Found 155 study abroad units

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EGH451 Distributed Renewable Electrical Energy Systems

Unit information

School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

The proliferation of renewable power generation is changing the way electricity is generated and delivered, shifting from a centralised towards a more distributed generation model. The renewable energy sources are typically integrated and interfaced with the electricity grid via power electronic converter systems. In this unit you will learn about the structure, layout, and key characteristics of renewable electrical energy systems, from small residential photovoltaic installations to large-scale photovoltaic power plants and wind farms. The unit will also discuss grid connected versus stand alone renewable energy systems, DC and AC microgrids, the concept of smart grid and virtual power plants.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EGH452 Design for Renewable Electrical Energy Systems

Unit information

School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

Delivering solutions for the sustainable and secure generation and distribution of electrical energy remains one of the greatest challenges facing the engineering discipline. This unit provides a capstone experience in which you will work within a team to apply systems thinking and design processes to the design, analysis, modelling and evaluation of a grid-connected renewable energy system. You will explore the diverse technological, economic, regulatory, and social considerations which inform the definition and execution of large-scale renewable energy engineering projects and incorporate these considerations into your own design. In addition, you will explore analysis techniques required to evaluate the performance of renewable systems in the context of environmental considerations and uncertainty, and the complementary engineering, risk-management and control strategies required to ensure security of supply.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EGH455 Advanced Systems Design

Unit information

School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This advanced unit further develops your investigation, analysis, synthesis and problem solving skills when solving complex engineering tasks. The unit focuses on experimental design using a systems engineering approach to work on an engineering concept, starting from a basic need and opportunity description. You work in teams to identify customers, formulate a basic business case, establish a basic concept of operations, develop the system requirements, generate concepts, conduct trade studies, determine the most promising design, and pursue a design and testing and verification of the system. The unit replicates industry or government systems engineering practices as closely as possible.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EGH456 Embedded Systems

Unit information

School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This advanced unit gives you practical experience with advanced software development for embedded systems. It leads on from fundamental computer architecture and C programming covered in first and second-year units. It covers programming microcontrollers with C, microcontroller architecture, serial communication, concurrent software and real-time kernels for embedded systems. It involves practical laboratory exercises and a group project implementation of a device driver and user interface for a real-time embedded system. Embedded Systems builds on the knowledge and skill you acquired in systems programming.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EGH462 Process Control

Unit information

School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

Modern plants are composed of numerous processes that have strict performance and safety requirements. To meet these demands, engineers need to ensure properly designed process control systems that maintain suitable operation in the presence of changing set points and fluctuations in process conditions. In this advanced level unit, you will learn the concepts and techniques that underpin control systems, bringing together content learnt in the process design and process operations streams. You will learn the theory underpinning control of dynamic process systems, and use this to model and predict the response of these systems. This will cumulate designing process control systems which meet various meet engineering requirements of performance and safety. This unit brings together previous learning in the process operations stream. An embedded mathematics module, constituting 20% of the unit, provides advanced methods that support student learning in the engineering context.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EGH463 Process Design

Unit information

School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

Professional engineers have a "comprehensive, theory based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the engineering fundamentals applicable to the engineering discipline" (Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competency Standard for Professional Engineer). This process engineering unit uses advanced concepts of chemistry, design, economics and physics in a real engineering context. You will develop the ability to recognise and apply methods to design plant to solve real world problems utilising chemical, thermodynamic, fluids and kinetics with subsequent evaluation of the techno economics, sustainability and environmental impacts. You will undertake site visits and laboratory working in groups to plan, design and evaluate plant design. You will use this to demonstrate the culmination of knowledge and appreciation across a number of technical areas.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EGH464 Sustainable Minerals Processing

Unit information

School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

Professional engineers need to have a sound understanding of how science and engineering fundamental concepts inform sustainable practices and designs. In this unit, you will apply inorganic, physical, organic and analytical chemistry concepts in the operation and design of a range of mineral processing circuits used for extracting metals and minerals required for clean energy technologies. You will build professional and personal attributes around ethics, risks and sustainability by working as a team within a virtual mineral processing plant to evaluate health, safety and environmental aspects of the plant. This unit builds on chemistry from EGB264 Engineering Chemistry. 

