Justice is your opportunity to learn to create a more just, equitable world. Study policing and governance, learn about the contemporary issues in social justice that are influencing our lives, and build skills and strategies to shape a fairer society.
Units you can choose
Design your own study abroad or exchange semester by selecting individual units or a set of related units in your field of interest. Some of our study areas also have packages of units that will make your applying process easier.
We've done the hard work for you and packaged together some of our units to make your decision easier. Choose a package depending on your interests and previous study, or choose from all our justice units to create your own study plan.
No previous studies in justice required
Introduction to Justice package
Requires some knowledge of justice
Politics package
- JSB171 Justice and Society
- JSB261 Theories of Government
- JSB379 Political Practice, People Power, and Protest
- JSB285 Political Violence and Terrorism
Policing package
- JSB170 Introduction to Criminology and Policing
- JSB180 Deviance
- JSB284 Policing in Context
- JSB228 Technology and Crime
Criminology package
- JSB170 Introduction to Criminology and Policing
- JSB272 Theories of Crime
- JSB228 Technology and Crime
- JSB208 Gender Crime and Criminal Justice System
Global Justice package
- JSB171 Justice and Society
- JSB261 Theories of Government
- JSB379 Political Practice, People Power, and Protest
- JSB270 Global Justice and Human Security
Approved units
All students can study these units, regardless of your academic background. These units will be approved on your QUT study plan after you apply.
JSB170 Introduction to Criminology and Policing
Introduction to Criminology and Policing will provide you with an introduction to the disciplines of criminology and policing. This unit will provide you with a foundation for understanding theories, concepts, and issues related to criminology and policing in an Australian and international context. It begins with an exploration of the existing explanations of crime from both an individual and social theoretical perspective and will provide you with a background of policing in Queensland, Australia, and internationally. The remainder of the unit then covers topics of interest to those within the area of criminal justice, policing and criminology, for example, crimes in the home, crime in public, white collar crime, and youth crime.
JSB171 Justice and Society
An understanding and appreciation of the complexities of social justice, and particularly their impact on criminal justice outcomes in our society, is a key skill for competent justice professionals. This unit provides the foundational sociological and criminological knowledge that is necessary to understanding justice in a social context, and which is essential for ensuring justice professionals act in socially just and ethical ways.
JSB172 Professional Academic Skills
Professionals in many fields including Justice are required to have outstanding academic literacy and professional skills, particularly the ability to source, understand and analyse written sources and synthesise evidence into professional written formats. This unit gives students a thorough grounding in the core academic and professional literacies required during their studies and into their graduate careers.
JSB173 Understanding the Criminal Justice System
Justice professionals require a thorough foundational understanding of how Australia’s systems of justice operate structurally and how people progress through those systems. This unit provides a critical overview of the Australian Criminal Justice System through examinations of the key arms of policing, courts and corrections and their processes.
JSB174 Forensic Psychology and the Justice System
Forensic Psychology is readily acknowledged as one of the fastest growing areas of psychology in the world. Psychologists are now involved significantly in policing, judicial procedures and correctional processes. The term 'forensic' literally means 'of or used in law courts' (Australian Oxford Paperback Dictionary). The phrase 'psychology and the justice system', however, is now used more generally to describe the different ways in which psychology and law intersect - namely the psychology of the law, psychology in the law, and psychology by the law. By its very nature the study of psychology and law draws from a wide multidisciplinary base for the application of specialised knowledge. As a student of this discipline area, you will need a broad introductory appreciation of (and a critical perspective on) what the study of psychology involves.
JSB178 Policy, Governance and Justice
This unit is designed to introduce students to the practice and theorising of politics and policy making. It will provide you with a foundation to understand the people, systems and structures that influence how our government works. Understanding political dynamics and how good policy-making happens helps prepare students to work in government agencies, or to work more effectively in non-governmental roles concerning law and justice. In addition to providing a conceptual overview of the structures and functions of government, this unit introduces students to the practical elements of policy-making enabling you to develop basic political communication skills.
JSB180 Deviance and Social Justice
The study of deviance engages with fundamental aspects of criminology and justice studies, such as the making and breaking of laws, the analysis of issues pertaining to marginalised social groups and activities, and other important social justice concerns. Drawing on problem solving skills and interpretive traditions in the social sciences, the unit encourages students to think critically about "deviance" (often manifesting as a social problem or contested behaviour), asking why some activities and social groups are considered deviant and others not across various historical and cultural contexts. The unit examines social and legal responses to managing and controlling deviance and engages with important related problems in social justice, such as gender equality and racial discrimination. The scope and concerns of the unit make it broadly accessible to students and the unit's focus on real world social problems will appeal to a broad cross-section of QUT's student market.
