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Found 650 matching student topics

Displaying 49–60 of 650 results

Surrogate models for accurate prediction and inference in mathematical biology

High fidelity mathematical models of biological phenomena are often complex and can require long computational runtimes which can make computational inference for parameter estimation intractable.  In this project we will overcome this challenge by working with computationally simple low fidelity models and build a simple statistical model of the discrepancy between the high and low fidelity models.  This approach provides the best of both worlds: we obtain high accuracy predictions using a computationally cheap model surrogate.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Branching processes, stochastic simulations and travelling waves

Branching processes are stochastic mathematical models used to study a range of biological processes, including tissue growth and disease transmission.This project will implement a simple stochastic branching process to generate simulations of biological growth, and then consider differential equation-based description of the stochastic model.Using computation we will compare the two models, and use phase plane and perturbation analysis to analyze the resulting traveling wave solutions.

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science

Network Flow Improvement

Network flow is impeded by the arcs present in the network and their associated length/weighting. Arcs can be added or removed to debottleneck the network. But which ones? At what cost?

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematical Sciences

Low Cost Catalysts for Biofuels Production

As the world transitions from fossil fuels to biomass based fuels there is a corresponding drive to create new technologies to enable this situation to come to fruition.Biofuels represent one option in terms of mitigating the impacts of global warming.The conversion of biomass to biofuels typically requires a catalyst. Many different materials have been investigated, with zeolites showing considerable promise.However, zeolite catalysts can be expensive and thus there is a challenge to create new catalysts which are low cost.This project …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering

A Human-centric eXplainable Automated Vehicle

CARRS-Q has developed a strong expertise in AV and ADAS, and operate an Automated Vehicle for its research on test track and open roads.We have collected more than 12,000km of sensor data in various Australian conditions, and we are progressing quickly to a broader understanding of safe operation of AV technologies on our roads. We are looking for PhD candidates to progress further on these topics. PhD positions are available for highly motivated domestic and/or international students to work on …

Study level
Faculty of Health
School of Psychology and Counselling

Synergic identification of prestress force, moving force and interfacial force for corroborative substructural modelling

We are looking for an appropriate PhD candidate working for a recently awarded ARC Discovery Project. The PhD candidate will work on the further improvement of the previously developed Synergic identification of prestress force [1] and moving force applying to continuous supported prestressed concrete bridges using regularisation techniques [2-7] and corroborative substructural modelling.

Study level
Faculty of Engineering
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Analysing the oceanographic variables that generate and mobilise coral rubble on the GBR

There is increasing concern on the effects of global warming and how it is increasing the frequency and severity of disturbance events on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), an enduring living structure on our planet. For example, the intensity and frequency of tropical cyclones is likely to increase and this will also reduce the time available for coral reefs to recover.Moreover, there are other factors that contribute to the vulnerability of coral to mechanical breakage, such as crown of thorns …

Study level
Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Science
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Resolving uncertainty in decisions to improve agri-food system outcomes for people and nature

Despite efforts to monitor and manage declining species and ecosystems around the world, biodiversity is still not routinely included in mainstream decision-making and continues to decline at the highest rate in human history. Added to this is the problem that both natural and agri-food systems are complex networks that are continually changing due to human and natural disturbances, with climate change likely to increase the impacts of extreme events like drought, fire and economic shocks on these networks.Because of large …

Study level
Faculty of Science
School of Biology and Environmental Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Data Science
Centre for the Environment

Understanding the impacts of biodiversity-focused interventions to agri-food systems on people and nature

Despite efforts to monitor and manage declining species and ecosystems around the world, biodiversity is still not routinely included in mainstream decision-making and continues to decline at the highest rate in human history. Added to this is the problem that both natural and agri-food systems are continually changing due to human and natural disturbances, with climate change likely to increase the impacts of extreme events like drought, fire and economic shocks. Because of large uncertainties and trade-offs between many human …

Study level
Faculty of Science
School of Biology and Environmental Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy
Centre for the Environment

Development of a multiplexed gut micro-bioreactor for functional screening of gut microbiome

The human microbiome refers to the collection of micro-organisms that are living symbiotically in the human body (defined as the “microbiota”), their genetic material as well as the surrounding environmental habitat.It is now appreciated that the microbiome plays an important role in human health and diseases. Various disease states have been linked to dysregulation of the gut microbiota, including neurodegenerative, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The composition of the gut microbiome can also affect responses to therapies, most notably in cancer …

Study level
PhD, Master of Philosophy
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Research centre(s)
Centre for Biomedical Technologies
Centre for Microbiome Research

The pulse of sustainability: Interventions to sustainably increase legume production and consumption

Legume-supported value chains, from production to consumption, provide benefits to people and nature that include improved ecosystem functions and resource use efficiency, as well as farmed animal and human health provisions. Environmental co-benefits of legumes include reduced nitrate leaching, increased food sources for pollinators, a greater structural diversity of farmland, and improved soil fertility. Despite the potential of legumes to improve the sustainability of cropping systems and enhance human health, the production and consumption of legumes in Australia is low.Multiple …

Study level
Master of Philosophy, Honours
Faculty of Science
School of Biology and Environmental Science
Research centre(s)
Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy

Virus Search Algorithms

Meta-heuristics are powerful search algorithms for solving intractable optimization problems. There are many population based approaches, like genetic algorithms, evolutionary algorithms, particle swarm, etc. but most of these have a static population size.Viruses arise and attack populations periodically. They typically appear when populations become abundant. Viruses infect population members, and often reduce the number of individuals. Viruses create spaces for more individuals and balance competition.The concept of viruses may be mimicked and could be a useful optimization paradigm.

Study level
Faculty of Engineering
School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering

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