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EGH471 Advanced Water Engineering

Unit information

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

Water engineers use knowledge and skills bases that you will learn in this advanced unit to analyse surface water systems including rivers, creeks and reservoirs, and to undertake design of related hydraulic structures including bridges, culverts and dams. You will continue to develop your knowledge of water engineering in the context of technical, practical and stakeholder perspectives. You will learn the hydrologic cycle and its applications in runoff estimations, probability and risk based flood analysis, estimating design floods, hydrologic and hydraulic modelling and water sensitive urban design concepts. You will work together with peers on assessing catchments for their hydrologic and hydraulic characteristics, modelling floods using software tools and designing simple hydraulic structures. This unit draws upon your learning in EGB123 Civil Engineering Systems, EGB124 Engineering for the Environment, and EGB371 Engineering Hydraulics.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EGH472 Advanced Highway and Pavement Engineering

Unit information

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

Road planning and design and pavement design are prominent civil engineering activities for the safe, efficient and sustainable movement of people and goods. Civil engineers use knowledge and skills bases that you will learn in this unit to meet stakeholders' needs. You will learn road design, road safety, alignment and coordination, road drainage, basic intersection design, and road pavement design. You will further develop your personal and professional attributes, especially independent and collaborative strategies in team working, including reflective practice, to manage a civil infrastructure planning and design project in a timely manner with a focus on delivering outcomes. Emphasis is placed on your awareness of risk, ethics and socio-cultural perspectives in civil engineering practice.This unit draws upon your learning in EGB272 Traffic and Transport Engineering. EGH479 Advances in Civil Engineering Practice will build upon this unit.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EGH473 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

Unit information

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

Geotechnical engineers use knowledge and skills bases that you will learn about in this advanced unit to undertake site investigation, evaluate slope stability, design retaining walls, design shallow foundations and deep foundations, and analyse and design rock systems. You will continue to develop your knowledge of geotechnical engineering in the context of technical, practical, and stakeholder perspectives. You will also continue to develop your personal and professional attributes, especially teamwork, time and resource management, communication, and reflective practice. This unit draws upon your learning in EGB373 Geotechnical Engineering. EGH479 Advances in Civil Engineering Practice will build upon this unit.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EGH475 Advanced Concrete Structures

Unit information

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

Structural engineers use knowledge and skills basis that you will learn in this advanced unit to create innovative solutions to complex planning and design problems about concrete structures to meet stakeholders' needs. You will continue to learn about loading, design standards, analysis and design of concrete structural systems and elements, economical and sustainable design, computer modelling, and professional design reporting and drawing. You will further develop your personal and professional attributes, especially teamwork, time and resource management, communication, and reflective practice. This unit draws upon your learning in structural units of the civil engineering major, in particular EGB375 Design of Concrete Structures.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

EGH479 Advances in Civil Engineering Practice

Unit information

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

Civil engineers use their full breadth of knowledge and skills bases to develop solutions to complex infrastructure planning and design problems that meet stakeholders' needs. In this final unit of the civil engineering major you will be presented with such a complex problem and in developing a solution you will hone your skills in critical review, analysis, synthesis and creativity. You will continue to develop your ability to communicate advanced knowledge and concepts in written, modelled and graphical forms to technical and non-technical audiences. You will hone your abilities in team working, reflective practice, and time and resource management. Emphasis is placed on your understanding of risk, ethics and stakeholder perspectives. This unit draws upon your learning throughout the civil engineering major.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN680 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Unit information

School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This is a specialisation unit in the area of computer science and data analytics. The aim of this unit is to provide you with the knowledge and skills required to design and implement artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions that can effectively and efficiently solve complex problems. The main advantage of intelligent systems is that they can combine the traditional computer's capacity to remember millions of facts with the human being's cognitive skills, including learning and refining the existing body of knowledge, solving problems with reasoning, helping businesses with strategic planning, diagnosing mechanical faults or human diseases, playing games, and so on. This unit will provide you with an understanding of the principles and basic techniques to develop artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as an understanding of the strengths and limitations of these algorithms.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

PMN505 Project Procurement

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February) and Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit identifies the optimal procurement strategy for a project from a client’s perspective taking a strategic approach and positions procurement in the project lifecycle and provides the detail required to be an effective client or tenderer for projects. Further, this unit considers project procurement from a contractor and contract management perspective recognising that procurement is a strategic and systematic process of acquiring the necessary goods, services, and resources required to successfully initiate, execute, and complete a project. This vital aspect of project management involves planning, sourcing, negotiating, and managing relationships with suppliers and vendors to ensure that the project's objectives are met within specified timelines, budget constraints, and quality standards. Effective project management procurement involves a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, risk assessment, contract management, and stakeholder collaboration.

