Found 234 study abroad units

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IFN521 Foundations of Decision Science

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

Human beings engage in information environments of ever increasing complexity both within organizations and socially. In these environments, human beings interact with information in various ways. This unit introduces principles of cognitive science relevant to understanding how human beings process information and make decisions. In addition, the unit presents relevant frameworks to understand what information really is.  Understanding both of these aspects is necessary for modern organizations to be able to exploit their data for effective decision making. IFN623 builds on this unit introducing relevant technologies to support human interactions with information.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN541 Information Security Management

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February) and Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit builds upon the fundamental information security concepts introduced in IFN553 by exploring the challenges and solutions for information security management in organisations. This is important contextual knowledge that can be built upon through later, more specialised units. In this unit, you will learn how careful planning, implementation and improvement of information security controls in the areas of people, process and technology can be an enabling force to help organizations achieve their business goals.  Effective information security risk management is a crucial component of organizational risk management. Information security is a digital life skill. This unit provides relevant, real-world examples of information security vulnerabilities, threats, attacks and the controls to manage them, that all information technology professionals should understand to protect themselves, the organisations they work for and to advance their careers.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN551 Computer Systems Fundamentals

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units

Unit synopsis

This unit introduces the core concepts of a computer system, in particular how modern computer systems work, how they are structured, and how they operate. You will work with simulation software that allows you will build your own small computer system. The unit teaches you how to work effectively with modern computer environments and gain sufficient knowledge to be able to adapt to the evolution of computer systems in the future. The unit provides the necessary knowledge and skills for further study in areas such as networking, security, data science and software development.

IFN552 Systems Analysis and Design

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units

Unit synopsis

The unit outlines the process of clarifying business problems that an IT system can help to resolve, and provides a working knowledge of principles, contexts and methods that IT experts use, either individually or in a group, to analyse and design an IT system. The knowledge and skills (both hard skills such as the modelling techniques and soft skills such as team work) that you learn in this unit will be used extensively in your professional life following graduation. The unit builds your skills towards any career related to operational analysis and design of a specific business scope, including Business Analyst, Solution Architect and Project Manager.

IFN553 Introduction to Security and Networking

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units

Unit synopsis

Cyber security breaches -  network infiltration, malware,  theft of personal or corporate information - are commonplace. The rise of the internet means that malicious actions of individuals may have global impact. This unit  introduces essential information security concepts such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is used to understand network communications. Threats and vulnerabilities are identified, for both stored and transmitted data.  An overview of cyber security measures - preventing, detecting and correcting actions that result in harm - is provided. The limitations of such measures are noted, allowing you to develop an understanding of the trade-offs involved in protecting information. You can take this unit as a stand-alone course to raise your awareness of information security issues in networked systems, or as the start of a pathway into further cyber security and networking units.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN554 Databases

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units

Unit synopsis

This is a foundational unit addressing the core concepts, principles and skills required for understanding, designing and managing databases. It introduces a conceptual approach to modeling the data aspect of business domains, how to transform a conceptual data model into a relational database design, and how to retrieve and manipulate data through standard database querying techniques. Relevant societal and ethical aspects of database management are also covered. The knowledge and skills involved in developing and managing databases effectively are essential for IT Professional, Business Analyst, and Data Scientist nowadays.

IFN555 Introduction to Programming

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units

Unit synopsis

This unit is designed for those who have never programmed before. It introduces the basic building blocks of algorithms: sequence, selection and iteration and how algorithmic thinking is used to decompose problems into simpler steps. The C# language is used for expressing those steps in a programming language. It introduces an imperative style of programming in which a sequence of statements change the program’s state. The program’s state consists of a set of variables that contain data of various types. We introduce basic data types including numbers, text strings and lists. Students are also introduced to processes for debugging and testing programs to ensure their correctness and the forms of professional communication associated with software development.

IFN556 Object Oriented Programming

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units

Unit synopsis

In this unit you will learn how the principles of Object-Oriented programming can help combat complexity when developing larger programs. The key concepts are abstraction and encapsulation. Abstraction is the processing of giving a name to something plus generalization – the process of ignoring differences and instead identifying common properties of a collection of objects. Encapsulation is the process of “putting things in a box” – selectively exposing some aspects of what’s in the box, but deliberately hiding much of what is in the box. In object-oriented programming languages classes and methods provide the principle mechanism for abstraction and encapsulation. 

