B2B knowledge transfer mechanisms critical to building stronger relationships
QUT marketing research has shown the vital role that both formal and informal mechanisms - such as training and coaching - play in enhancing customer loyalty and trust in Business to Business relationships through the extent of knowledge transferred by a supplier.

QUT researchers bring their ‘A’ game to science festival
From AI, androids and automation to astronomy and Antarctica – QUT researchers are bringing their ‘A’ game to this year’s World Science Festival Brisbane.

Qld sport boost: QUT becomes first gold tier member of AIS education network
QUT has become the first Australian university to be named a gold tier member of the Australian Institute of Sport’s new Elite Sport Education Network (ESEN).

QUT students work to improve Thai community health and wellbeing
A group of QUT design, health and business students recently worked with the Wat Duang Khae community in Thailand to improve community health and wellbeing before presenting their ideas at Bangkok Design Week.

Made with Love: QUT researchers question how much shoppers care
Love might be in the air for Valentine’s Day, but QUT researchers have found not all consumers are smitten with handmade products at the point of purchase, especially if they like to shop at speed.

We love luxury goods, as long as you don’t tell us they're sustainable
Marketers promoting circular luxury products should discard words like ‘recycled’, ‘sustainable’ and even ‘eco-friendly’, say QUT researchers who found consumers prefer a combination of ‘sustainable’ and ‘progress-focused’ action words when considering sustainable luxury buys.