JSB181 Introduction to Justice Research Methods
Research skills are essential for justice professionals and enable evidence-based decision making and effective policy development within the criminal justice system. This unit is designed to provide students with a foundation in applied research practice. At completion of this unit, you will develop skills in various research methodologies, including survey construction, interview techniques, observational methodologies, and experimental designs. You will also be equipped with the skills necessary for rigorous academic inquiry and evidence-based decision making within the justice discipline.
Units requiring approval
Students need specific academic background knowledge to study these units. We will assess your eligibility and determine if you’re able to take these units after you apply. We will let you know the outcome as soon as possible.
JSB184 Sex and Crimes
This unit teaches specialised knowledge to students about how sex crime is legislated, regulated and adjudicated and explores the implications that this may produce for victims and offenders. It connects broader knowledge about policing and criminal justice with specific issues relevant to sex offenders and sex crime victims involved in the criminal justice process.
JSB207 Punishment and Penal Policy
In the modern Western context, concerns with crime, victimisation and social harm are key concerns for the citizenry. These issues also make up a significant part of media and political discourse and it could thus be argued that crime and punishment are defining cultural motifs of modern Western societies, forever concerned with security and safety from the 'criminal other'. This unit offers you a critical overview of the evolution of Western responses to crime over the past two centuries. The unit introduces the philosophies and theories that have underpinned the development of penal policy during that period. Using Australian and other case studies, you will be introduced to a range of policies and interventions associated with the construction of the modern penal system. The various stages of the development of penal policy will be covered. The unit will challenge you to think critically about a range of key issues confronting the penal system and policy-makers.
JSB219 Case Studies in Major Crime
Serious crimes such as homicide and child abuse are prominent in contemporary media debate and public commentary. Criminology and Justice Studies are multidiscipinary enterprises with a key focus on how both the criminal justice system and society more generally responds to these types of crime events. By closely studying different aspects of a range of historical major crimes, students will obtain a better understanding of the important criminal justice system responses and social processes associated with these events, and will develop enhanced skills in cultural analysis and social justice. The unit's focus on real world social problems will appeal to QUT's broader student market.
JSB224 Understanding Trauma in Criminology
This subject addresses the ways in which trauma is important to theory and practice in criminal justice and social justice discourse. Trauma informed practice is explored in ways that introduce students to theory and skills in order to inform their engagement with policy and practice and expand their understanding of professional work in criminal justice. This is particularly important in understanding intergenerational trauma in Indigenous communities. This subject will build on understanding gained in core units to help prepare for careers working in criminal justice agencies and policy development in criminal justice related fields.
JSB225 Forensic Criminology
Criminology becomes forensic criminology when research and theories are used to answer specific questions for investigations, court, or corrections. Forensic criminology uses the scientific method to apply traditional criminological knowledge to issues arising in specific cases. In this unit, students will be introduced to the application of criminology to case work, including the overarching principles, ethics and ethos of forensic best-practice. Students will learn about how forensic criminology is used in: investigating criminal behaviour and deaths; complementing the forensic sciences; understanding victims and miscarriages of justice; predicting risk; and preventing revictimization and recidivism.
JSB228 Technology and Crime
Technology is becoming increasingly used within society and is an important domain of knowledge and skills for justice professionals. This unit provides students with a grounding in how technology may be used to perpetrate crime and respond to crime problems. Students will learn about different types of crime that may be perpetrated using technology, such as cybercrime, image-based abuse, and technology facilitated coercive control. Students will also learn how technologies may be used in modern policing practices, including the use of body worn cameras, apps and other technologies. At completion of this unit students will be able to consider the implications of technology in the practice of justice.
JSB255 Environmental Justice and Climate Change
Issues pertaining to ecological harms and the protection of the environment are becoming ever more crucial in the development of both national and international policy. The balance between 'developing' and 'harming' the environment is socially constructed through discourses around such issues as trade, resource exploitation, international justice, activism and human rights. It is vital that all harmful acts - unlawful or otherwise - that damage or destroy the environment are understood and critiqued within the broader context of governmental policies of prevention and regulation.This unit prepares future professionals who will be employed in an environmental capacity, or will work more generally in policy and advocacy-based positions which intersect with issues of ecological harm and justice.
JSB261 Theories of Government
You cannot fully understand our system of government without understanding the history of the theories that have led to this point. This is core knowledge for working in policy or politics. This unit will run through all the major theories of how governments should operate and the basis of authority, legitimacy and freedom. JSB261 Theory of Government will provide you with the necessary knowledge of what our system of government is designed to do and why we have this rather than another system of government.
