Found 326 study abroad units

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EUB153 Thinking and Communicating Mathematically

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

Ways of thinking, reasoning and communicating mathematically are important both for “doing” mathematics and for your future professional practice, when you will need to demonstrate these skills to assist others in their learning of mathematics. This unit is intended to reshape your way of thinking about mathematics, bridging you from a position of a learner at school to a learner of mathematics for your future profession. 

EUB201 Early Childhood Mathematics Education 1

Unit information

School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This introductory early childhood mathematics unit will develop your understanding of content knowledge and the teaching practices associated with Number and Algebra, including play-based pedagogies. The unit raises awareness of the importance of mathematical learning in early childhood, and considers ways to engage young children in meaningful mathematical learning in prior-to-school and primary school settings. Both the Australian Curriculum and Early Years Learning Framework will be utilised. This unit builds a foundation for the proceeding EUB302 Early Childhood Mathematics Education 2 unit.

EUB203 Science in Early Childhood

Unit information

School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit focuses on the importance of quality science education for young children from birth to 8 years of age. In order to inspire young children to ask questions about their environment and become scientifically literate, teachers require knowledge of science concepts, pedagogy and curriculum, as well as diverse, contemporary and cultural perspectives on science education. This early childhood unit explores way to design and implement engaging science learning experiences that support children's conceptual development. It will build content knowledge, particularly in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics and earth, and space science. This unit will build on theories of teaching and learning to focus on inquiry-based and hands-on learning activities that are age-appropriate, early childhood science learning experiences.

EUB204 Building Partnerships with Families and Communities

Unit information

School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

Teaching and learning is enhanced when early childhood teachers build respectful and supportive relationships and work in partnership with families. This includes undertaking professional learning to enhance these skills. This unit promotes knowledge and understandings about the diversity, complexity and changing nature of contemporary childhoods, families and communities. This unit will draw on your experiences of working with children, families and communities in line with ACECQA requirements and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. It will explore professional responsibilities and the need for professional learning to develop skills for engaging in active communication, consultation and collaboration with families for effective partnerships and to develop links with other child and family services.

EUB205 Child Health, Wellbeing, Safety and Movement

Unit information

School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

To support children’s health and wellness, early childhood educators require the capacity to lead, plan, implement, and evaluate health practices in early childhood settings and to balance the health needs of individual children. Additionally, educators’ health and wellness is an important aspect of effective delivery of early childhood programs. This unit introduces foundational understandings related to child health, wellbeing, safety and movement that influence working with children, and that relate to the Australian Curriculum learning areas of Health and Physical Education and The Early Years Learning Framework. The unit focuses on food, nutrition and wellness principles as well as diverse, contemporary and cultural perspectives on health and wellness including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives.

EUB206 Visual Arts and Media Arts Education

Unit information

School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit is the first of two curriculum units in the arts and examines the basic content of the Visual and Media Arts and how students learn in these disciplines. The unit provides opportunities for practical exploration of these art forms and theories, and introduces arts pedagogies that emphasise the role of the arts in society and in the education and care of children from birth to 12 years of age. The arts play an important part in early childhood and primary education with the potential to inspire children to reach their creative potential, and to enrich their experiences in prior-to-school and primary school contexts. This Visual and Media Arts unit focuses on the historical, social, emotional, cultural, and educational importance of the arts.

EUB207 Inclusive Education: Teaching Diverse Learners

Unit information

School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit will cover the fundamental concepts underpinning inclusive education and your obligations under national legislation, with an emphasis on evidence-based universal strategies for use in inclusive classrooms and prior-to-school settings. The learning in this unit will develop your understanding of quality differentiated teaching practice to support the engagement, participation, and achievement of diverse learners in inclusive settings. The unit aims to build your pedagogical agility and ethical practice for creating safe and supportive inclusive learning environments. It will enhance your responsiveness to the learning strengths, rights and requirements of diverse learners and your knowledge of universal strategies to teach diverse learners in inclusive settings.

