
The Engaging Science Trail is a joint initiative between Samford Ecological Research Facility (SERF) and TERN Australia's Ecosystem Observatory and is the first interactive education trail for research infrastructure in south-east Queensland.

The trail takes visitors through south-east Queensland bushland, showcasing native flora and fauna, national research infrastructure and environmental research projects.

SERF rests on land rich in natural beauty. It is a land of freshwater creeks and ponds, lush rainforest, thick eucalypt woodland and towering mountain peaks. It is a sanctuary to many rare and endangered native animals, from the tiniest marsupials to Australia’s largest owl.

Samford Ecological Research Facility is located on Aboriginal land that was never ceded. This Country holds many sites of great significance to its Aboriginal custodians. Samford was an important location for kippa-ring, or initiation ceremony, and is also home to a Bora ring and a burial site belonging to the land’s first inhabitants.

QUT acknowledges the Elders and Ancestors of this land, and thanks them for the care they have shown to this Country. QUT will show the same respect for Country, and will continue the long tradition of learning, teaching and research that has always taken place on this land.

Contact us

The Engaging Science Trail will be open to the public at advertised dates throughout the year.

For larger groups, email us to arrange access via appointment.