing and older people

Associate Professor Tina Cockburn is interested in supervising students who wish to undertake research about housing and older people (including assets for care arrangements, retirement villages and aged care facilities). Safe housing is a human right not enjoyed by all, particularly for older women who may have experienced financial insecurity throughout the life course. This is a significant issue facing modern Australian society, particularly in light of an anticipated economic downturn and increasing unemployment. Please contact the supervisor if you …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

Human rights and ageing

Dr Bridget Lewis is interested in supervising students who wish to undertake research about human rights and ageing. There has been increasing focus on the importance of recognising, promoting and protecting the human rights of older people. This has been brought into sharp focus in recent times by, for example, the COVID-19 pandemic. Please contact the supervisor if you are interested in undertaking a PhD in this area. This topic is led by the QUT School of Law within the …

Study level
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

Capacity, decision making and ageing

Dr Kelly Purser is interested in supervising students who wish to undertake research about capacity, substitute decision making and ageing, including how and when capacity is determined, and by whom. As people age they may not retain the capacity to be able to make legally recognised decisions giving rise to questions around who can determine what happens when someone can no longer make their own decisions, how and when this should be determined as well as what is the outcome …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

Elder financial abuse

Tina Cockburn is interested in supervising students who wish to undertake research about elder financial abuse. Elder financial abuse is a hidden but growing phenomenon within modern society. We are looking for students to undertake research into elder financial abuse, particularly in relation to the obligations of financial institutions and actors in identifying, responding to and preventing elder financial abuse. Please contact the supervisor if you are interested in undertaking a PhD in this area. This topic is led by …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

Legal, multidisciplinary and public health research regarding child abuse and neglect

Professor Ben Mathews is an internationally recognised expert in multiple legal areas connected with child abuse and neglect. These include sexual abuse generally, physical abuse and corporal punishment, domestic violence, civil claims for child abuse, statutes of limitation, mandatory reporting laws, institutional child abuse, child protection systems, criminal prosecution, prevention, regulation and oversight, public health and public health law analyses, and children's rights. Ben welcomes all enquiries about topics connected with these themes.In addition, he is currently leading the Australian …

Study level
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

Illuminating the microbial world using genome-based fluorescence microscopy

Our understanding of microbial diversity on earth has been fundamentally changed by metagenomic characterisation of natural ecosystems. Traditional approaches for visualising microbial communities are time-consuming and provide limited information about the identity of specific microorganisms.The proposed research aims to combine single cell genomics and super resolution microscopy for novel, high-throughput, genome-based techniques to visualise microorganisms, plasmids and viruses, with strain level specificity.The application of these highly scalable approaches will provide comprehensive and unprecedented insight into the fine-scale dynamics and evolution …

Study level
Faculty of Health
School of Biomedical Sciences
Research centre(s)

Centre for Microbiome Research

Technology, Innovation and Health

Professor Belinda Bennett is interested in talking to students who wish to undertake research on legal issues related to technology, innovation and health, regulation of innovative health technologies, legal issues related to genomics, the use of artificial intelligence in health care, and the use of robotics in health care.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Law
Research centre(s)

Australian Centre for Health Law Research

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