The Year 12 Early Offer Scheme can provide certainty about your future options, with an offer to study at QUT before receiving your ATAR, IB Diploma or VET Diploma. If eligible, you'll receive an offer for your QTAC first preference the day you complete Year 12.
The scheme includes more than 80 single and double degrees from a wide range of study areas including business, creative arts, engineering, health and science.
Important dates
The scheme has two offer rounds in November 2024. If you can't upload your results for the first offer round (15 November 2024), don’t worry as you can still be considered for the same courses in the second offer round (25 November 2024).
1 August
QTAC applications open.
30 August - 18 October
QUT invitation email sent weekly to eligible applicants.
16 October
Final date to complete your QTAC application to be considered for an early offer invitation.
31 October
Final date to upload supporting documentation to QTAC for guaranteed consideration for 15 November offer round.
21 October - 12 November
Year 12 exam block.
8 November
Approved applicants notified by QTAC email.
12 November
Final date for approved applicants to reorder preferences to ensure an eligible QUT course is listed as your QTAC first preference.
15 November
QTAC early offers released to approved applicants with an eligible QUT course as their first preference.
15 November
Final date to upload supporting documentation to QTAC for guaranteed consideration for 25 November offer round.
25 November
QTAC early offers released to approved applicants with an eligible QUT course as their first preference.
Am I eligible?
The scheme is open to Australian, New Zealand and international students completing Year 12 at a Queensland high school in 2024. This includes:
- Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) students who either:
- are completing at least five ATAR General subjects
- have a completed AQF VET Diploma
- International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme students on an IB Diploma study plan
- QCE or IB students who have successfully completed two START QUT units.
ATAR Applied subjects and AQF VET Certificate III or IV studies are not considered for the Year 12 Early Offer Scheme. However, you may be eligible for an offer from December if you completed an AQF VET Certificate IV.
Required school results
Our early offer courses are divided into two groups based on the school results you'll need to apply.
QUT course | QCE | IB Diploma | AQF VET Diploma | START QUT | Get Uni Ready |
Group 1 | You must achieve both:
| You must achieve both:
| Completed VET Diploma | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Group 2 | You must achieve both:
| You must achieve both:
| Completed VET Diploma | Completed START QUT with passing grades in two units | Completed Get Uni Ready |
If you have already completed a senior subject the final mark will be used. If you are QCE student studying an external senior subject, that subject will only be considered if it is already competed.
Talk to your school careers adviser, teacher or year level coordinator about your options if you’re not sure you’ll meet the requirements.
If you have completed Get Uni Ready, the QUT Future Students team will reach out to you to provide advice on the application process.
What courses are included in the scheme?
Group 1
Group 2
My preferred course isn't listed
You can still be considered for your preferred course as part of the usual QTAC offer rounds. However, if you would also like to be considered for an early offer as a back-up, you‘ll need to list one of the eligible courses as your QTAC first preference.
If eligible, you can accept this early offer and then reorder your QTAC preferences to be considered for your preferred course in the December and January offer rounds based on your ATAR or selection rank.
Applying and receiving an offer
Step 1: Apply through QTAC
Complete your QTAC application by 16 October, listing one of our eligible courses in your top three preferences.
Step 2: Receive your invitation
You’ll receive an email inviting you to apply for the scheme.
Invitation emails will be sent out each week. If you’ve only recently selected your preferences, your invitation email may still be pending and will be sent the following week.
You can also view your invitation and other early offer correspondence through your QTAC online application, in the ‘Outstanding Documents’ menu.
Make sure you check your junk and spam email folders and add QTAC to your safe sender list.
Step 3: Upload supporting documentation
When you have received your invitation, upload your supporting documentation to your QTAC application. You must upload your documents by 31 October for the 15 November QTAC offer round. Upload them as one combined PDF attachment.
The final date to provide documentation is 15 November to be considered for the 25 November QTAC offer round.
Step 4: Receive approval and list course as your first QTAC preference
If you've been approved for an early offer, you'll receive an email notification on Friday 8 November.
Make sure one of our eligible courses is listed as your QTAC first preference by Tuesday 12 November. If you have another course listed as your first preference, you won't receive an early offer.
Early offers will be released on Friday 15 November. A second round of early offers will be released on Monday 25 November.
Remember to always check your QTAC online application and your email, including your junk and spam folders, so you don't miss out on any advice about your application.
Step 5: Respond to your early offer
Follow the instructions on your offer email. When you've accepted your early offer through QTAC, you'll then be able to enrol at QUT when enrolment opens.
Don’t ignore your early offer and let it lapse - once QTAC has sent you an offer, they won’t send you a reminder or a follow-up offer.
If you’re unsure about accepting your early offer, we suggest that you accept, and then reorder your QTAC preferences to be considered for other offers in December and January when you know your ATAR or selection rank. Once you have placed a new course as your first preference, the response for your old first preference changes to conditional.
You can defer your offer if you want to take time off before starting study.
Supporting documentation
QCE ATAR students
Queensland IB Diploma Programme students
AQF VET Diploma students
START QUT students
Documentation we won't accept
You can't upload:
- screenshots of your Learning Snapshot or TrackEd
- statements from your school confirming completion of the VET Diploma (unless your school was the provider of your VET Diploma).
Other things to consider
Adjustment schemes
As the early offer scheme uses your school results and not your completed ATAR or selection rank, adjustments can't be applied. If you're not eligible for an early offer, adjustments will apply to your ATAR or selection rank in the December and January offer rounds.
If you’re applying for EAS or the Elite Athlete Entry Scheme, you’re still encouraged to complete these through your QTAC application as it could assist you with possible scholarships and additional support.
QUT scholarships
You can still apply for QUT undergraduate scholarships, including the QUT Excellence Scholarships, which are awarded based on your completed ATAR or selection rank.
QUT offer guarantee
If you’re not successful in receiving an early offer, there are still many options for you to get into QUT using your completed ATAR or selection rank in the December and January offer rounds, including the QUT offer guarantee.
If you receive an ATAR or selection rank equal to or higher than the published offer guarantee, you’re guaranteed a place in the course regardless of the final threshold determined in January. You can assess your eligibility for an offer as soon as you know your ATAR or selection rank.