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN557 Rapid Web Development

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units

Unit synopsis

This is a foundational unit addressing web application development through a guided process by using well known frameworks such as Bootstrap, and Python-Flask. It introduces the development of a web application, covering development life-cycle phases of design, development, and deployment. The unit provides a working and “hands-on” introduction to different aspects of building an interactive and dynamic application. The knowledge and skills involved in developing web applications are indispensable for all IT professionals. This applies not only for programmers but also for roles such as business analyst and solution architect, which require a strong understanding of development for systems analysis and design practices.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN558 Management Information Systems

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units

Unit synopsis

Organisations are continuously transforming to leverage the potential of information systems. To be able to effectively transform an organisation, its leadership must be made aware of what an information system actually is, how to manage the components of information systems effectively, and how to make informed decisions based on the data present in the information system. The purpose of this unit is to provide insights into how information systems can be effectively leveraged by organisations. Drawing on case studies, concepts related to the following will be discussed: digital transformation of organisations, business analytics and data visualisation, design cycle approach for digital solutions, as well as ethical implications. The knowledge and skills taught in this unit will help make you a well-rounded IT professional and prepare you for careers related to business analytics and management.

IFN561 Enterprise Systems Lifecycle Management

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This is a transitionary unit, providing students with fundamental information systems skills relating to different practices in managing information systems in large, enterprise-level organisations. Information systems and enterprises are becoming inextricably interwoven. It has become nearly impossible to talk meaningfully about enterprises that are not dependent on information systems of one type or another.  An important role of managers is to understand what type of information system they should use to achieve the business strategic objectives or to improve existing business capabilities. This unit provides students with fundamental skills that business analysts or IT managers are required to have in order to be able to analyse business strategies, evaluate how information systems may enable enterprises to achieve strategic objectives, and understand how such an information system can be developed and implemented within an enterprise. 

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN562 Advanced Business Analysis

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

Business Analysis is a fast-developing domain. With the increased usage of digital technologies, IT graduates need to have multidisciplinary skills in Business, Process & Project Management and be able to devise innovative business solutions that align with the needs and values of the corporation.The Advanced Business Analysis unit aims to develop knowledge in using digital technologies, as well as skills in interpreting and reflecting the different perspectives – both internal and external to the organisation. The unit focuses on building problem-solving ability, analytical and communication skills, and technical capabilities. This unit is balanced with theoretical and practical aspects of business analysis. The unit is fundamental for future business analysts.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN563 Object Oriented Design

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units

Unit synopsis

Builds upon the concepts that you have learned in IFN556, introducing methods of Object Oriented Design which will allow you to solve more complex, real world problems. In this unit you will learn how to identify potential objects and classes by examining the real-world context that the programming is modelling. By basing our software design on entities that exist in the real world, we maximise the chances that our software architecture will age and evolve gracefully - i.e. we won’t need to restructure our application completely as the requirements change. This is because our choice of objects is stable - the entities that an organisation needs to deal with (for example Customers, Invoices, Vehicles and Projects) will not change completely overnight. You will also learn about and apply several standard software design principles and patterns. Finally, you will learn how such designs are professionally communicated and used as part of object-oriented software design processes.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN564 Data Structures and Algorithms

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units

Unit synopsis

In this unit you will work with some of the fundamental data structures of computer science, including lists, stacks, queues and trees, including the binary search tree. You will learn and implement the algorithms commonly used for searching, sorting and processing these data. You will learn how to assess the efficiency of such algorithms, allowing you to distinguish between those which can process large amounts of data efficiently, and those that run unacceptably slowly as the size of the input grows.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN591 Principles of User Experience

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

User Experience (UX) describes how we engage with technology, including how we use, feel, think, and talk about it. It is widely recognized as a key success factor for digital technologies and services that shape how we live, work, socialize, learn, play, and manage our health. In this introduction to User Experience you will learn methods and theories to understand and characterize what experiences matter to people, to generate ideas and create prototypes, and to evaluate the experiences that people have with technology prototypes. Understanding how to create positive experiences with digital technologies will give students an edge in the market place for jobs as user experience professionals, IT developers, and interaction designers.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN619 Data Analytics for Strategic Decision Makers

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit offers students a practical introduction to the field of data analytics, and its application to making decisions. Students will learn common methods for quantitative and computational analytics, through which they can gain an overview of key concepts, skills, and technologies for sourcing data, performing data analysis, and producing appropriate visualisations. While the course covers relevant technologies for data analytics and information visualisation, the focus is on asking the right questions and solving related problems which are driven from the   business/organisational perspective. Students will work with both structured and unstructured data, and will be encouraged to work with open data to address real-life problems in ways that align with ethical principles and good data governance.