PMN601 Projects and Performance

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit will provide you with tools and techniques to design and analyse performance benchmarks in dynamic project environments that can be implemented across different disciplines. The changing dynamics of workplace and emerging performance indicators make performance measurement and management a key issue in modern project management practice. The comprehensive review of project performance guidelines will be followed by specific analytical tools to enable students to have hands-on experience with complex management problems. Lastly, due to the dynamic nature of the topic, you will conduct limited research into emerging performance indicators such as sustainability that compliments the traditional cost and schedule compliance, and new analytical tools afforded.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

PMN602 Organisations and Projects

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit will provide you with advanced skills and knowledge to manage organisational and human resources issues required to achieve outcomes critical for the success of a project. The unit will focus on the aspects of project governance, organizational culture, organizational development and change, high performance teams and leadership in organisations. It will provide the understanding of effectively leading and managing project teams and their performance while managing constraints in time, cost and quality, as well as social, political and environmental influences.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

PMN604 Strategy and Projects

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit explores the detailed links between the organisational business strategy and the projects, programs and portfolios delivered by organisations. It teaches you how to use tools and techniques to extract maximum value from the program and portfolio that organisations espouse to, hence developing strategies for delivering optimal benefit for both client and provider organisations. This unit builds on a sound understanding of project and business lifecycles and informs program and portfolio planning and development activities. Teaching and learning approaches ensure that the skills acquired are applied by engaging in a range of real-world case-studies and through the development and delivery of your own project strategies and reports. This will help you to develop optimal programs and portfolios for a client or provider business, by extracting maximum value from these through linking and aligning these to your business strategy.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

PMN605 Strategic Project Procurement

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit identifies the optimal procurement strategy for a project. It takes a strategic approach and positions procurement in the project lifecycle. It also provides the detail required to be an effective client or tenderer for projects. A broader range of procurement strategies and contract forms are now available to the market and clients and providers need to understand the risk profiles of each of them before entering into such contracts. The tools and techniques required are not the same for every contract and so both clients and providers must be prepared with both systems and suitably qualified people. It builds on a sound understanding of projects and the project lifecycle and informs the project risk assessment and risk allocation for the project.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

PMN607 Strategic Risk Management

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit takes a strategic approach to risk in the project and business lifecycles. A broader range of risk management frameworks are now available and clients and providers need to understand the features of each before any implementation. The knowledge and skills developed in this unit contribute to effective identification, analysis, evaluation and treatment of risk to the project and the organisation in an integrated way. This unit builds on a sound understanding of risk and opportunities in projects to inform decision-making and the project and program risk allocation between client and provider. Teaching and learning approaches ensure that the skills acquired are applied.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

PMN609 Leading Emerging Trends in Project Management

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

Understanding emerging trends and innovations in project management is of paramount importance in today's dynamic and competitive project and business environments. These trends offer valuable insights into evolving technologies, methodologies, and market demands that can significantly impact project outcomes. By staying informed and embracing innovation, project managers can enhance their ability to adapt to changing circumstances, optimise processes for efficiency, and effectively address complex challenges. Moreover, a proactive and evidence-based research approach to adopting emerging trends enables organisations to maintain a competitive edge and deliver projects that align with the evolving needs of clients and stakeholders. Ultimately, this understanding empowers project management professionals to lead with foresight, navigate uncertainties, and undertake innovation research to evaluate outcomes that drive both individual and organisational success.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

UXB120 Introduction to Heavy Engineering Sector Technology

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit introduces resource sector technology associated with on and off Shore Oil and Gas (LNG), open cut and underground mining and power generation and distribution infrastructure including processing plants/plant design and infrastructure systems.  Students will also develop introductory knowledge of safety and risk management within these sectors and develop an appreciation of mineral economics.  It links to the work being undertaken in units Imagine Quantity Surveying and Cost Engineering.