JSB263 Global Political Institutions
Justice graduates are increasingly taking on key roles working in or alongside political institutions. It is essential that graduates have a full and working knowledge of the structure and process of international governance in order to excel in these roles in an increasingly professionalised and globalised public sector. This unit will explore the establishment, evolution and functioning of key international and Australian political institutions, in order to increase students' understanding and awareness of our systems of governance.
JSB270 Global Justice and Human Rights
In an increasingly globalised world, justice professionals are frequently faced with challenges that are international in scope. Human rights abuses, environmental instability, poverty, conflict and regional instability act as obstacles to the maintenance of domestic order and international peace and security, as well as an individual's capacity to live a dignified life. This unit explores challenges to human rights in a global context, with a focus on human rights violations during conflict, issues of justice and equity associated with the movement and migration of people, and the human rights environment for marginalised communities. The unit also introduces students to theories of global justice as a lens through which to understand human rights. This unit will assist students to understand challenges in the global context and how they might work to address them.
JSB272 Theories of Crime
Criminology is a multi-disciplinary field and this is reflected in the diversity of theoretical approaches, which draw on various sciences, psychology, sociology, philosophy and politics. Theory is typically offered as distinct from methods of research; however, together they provide the foundation for policy and practice. The unit provides an analytical framework in order to critically assess the epistemological claims and justifications found in criminological theory. A range of criminological explanations and theories of crime are explored: classicism/neo-classicism; biological and psychological positivism; anomie; strain theory; the Chicago school; labelling theory; feminist criminology; Marxism; critical criminology; new right theory; left realism; and cultural criminology. The course stresses the relevance and application of theory, examining how theory 'works' (or 'fails') in practice.
JSB284 Policing in Context
This unit is concerned with the diverse roles, duties, powers and problems of policing in Australia. These issues are explored through a variety of topics, which include the history and context of policing in Australia and internationally, the powers and duties of police officers, police ethics and oversight, the effectiveness of different policing strategies, and the social challenges of police-community interaction.
JSB286 Domestic and Family Violence
Domestic and family violence involve crimes that are pertinent to virtually all justice professions and contexts from policing to law and justice policy. They are also a central issue in health care and social services, and arise in many other employment contexts. This unit provides a comprehensive introduction to research, issues and professional practice that students will be able to apply in many areas.
JSB287 Crime in Popular Culture
Crime and criminality are ubiquitous in popular culture. Justice studies and criminology are multidisciplinary enterprises with a longstanding interest in cultural and social responses to crime. A critical account of how criminality and justice are represented in popular culture will provide a better understanding of how cultural genres shape mainstream attitudes and responses to crime, including shifting political and policy responses. This unit provides a comprehensive introduction to research and issues in the field that students will be able to apply in many areas of practice, including the analysis of media responses to crime.
JSB290 Victimology
This unit builds on your understanding of criminology by introducing you to the closely aligned discipline of victimology. This unit centres the perspectives of victims and provides opportunity to build a more comprehensive understanding of criminal justice, political perspectives, and working with vulnerable people. The unit will provide you with opportunities to build, practice and provide evidence of your analysis and problem-solving skills in relation to the role, needs, and rights of victims of harm.
JSB372 Youth Justice
The unit teaches specialised knowledge to students in their final years of study and is imperative for students interested in working in the field of youth justice. It connects broader knowledge about policing and criminal justice with specific issues relevant to young people who become involved in the criminal justice system, with a focus on socially just outcomes for young offenders.
JSB379 Political Practice, People Power, and Protest
There is increasing demand in Australia for graduates with the skills and expertise required to contribute to the policy-making process and delivery of democracy. It is therefore necessary for students who wish to work in the public sector or as part of the political process to understand the role of people power in political decision-making. This unit offers students an insight into global and national social movements, political lobbying, and political participation.
JSB380 Critical Policy Analysis
Critical policy analysis is an essential ability in the justice sector, and policies in this field have significant social consequences. It is imperative that those employed in areas connected to justice are equipped with the skills to critically interrogate policy evidence, impacts and implications. This unit will draw on important debates in contemporary policy (including Indigenous policy) to explore some important ways policy works - as a practical expression of government intentions, as a mechanism for social inclusion and exclusion, and as an expression of social and political relationships. This unit provides the opportunity for you to draw together the knowledge and skills you have developed in this area, and build on them, in order to hone and practice these capabilities.
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If you have questions about choosing units, get in touch with the study abroad and exchange team and we’ll gladly help you out.