
Faculty of Health

School of Clinical Sciences

Topic status

We're looking for students to study this topic.

Research centre


Associate Professor Christopher Edwards
Associate Professor
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Health

External supervisors

  • Dr Tristan Reddan, Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, QCH
  • Madonna Burnett, Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, QCH)
  • Lateisha Stam, Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, QCH


Babies born with a sacral dimple have traditionally been considered at risk of having an underlying spinal deformity known as dysraphism. These children are often referred for a spinal ultrasound as neonates to investigate their spine and spinal cord morphology. A sacral dimple is on the milder end of a spectrum of clinical signs suggestive of dysraphism; anecdotally, children with a sacral dimple and no other risk factors often have a normal spinal ultrasound. We are conducting an audit of spinal ultrasounds performed at the Queensland Children’s Hospital (QCH) from January 2017 to December 2023, to determine the diagnostic utility of these scans. The findings will educate referrers and potentially reduce the number of children referred for spinal ultrasound whose only risk factor is a “simple” sacral dimple. This will potentially reduce inconvenience for parents and families and the healthcare system's cost by reducing the number of screening examinations.

Research engagement

The audit has HREC Approval through QCH, data will be collected and de-identified for the study period before the commencement of the VRES period.  This data will be provided to the student for analysis, and a draft will be written for publication in collaboration with the co-investigators.

Research activities

Reviewing and coding data for analysis, performing basic statistical analysis of the data, and preparing results for publication by drafting a manuscript. Student will work directly with the research team.


By the end of the VRES period, a draft manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal will be completed.

Skills and experience

Knowledge of basic health statistical analysis will be an advantage.

Start date

1 November, 2024

End date

21 February, 2025


Access to a QUT hot desk at the Centre for Children’s Health Research adjacent to the QCH, or on another QUT campus will be provided.

Additional information


Reading some background information on spinal dysraphism and ultrasound screening will be advantageous.



Dr Christopher Edwards (c8.edwards@qut.edu.au)