Scholarship details
Application dates
- Applications close
- 2 June 2025
What you'll receive
- You'll receive a stipend of $33,637 per annum for a maximum duration of 3.5 years while undertaking a QUT PhD. The duration includes an extension of up to six months if approved for your candidature. This is the full-time, tax exempt rate which will index annually.
- You will receive a tuition fee offset/sponsorship, covering the cost of your tuition fees for the first four full-time equivalent years of your doctoral studies.
- As the scholarship recipient, you will have the opportunity to work with a team of leading researchers, to undertake your own innovative research in and across the field.
To be eligible for this scholarship you:
- need to meet the entry requirements for a QUT Doctor of Philosophy, including any English language requirements
- must enrol as a full-time, internal student (unless approval for part-time and/or external study is obtained)
- must commence your degree by 6 October 2025
- must have a background or skills in creating digital environments or working with virtual reality or augmented reality.
Preference will be given to applicants who have experience in or established careers in the live performing arts sector.
How to apply
Apply for this scholarship at the same time you apply for admission to a QUT Doctor of Philosophy.
- The first step is to email Dr Shane Pike detailing your academic and research background, your motivation to research in this field and interest in this scholarship, and include your CV.
- If supported to apply, you will then submit an expression of interest (EOI) following the advice at how to apply for a research degree.
- In your EOI, nominate Dr Shane Pike as your proposed principal supervisor, and copy the link to this scholarship website into question two of the financial details section.
About the scholarship
This scholarship is supported through ARC Linkage project LP240100200. Advancing Digital Innovation in the Australian Live Performing Arts Sector is led by Dr Elizabeth Gibbs in collaboration with researchers from QUT and Edith Cowan University in Perth, and nine leading organisations from the Australian live performance sector.
This project will advance digital adoption and best practice (such as live stream, AR/VR, AI) for the benefit of the live performance sector. Post COVID-19, there is an urgent need to grow audiences, to reach diverse and remote communities and broaden the impact of the proven benefit of arts and culture to well-being. In partnership with nine of Australia’s leading performing arts institutions, the research will establish a picture of current digital performance and co-design exemplars for practice, policy settings and scholarship. Through a qualitative, multi-method approach the research will generate resources for industry, case studies, policy reports for Creative Australia, scholarly and media articles and convene two signature events. This PhD project will help to create innovative digital exemplars and investigate potential avenues for future-proofing the performing arts sector.
The candidate will sit within the School of Creative Arts and will have full access to HDR support from the QUT Design Lab and the XR Screen Futures Hubs.