UXB233 Planning Law

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

You will be provided with the opportunity to develop an understanding of the basic political, policy, and legislation essential for planning professionals, whether they work in the public or the private sector, and the capacity to apply this understanding to basic development assessment related problems. Your capacity to understand the law as it relates to the regulation of development and the planning of infrastructure is integral to being a built environment professional. Your grounding in the legal framework surrounding planning and development is an important aspect of professional development, particularly with respect to employment that requires skills related to development assessment, and urban policy development.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

UXB330 Urban Design

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit is generally taken by third year students and builds on concepts from earlier planning units in QUT’s planning course. In this unit you will study the dimensions of urban design and learn techniques in urban design and public space analysis to produce informed urban design strategies that respond to the social, economic, environmental and political context of contemporary Australian cities. Urban designers work with a variety of public and private stakeholders and confront a range of issues that impact urban development outcomes. An understanding of the influences on urban design decisions is necessary to prepare you to work in this context.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

UXH300 Research Methods for the Future Built Environment

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

According to the Australian Institute of Builders (2017), built environment professionals must be able to identify and critically evaluate a broad range of sources of complex information, to inform proposed courses of action and “challenge established positions using evidence and reasoning.” This emphasis on innovation and communication also is advocated for by the Planning Institute of Australia (2019) and the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (n.d.). UXH300, sitting within the second semester of your penultimate year of studies, emphasises critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and introduces a range of methods used in research.  UXH300 is a pre-requisite for the two semester UXH400 sequence. In the UXH400 sequence, you will apply skills developed in UXH300, along with knowledge gained throughout your course, to design (UXH400-1) and implement (UXH400-2) a capstone research project under the guidance of an academic mentor.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

UXH310 High-rise Construction

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit covers the construction of high-rise buildings – generally buildings above 12 storeys high. The major differences from other buildings lie in the impact of increased height on design and construction processes, with structural systems, services and safety being the most significant. The topics covered include:• demolition; • temporary services; • deep excavations and foundations; • retention and shoring systems; • general engineering of structural components; • multilevel formwork systems; • selection of construction methods and equipment;• interaction of building components, systems and services; • common building faults and failures and rectification; • external cladding systems; • general cost planning relevant for high rise construction. This unit builds upon the principles and theory learnt in Commercial Construction, Designing Structures, and Building Services.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

UXH311 Contract Administration

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit develops knowledge, skills and application in the administration of construction type contracts which represents one of the core applications for construction managers, quantity surveyors and cost engineers. To gain an appreciation of the commercial implications of contract administration you will study administrative implications for both parties to the contract. It links to the work previously undertaken in the earlier years of the course such as Introduction to Law and Commercial Construction and prepares you for the final semester projects.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

UXH321 Cost Planning and Controls

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit applies the fundamental principles of cost management including design and construction cost planning (pre-construction) and project controls (during construction), including important techniques in managing project cost in the context of working closely in multidisciplinary teams. It covers cost management in both building and non-building sectors (for example, civil engineering and resource sectors).

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

UXH331 Environmental Planning

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit increases your understanding of environmental analysis and planning issues, policies, and methods, aiming to prepare you for incorporation of environmental objectives and constraints in professional practice. In this unit you will engage in dialogues on contemporary environmental dilemmas, exploring ethical and practical aspects which underpin conflict. You will further refine skills acquired in site analysis units by learning to create and modify spatial models to facilitate collaborative problem-solving. These skills will aid in preparations for final year planning studio units as well as professional practice.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

UXH410 Strategic Construction Management

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This fourth year unit in the Construction Management (CM) course builds on the basic and intermediate knowledge, skills and understanding already gained in earlier units of the course. The unit is set within the real-world scenario of a medium-sized construction company that is planning to locate into a new and emerging sector of the Australian construction market and also trying to improve business growth and profitability. The learning in this unit is provided by study and practice using real-world case-studies and tools and techniques, some within a computer-based setting, that simulate the challenges, problems, issues and solutions that students will face in CM practice in the workplace.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

UXH411 Programming and Scheduling

Unit information

School of Architecture and Built Environment
Study level
Undergraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit develops your knowledge, skills and resource planning techniques in the process of time management. Controlling time and resources is an essential task in construction project management. This unit provides students an understanding in time management and real world practical skill sets in preparing project programs. This unit occurs in the final year of your course as it consolidates skills you have develped in the area of construction and project management.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this undergraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

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