EUB208 Primary Mathematics Curriculum Studies 2

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

As a future mathematics educator you will need to be aware of the mathematical opportunities in everyday encounters that will enhance children's mathematical proficiencies. Through your participation in this unit you will develop conceptual and pedagogical knowledge of mathematics education, with a focus on algebra, geometry, probability and statistics. This unit builds upon knowledge attained in EUB111 Primary Mathematics Curriculum Studies 1 and provides important foundational work for the proceeding unit, EUB307 Primary Mathematics Curriculum Studies 3.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EUB209 Primary English Curriculum Studies 2

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit will deepen your understanding of, and skills and practices in, Primary English Curriculum. In this unit, you will practice and engage with current research about how educators teach children to learn about language, including knowledge of the English language and how it works, language models, and pedagogical models. In the context of a real world diverse class profile, you will study the writing cycle, a language in use model, and the teaching of genre, text types, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and handwriting. The unit supports the development of understanding that will be critical for further studies of literacies in Primary English Curriculum Studies 3 (EUB306). The units enable you to build informed professional practices for teaching listening, speaking, reading, and writing for the real world.

EUB210 Science in Primary Education 1

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit will introduce you to science content knowledge and practices required to teach primary science from Foundation to Year 6. The content is relevant to the Science Understanding, Science as a Human Endeavour, and Science Inquiry Skills strands of the Australian Curriculum. It includes big ideas from the biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth and Space science disciplines. Adequate science disciplinary content knowledge has recently become a more focused requirement of Australian teachers working within educational systems. This unit will be built upon in EUB212 Science in Primary Education 2, where you will develop the knowledge and skills to plan, sequence, and assess inquiry-based student learning in primary science education using constructivism as a referent for your science teaching practice.

EUB213 Inclusive Practices for Diverse Learners

Unit information

School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February) and Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit will cover the fundamental concepts underpinning inclusive education and your obligations under national legislation with emphasis on evidence-based universal strategies for use in inclusive classrooms. This unit focuses on why, when and how to make adjustments for diverse students including those with complex learning profiles (disabilities), in partnership with parents/carers and in collaboration with teacher aides and external professionals. The unit aims to build your pedagogical agility and ethical practice for creating safe and supportive inclusive learning environments for all students. It will enhance your responsiveness to the learning strengths, rights and requirements of diverse students and your knowledge of quality differentiated teaching practice and adjustments for teaching diverse students in inclusive classrooms.

EUB242 Professional Experience: Introduction to Professional Practice

Unit information

School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit has a 15-day professional experience placement designed to further introduce you to the practice of teaching with a focus on planning for learning. You will develop a range of planning and teaching strategies designed to create positive learning environments. The unit content and professional experience combine to provide you with purposeful learning and reflection opportunities for you to begin to develop and shape your emerging identity and practice as a beginning teacher. Learning in this unit will be directly related to preparing for and reflecting on the time you will spend in a school. 

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EUB250 Australian Geographical Studies

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit explores the unique nature of the Australian continent, its landforms and landscapes, it's people and places. A vast nation with a small population, Australia is faced with challenges of remoteness not found in other regions of the world. This remoteness shapes the identity of places and the relationships of people with their environment and poses challenges for sustainability and liveability. Australia is home to the one of world's oldest living cultures, that of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who have a connection and relationship with the land that shapes their identity and underpins their belief systems. In this unit you will gain an understanding of Indigenous peoples' perspectives on the creation of and relationships with land. The skills and knowledge acquired in this unit are valued in a range of academic endeavours including regional and urban planning, resource management, native title, emergency management, environmental management.

EUB251 Environment and Society

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit provides an applied geography approach to understand the dynamic nature of interactions between people and their environments, and the ways environments influence people's attitudes, perceptions, choices and decisions. This is a skills-based unit that provides an opportunity to transform, represent and analyse geographical data and information to recognise spatial and temporal patterns and trends and explain how these represent contemporary geographical challenges.The skills developed in this unit are applicable across a range of other academic geography and social science subjects and are utilised by specialists in a diverse range of professions including economists, demographers, spatial technicians, criminologists, environmental analysists and managers, urban and regional planners and those in hazard management professions.