IFN623 Human Information Interaction

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

Humans usually interact with and retrieve information by means of technologically driven systems. As our information environment becomes ever more complex, these interactions are becoming more and more diverse. While much is understood about the systems side of this picture, much less is understood about how humans interact with information. The foundation of this unit is an understanding how humans process information from the viewpoint of cognitive psychology.  This understanding will be translated into conceptual frameworks and associated design principles for creating effective interactions. This grounding is then mapped to contemporary technological solutions (e.g. conversational agents) which are used to augment human intelligence in highly interactive contexts. Methods to evaluate and critique both interaction effectiveness and implications for society will therefore also be covered in detail.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN631 IT Governance

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This is a foundational executive Information Technology (IT) unit addressing the core concepts, frameworks and methods for IT leaders (e.g. CIOs, IT Managers) to support their organizations in creating and delivering business value with information and technology through business-IT alignment. Three main outcomes that can be expected after successful adoption of IT governance are: benefits realization, risk optimization, and resource optimization. The unit takes an enterprise-wide, managerial perspective on how IT executives can facilitate the transition towards digital business and set the executive agenda for IT in larger organizations. This unit builds on IFN528 Management of Information Systems, which introduces you to a foundational understanding of information systems and their role in transforming organizations. 

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN645 Large Scale Data Mining

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

The data that modern data scientists have access to is larger and more complex than in previous generations. Dealing with these data requires specialised algorithms and the use of a higher performance or cloud computing environment. This unit outlines the challenges and opportunities associated with big data and introduces data mining algorithms that scale to large datasets. This unit will expand on the material presented in earlier data mining units and students will use their programming knowledge to implement data mining algorithms in high-performance computing environments.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN646 Biomedical Data Science

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

Biology and medicine are becoming data-intensive disciplines. From new sequencing technologies to electronic health records and wearable devices, it has never been easier or cheaper to generate biomedical data. This provides a great opportunity to study complex biological systems, to offer better patient care, etc., but working with this data is not trivial. This advanced unit will teach you how to handle and analyse biomedical data, as well as gain an appreciation of its strengths, limitations and complexities so that you can understand and critically interpret measurements and analyses. The unit aims to provide you with knowledge of modern biomedical technologies and the associated data science methodologies, buildingon what you have learned in IFN509. 

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN647 Text, Web and Media Analytics

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit provides an understanding of the principles and techniques underlying the development of Text, Web and social media analysis solutions to some of the varied and complex problems that involve big data. It covers data preprocessing techniques to represent and analyse text, web and social media data. It includes text classification, text clustering and topic modelling methods to understand the text data. It includes web log, structure and content mining to better organise and retrieve data from websites. It teaches you the methods of social network analysis dealing with both the structural and content information embedded within these networks such as sentiment mining, review analysis, etc. This unit is motivated by the ubiquity of unstructured big data in text, Web and social data for which it provides to future professionals and researchers in computer science and data science complimentary approaches to traditional systems

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN648 Applied Cryptography

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This advanced unit will provide an in-depth understanding of cryptographic algorithms and their applications. Cryptographic algorithms enable practical security services such as confidentiality and integrity assurance for stored or transmitted data, and authentication of entities. As a society, we are increasingly dependent on electronic systems, often interconnected, for storage and transmission of information. However, there are many threats to the security of information. This unit will explore the application of modern cryptographic techniques to protect information in a range of situations, and also provide an understanding of their limitations. This unit follows IFN553 Introduction to Security, and IFN541 Information SecurityManagement, and is a more detailed examination of a particular set of control mechanisms that make use of mathematical and analytical algorithms to protect information assets. 

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN649 Advanced Networks

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit is designed for graduate students in the Masters of IT. Students will learn the theory, architecture, hardware/software, and programming of networks, including network services, Internet-of-Things (IoT), as well the security, trust, and privacy considerations in these networks. You will learn the theory and practice of building, monitoring, and tailoring computer networks to applications, including core network functions and services such as routing, DHCP and DNS. You will also learn about the theory and practice of IoT networks that underpin the 'fourth industrial revolution'. There are two main components of the unit: collaborative learning activities covering the principles involved, and practical assignments in which you will build your own miniature networks using free open source software on virtual servers and on IoT devices.   

