How much will my course cost?

University is an important investment in your future.

Course information on our site includes an indicative fee for each course. This gives you an estimate of how much the first year of the course will cost if you enrol full-time in the standard units.

Your actual fees might be different. The amount you pay depends on the units you choose, the number of units you enrol in and the year you study.

Fees will increase annually, with the new rate applied at the start of each year.

Some courses may have extra costs for equipment, course-specific materials, practical training, protective clothing and field trips. Other costs could include application fees and credit card surcharges.

Find a course and check indicative fees

Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP)

As a domestic student, you could be entitled to a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) at university. This means that the Australian Government subsidises your fees so that you only pay the remainder of the fees through a 'student contribution' amount. To be eligible for a CSP, you must satisfy one of the following residency requirements:

  1. Australian citizen, and will undertake at least one unit of study in Australia that contributes to your course of study
  2. New Zealand citizen, living in Australia for the teaching period, unless your course requires you to live elsewhere
  3. Holder of an Australian permanent visa (including humanitarian visa holders), and living in Australia for the teaching period, unless your course requires you to live elsewhere.

Postgraduate students

Most domestic students in postgraduate courses are offered domestic fee paying places.

Tuition fees are based on the units you study, taking into account the principal subject matter of the unit and the level of study. View the cost of individual units to check the actual amount of tuition fees.

You may be eligible for a FEE-HELP loan to help you pay for your course.

Course information includes an indicative cost per year. This is calculated as an average over the whole course using the most common units in which students enrol.

Some postgraduate courses are eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place.

Student Services and Amenities Fee

Each semester, you’ll need to pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). This fee is based on the units you’re enrolled in. The maximum fee for 2024 is $351. In 2025, the maximum fee will be $365.

Example charges per unit:

Credit Point Value20242025
6 credit points $21.90 $22.80
12 credit points $43.85 $45.60
24 credit points $87.75 $91.25
48 credit points $175.50 $182.50

The SSAF goes toward non-academic university services, like health and welfare, employment and career advice, and enriching campus culture.

The SSAF Advisory Group meet three times a year to discuss and approve SSAF funded initiatives. The group consists of representatives from the Student Guild, Academic Division, Chancellery and Administrative Services.

Ideas for new initiatives and feedback on existing initiatives are collected from students through:

  • an annual invitation to students to feedback on proposed initiatives
  • consultation with QUT Student Guild
  • feedback on existing SSAF initiatives
  • feedback on QUT services.

Who the fee applies to

The fee applies to domestic students studying:

  • undergraduate certificates
  • diplomas
  • undergraduate (including honours) degrees
  • postgraduate coursework degrees.

From 2022 the SSAF will apply to students studying on campus, online and in external study modes.

International students don't have to pay the SSAF.

When to pay

Each semester or teaching period you'll receive an invoice about two weeks before the start of each semester or teaching period. We don't issue them when you enrol.

You'll need to pay or defer the fee by the teaching period census date. If you don't, you'll receive a sanction on your student account.

Ways to pay

You can pay your fees:

  • with Flywire
  • online with a credit card
  • using BPAY
  • with direct deposit
  • by phone
  • in person at Australia Post by:
    • credit card
    • EFTPOS
    • cash.

Annual report

Read our annual report to find out how your Student Services and Amenities Fee contributed to a better university experience for everyone.


Read our official student fees and charges policy in the Manual of Policy and Procedures.

Student contribution amounts

The government introduced legislation that may change the amount you pay for your student contribution amount in your Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) from 2021. If you are a continuing student (enrolled before 1 January 2021) studying units in disciplines with increased student contribution amounts, you will continue paying the same amount (subject to indexation) for those units as you would have, had the reforms not been implemented.

The legislation also:

  • requires all students who commenced study from 1 January 2021 to provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI) to be eligible for a Commonwealth assistance or a HELP loan
  • reduces the 25% FEE-HELP loan fee to 20% from 1 January 2022
  • requires students to maintain a 50% overall pass rate to remain eligible for Commonwealth assistance from 2022
  • re-introduces 7 years of Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) for Commonwealth Supported Places from 2022.

The legislation that reintroduced the 10% discount for paying student contribution amounts up front has now been repealed.  This will apply to units with a census date from 1 January 2023.

Student contribution amounts for students starting a course of study from 1 January 2021

Band Principal subject matter (field of education classification) 2024 $/EFTSL 2025
1 Teaching, postgraduate clinical psychology, English, maths, nursing, languages, agriculture $4,445 $4,627
2 Allied health, other health, architecture, IT, creative arts, engineering, environmental studies, science, professional pathway psychology, professional pathway social work $8,948 $9,314
3 Medical, dental, veterinary science $12,720 $13,241
4 Law, accounting, economics, management, commerce, social studies, political science, justice, behavioural science (except postgraduate clinical psychology, and professional pathway psychology and social work), communications $16,323 $16,992

Student contribution amounts for pre-2021 continuing students from 1 January 2021

Band Principal subject matter (field of education classification) 2024 $/EFTSL 2025
Previous 1 Behavioural science, social studies, justice, creative arts, communications, professional pathway psychology, professional pathway social work $7,659 $7,973
Previous 3 Law, economics, management, commerce $12,781 $13,305
Current 1 Teaching, postgraduate clinical psychology, English, maths, nursing, languages, agriculture $4,445 $4,627
Current 2 Allied health, other health, architecture, IT, engineering, environmental studies, science $8,948 $9,314
Current 3 Medical, dental, veterinary science $12,720 $13,241

You may be eligible to be considered a 'pre-2021 student' if:

  • you started a course of study (the ongoing course) with a provider before 1 January 2021, and did not complete that course by 31 December 2020
  • you completed a course of study on or before 31 December 2020 and, on or after 1 January 2021, you start another course that relates to the earlier course and leads to an honours degree
  • you were undertaking, in 2020, an enabling course and, on or after 1 January 2021, you start another course of study that is leading to an award
  • you were undertaking, in 2020, a course of study leading to an undergraduate certificate (UC) and, on or after 1 January 2021, you start another course of study that relates to the UC course and that is leading to a bachelor degree.

