Author: Peter O'Connor
18 January, 2021
Filed under:
Leadership and management, Organisational behaviour
To get ahead as an introvert, act like an extravert. It’s not as hard as you think
Introverts tend to overestimate the negatives of acting like an extravert and underestimate the positives.
Read more of To get ahead as an introvert, act like an extravert. It’s not as hard as you think
28 July, 2020
Filed under:
Organisational behaviour
Yes Ita, younger workers might actually be less resilient. But all workers should be thanked
Are younger people really less resilient at work? Or is this simply an example of older people holding negative stereotypes about younger people?
2 July, 2020
Filed under:
Organisational behaviour
Disagreeability, neuroticism and stress: what drives panic buying during the COVID-19 pandemic
What motivates people to panic buy and stockpile goods like toilet paper? The COVID-19 pandemic has given us the chance to find out.
14 May, 2020
Filed under:
Organisational behaviour, Leadership and management
Not all doom and gloom: even in a pandemic, mixed emotions are more common than negative ones
Things may seem all doom and gloom. New data reveals it’s surprisingly rare for a person to experience purely negative emotions. More commonly, people are instead experiencing mixed emotions, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.
18 April, 2018
Filed under:
Leadership and management, Organisational behaviour
Playing nice at work could cost you success
Individuals high in traits like narcissism, actively seek out prestige, target high level jobs and make their accomplishments known to those around them.