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN650 Business Process Analytics

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit introduces you to a number of process analysis techniques used during the design, execution and post-execution stages of the Business Process Management (BPM) life cycle. BPM provides organisations with the ability to save money and time by systematically  documenting, managing, automating and optimising their business processes. To unlock the true benefits of a process-aware organisation it is essential that process modelling efforts do not purely remain paper-based but act as the prelude to automated support. The last decade has seen increased uptake of process automation/workflow technology that has increased the potential for real, evidence-based analysis associated with the execution of various business processes. By applying techniques such as process verification, process simulation and process mining, we can gain  insights into both current and future business operations of an organisation, which in turn can lead to continuous process improvement.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN652 Enterprise Business Process Management

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

The unit provides a rich overview of key factors that impact the enterprise-wide deployment of Business Process Management (BPM). It covers how the current status of enterprise-wide Business Process Management (E-BPM) can be assessed and how to design and action roadmaps for E-BPM capability enhancements. The aim is to ensure that BPM within an organisation is strategically aligned and well governed by creating the right culture, applying the optimal mix of BPM methods and maximising and using emerging technologies in the design and management of business processes.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN653 Business Process Automation

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

This unit provides a detailed technical and practical exposition of modern business process automation. In order to fully realise the benefits of Business Process Management, it is essential to have the ability to transform business process models into executable process instances. These processes can be designed, executed, monitored, analysed and improved using Business Process Management Systems. The application of these systems can lead to significant cost reductions to an organisation and provide it with the flexibility to rapidly adapt to an ever-changing environment. Major themes of the unit include the theoretical and operational underpinnings of process automation, a detailed discussion on workflow patterns, runtime process flexibility and exception handling, and the design, implementation and deployment of process specifications using a state-of-the-art business process automation environment. 

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN657 Principles of Software Security

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

Many security vulnerabilities and threats arise at the software level. They can often be attributed to poor software design and implementation, including poor understanding of code-level security requirements, inadequate handling of exceptional cases, incomplete descriptions of the interface between components for secure interactions, and insufficient care in the use of programming languages. This unit provides an overall understanding of software security from a programming perspective in a security context, with the aim of improving your ability in designing, implementing and analysing security-critical programs. In this unit, you will learn about secure programming techniques that can be used to detect vulnerabilities in software and defend against attacks such as buffer overflows, SQL injection and cross-site scripting. The module also covers common mistakes made in using programming languages, libraries and frameworks, and how they can be avoided.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN662 Enterprise Systems and Applications

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit offers an introduction to enterprise systems. It covers core concepts about planning and implementation, main processes and data structures in an enterprise system and the theoretical. You will explore practical guidance on best practices in systems configuration, following SAP Enterprise Systems modules: financials (FI), controlling (CO), materials management (MM), sales and distribution (S&D) and production planning and control (PP). These core modules will also provide an overview of the fundamentals and capabilities of an Enterprise System. This unit is in the development stage of your course and builds on the work you learnt in Corporate Information Systems. It will provide some fundamental knowledge of the business processes that would be useful in Advanced Process Modelling or Business Process Case Studies.

IFN663 Advanced Enterprise Architecture

Unit information

School of Information Systems
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 2 (July)

Unit synopsis

IFN663 is an advanced unit on Enterprise Architecture (EA). The unit looks into the ways in which business and IT systems are planned using modelling techniques. It introduces how business and IT aligns and supports the scoping of IT solution architectures of individual systems and principles of enterprise architecture. It covers how to develop a multi-layered EA based on state-of-the-art modelling techniques in TOGAF Archimate and UML and provides skills for IT professional and senior roles. The unit builds upon pre-requisite knowledge from IFN500 Design Thinking for IT. Units such as IFN662 Enterprise Systems and Applications are highly related to this unit.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

IFN664 Advanced Algorithms and Computational Complexity

Unit information

School of Computer Science
Study level
Postgraduate units
Semester 1 (February)

Unit synopsis

This unit builds on the intermediate level Data Structures and Algorithms unit, progressing to advanced graduate level topics in data structures, algorithms and complexity analysis that would not normally be seen in an undergraduate curriculum. When faced with a challenging software problem to solve, it is important to be familiar with a range of clever, but general algorithms and data structures that others in the field have already developed. When no ready-made solution exists, it is important to understand and be guided by the general principles of algorithm design, and to draw upon the experience of the profession in creating new methods. You will learn how to analyse the computational complexity of new and existing algorithms, to determine their suitability for the task at hand.  And most importantly, you will learn how to apply your knowledge to solve practical real-world problems.

Approval required

You can only enrol in this postgraduate unit if you meet the specified requirements and have significant background knowledge in the area of study. After you apply, we will assess the units and your background knowledge and let you know the outcome.

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