EUB252 Australian Society and Culture

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

Australian Society and Culture combines literary and cultural studies, political analysis and history. It provides a context through which you can acquire knowledge about Australian institutions and traditions. Over the last few centuries, numerous social, cultural and political ideas, policies and actions have shaped and re-constructed Australian society. Understanding how Australia has evolved as a nation, a community, a culture and a people involves critically analysing various constructions, meanings and interpretations. A study of Australian society and culture will therefore involve an appreciation of Australian people and the significant political and social debates that they engage in. This unit offers insights and understandings about issues that divide Australians as well as events and circumstances that unite the nation.

EUB253 The Ancient World

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit facilitates understandings of ancient societies focusing on selected periods, features and individuals in the ancient Near East, Greece and Rome. Such understandings encourage questioning of established interpretations and knowledge, and provides a foundational understanding of these historical periods.

EUB254 Studies in Language

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

Pre-service English language teachers require a solid foundational understanding of the nature, complexity and diversity of language; of the ways in which it is acquired and learned and how it is used to perform a range of cognitive, social, cultural and personal functions. These understandings about language and literacy development are related to a broad range of teaching contexts, both local and international. This unit will enable you  to gain insight into various aspects of language that impact on teaching and learning in schools. The unit will develop your awareness of the nature, function and development of language and literacy and the role each plays in the constitution of social and cultural processes and practices, with particular reference to the role of language in classroom contexts. It aims also to provide you with a critical literacy tool kit and also extend your understanding of the dynamic, changing nature of 'English' in the current global context.

EUB255 Literature: Theory and Practice

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit provides you with opportunities to explore literature and fiction, theories of how literary and fictional works are produced, and to engage in creative writing. You will explore, as both consumers and creators, how fictional texts can convey and transform personal and cultural perspectives. The unit invites you to draw on a very wide repertoire of fictional texts across all media in interpreting and creating texts for professional, personal, cultural, social and aesthetic purposes.

EUB257 Reasoning with Quantity, Space and Shape

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

A deeper understanding of measurement, shape and space will allow you to apply your mathematical knowledge to problems of interest in the real world. This in turn will provide you with new ways to explain mathematics to others and to assist them in their learning. In this unit you will further apply your growing mathematical knowledge-base, built from earlier discipline units, to problems of both real world and abstract natures that involve the use of measurement and geometry concepts. This unit intends to give you greater confidence in explaining mathematical ideas to others by exposing you to different applications and links between mathematical topics.

EUB302 Early Childhood Mathematics Education 2

Unit information

School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit will build your conceptual knowledge of early childhoold mathematics. You will practise pedagogical strategies to engage young children when learning about Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Through participation in this unit, you will be prepared to develop young children's early mathematics knowledge and processes through quality real-world learning experiences and in supportive learning environments from birth and into primary contexts. You will explore the Early Years Learning Framework, the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline, and the Australian Curriculum in relation to mathematics education. This unit extends upon knowledge gained in EUB201 and further develops your understandings, attitudes, values and skills in relation to early childhood mathematics.

EUB303 Technologies Education

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

Technologies impact the lives of people globally and are essential to envisioning and developing innovative solutions to meet both current and future needs. This unit focuses on Digital Technologies and Design and Technologies - two distinct learning areas from the Australian Curriculum. Topics covered in this unit are the theoretical approaches, practical experiences, and the development of communities of practice as relevant to teaching in the technologies learning area. This unit also includes practical application of the ICT general capability.

EUB310 Teaching EAL/D Learners

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

Teaching English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) introduces key concepts and skills that are foundational to understanding, engaging, and supporting English language learners in secondary education contexts. This unit helps to support literacy learning and development of EAL/D learners. It relates to teachers’ professional work in knowing diverse learners and planning quality differentiated teaching practice for learners who are acquiring English as an additional language. This unit is at the developed level of the course, and supports the knowledge and orientations that you will explore in other units, in particular in the Cultural Studies: Indigenous Education unit. It also complements curriculum knowledge and skills that you are learning about through other units.

EUB311 Indigenous Education

Unit information

School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education
Study level
Undergraduate units

Unit synopsis

This unit provides foundational knowledge and skills to teach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures as governed by the Australian Curriculum, Early Years Learning Framework and the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline. It engages with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' knowledges, experiences, voices and perspectives and explores implications for practice through personal, professional and theoretical lenses. This unit provides opportunities to think deeply about the roles of teachers in diverse cultural and education contexts and establishes a critical foundation for practical teaching choices.

EUB344 Professional Experiences: Informing Professional Practice

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit supports the developing stage of pre-service teacher professional practice. This unit focuses on developing the professional knowledge and practices associated with evidence of learning and evidence of impact. You will gain an understanding of and develop strategies for assessing, providing feedback and reporting on student progress, including quality assuring teacher judgements of student achievement. Data management, interpretation and analysis skills will be introduced, and factors that influence the measures of student performance. You will participate in 15 days of professional experience. Learning in this unit will be related to preparing for and reflecting on the time you will spend in a school. You will also focus on developing skills and practices for professional resilience, specifically, personal wellbeing.

EUB350 Asia in Focus

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit provides the opportunity to engage with a range of physical and human geography topics with Asia as the focus. A regional geography approach is used to explore and understand the features, elements and characteristics of the human and physical landscapes as well as the interconnection between Asian nations and Australia. A case study approach is used with topics include sustainability and liveability of places; natural and ecological hazard zones and the risks in these zones; population, urbanisation and the emergence of megacities; the unique and diverse physical environments and the relationships people have with places across Asia.Utilising a range of geographical technologies, this unit provides valuable analytical skills, including spatial analysis, that are valued in a range of professions including regional planning, foreign affairs, journalism, environmental management, emergency services, hazard management, resource management and global security.

EUB352 Medieval Europe and the World

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit traces the evolution of Europe from the Fall of Rome in the 5th century through to the centuries usually defined as the High Middle Ages including Renaissance and the Reformation periods. On a thematic level, the unit selectively examines topics concerned with political, religious and intellectual developments, along with the cultural history of Medieval Europe. You will develop an understanding of how events and forces have contributed to societal, political and cultural change in Europe in Medieval times. The Middle Ages constitute a crucial period in the formation of a European identity. The breakdown of the Roman world saw the gradual emergence of a Christian civilisation of striking originality. At the same time, it gave rise to political fragmentation, as well as to national characteristics and antagonisms that are still part of the European scene today. The content of this unit offers you understandings of issues that are still of central concern in our society.

EUB353 China and its Region

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

The unit provides you with the knowledge the ancient beginnings of Dynastic China,  to Western Imperialism, through to the rise of Communism and Maoist China. The role of powerful individuals, and an understanding of how the country's fortunes changed over time are additional features of the content. To enhance understanding, and for comparative purposes, the unit also examines significant events in the history of India and Cambodia. Through appreciating the circumstances and personalities that have shaped China and its neighbours historically, you will be able to more readily and articulately analyse and interpret major events taking place in modern China.

EUB354 Screen Studies and New Media

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit provides you with opportunities to explore screen and moving image media and their functions as important sources of information, education, cultural exchange and participation. The unit introduces you to different schools of theory in these areas and provides you with the tools to analyse and evaluate a wide diversity of screen texts and to work creatively with these texts. You will gain a working familiarity with a number of new media platforms.

EUB356 Mathematics in Everyday Contexts

Unit information

School of Teacher Education and Leadership
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

Applying mathematics and statistics to investigate real world phenomena and solve related problems is considered by some to be the ideal way the engage learners in mathematics and to illuminate for them, the most difficult ideas. In this unit you will draw on mathematical and statistical techniques of preceding discipline units, applying them to real world problems from a variety of contexts.

EUB401 Teaching Learners with Complex Learning Profiles

Unit information

School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit will cover targeted strategies for learners with complex learning profiles in inclusive classrooms in prior-to-school and formal school contexts. This unit focuses on why, when and how to make adjustments in accordance with the Disability Standards for Education 2005, and how to do so in partnership with parents/carers and in collaboration with relevant external professionals and teacher aides. The learning in this unit will develop your understanding of learners with complex learning profiles and your capability to plan and enact supplementary, substantial and extensive adjustments to curriculum, pedagogy and assessment within inclusive classrooms in prior-to-school and primary school contexts. The unit is offered at the mastery stage of the course to develop your ability to teach learners with complex learning profiles. It builds on your learning in EUB207 and is related to other units covering pedagogical and curriculum approaches.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

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