You are not considered a 'pre-2021 student' if:

  • you transfer to the same course but at a different university
  • you are changing from a single degree to a double degree
  • you are changing from a double degree to a single degree
  • you withdrew from your course of study and did not re-enrol in units (in the same course) with a census date prior to 1 January 2021.

Psychology and social work unit fees

Student contribution amounts for students starting a course of study from 1 January 2021

Psychology discipline units in postgraduate clinical psychology courses

This information applies to the following courses:

  • Master of Clinical Psychology (PY18)
  • Master of Psychology (Educational and Developmental) (PY19)
  • Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) (PY50)
6 credit points
$277 (2024); $289 (2025)
12 credit points
$555 (2024); $578 (2025)
24 credit points
$1,111 (2024); $1,156 (2025)
36 credit points
$1,666 (2024); $1,735 (2025)
48 credit points
$2,222 (2024); $2,313 (2025)
1 equivalent full-time study load (96 credit points)
$4,445 (2024); $4,627 (2025)
Psychology discipline units in psychology professional pathway courses

This information applies to the following courses:

  • Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) (HL17)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Social Work (HL20)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (HL27)
  • Bachleor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Creative Arts (ID49)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Design (ID56)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Business (IX51)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Justice (IX77)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (ID44)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Honours Psychology) (PY09)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) (PY45)
6 credit points
$559 (2024); $582 (2025)
12 credit points
$1,118 (2024); $1,164 (2025)
24 credit points
$2,237 (2024); $2,328 (2025)
36 credit points
$3,355 (2024); $3,492 (2025)
48 credit points
$4,474 (2024); $4,657 (2025)
1 equivalent full-time study load (96 credit points)
$8,948 (2024); $9,314 (2025)
Social work discipline units in social work professional pathway courses

This information applies to the following courses:

  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Social Work (HL20)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) / Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (HL27)
  • Bachelor of Human Services/Bachelor of Public Health (HL41)
  • Bachelor of Creative Industries/Bachelor of Human Services (ID02)
  • Bachelor of Human Services/Bachelor of Business (IX42)
  • Bachelor of Human Services/Bachelor of Justice (IX78)
  • Bachelor of Human Services (SW03)
  • Bachelor of Social Work (SW04)
  • Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (SW05)
  • Master of Social Work - Qualifying (SW80)
  • Master of Social Work - Qualifying (SW81)
6 credit points
$559 (2024); $582 (2025)
12 credit points
$1,118 (2024); $1,164 (2025)
24 credit points
$2,237 (2024); $2,328 (2025)
36 credit points
$3,355 (2024); $3,492 (2025)
48 credit points
$4,474 (2024); $4,657 (2025)
1 equivalent full-time study load (96 credit points)
$8,948 (2024); $9,314 (2025)
Psychology or social work discipline units in other courses

This information applies to all other courses.

6 credit points
$1,020 (2024), $1,062 (2025)
12 credit points
$2,040 (2024); $2,124 (2025)
24 credit points
$4,080 (2024); $4,248 (2025)
36 credit points
$6,121 (2024); $6,372 (2025)
48 credit points
$8,161 (2024); $8,496 (2025)
1 equivalent full-time study load (96 credit points)
$16,323 (2024); $16,992 (2025)

Student contribution amounts for continuing students who started before 1 January 2021

Psychology discipline units in postgraduate clinical psychology courses

This information applies to the following courses:

  • Master of Clinical Psychology (PY18)
  • Master of Psychology (Educational and Developmental) (PY19)
6 credit points
$277 (2024); $289 (2025)
12 credit points
$555 (2024); $578 (2025)
24 credit points
$1,111 (2024); $1,156 (2025)
36 credit points
$1,666 (2024); $1,735 (2025)
48 credit points
$2,222 (2024); $2,313 (2025)
1 equivalent full-time study load (96 credit points)
$4,445 (2024); $4,627 (2025)
Psychology discipline units in psychology professional pathway courses

This information applies to the following courses:

  • Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) (HL17)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Social Work (HL20)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) / Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (HL27)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Business (IX51)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Justice (IX77)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (ID44)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Honours Psychology) (PY09)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) (PY45)
6 credit points
$478 (2024); $498 (2025)
12 credit points
$957 (2024); $996 (2025)
24 credit points
$1,914 (2024); $1,993 (2025)
36 credit points
$2,872 (2024); $2,989 (2025)
48 credit points
$3,829 (2024); $3,986 (2025)
1 equivalent full-time study load (96 credit points)
$7,659 (2024); $7,973 (2025)
Social work discipline units in social work professional pathway courses

This information applies to the following courses:

  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Social Work (HL20)
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) / Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (HL27)
  • Bachelor of Human Services/Bachelor of Public Health (HL41)
  • Bachelor of Creative Industries/Bachelor of Human Services (ID02)
  • Bachelor of Human Services/Bachelor of Business (IX42)
  • Bachelor of Human Services/Bachelor of Justice (IX78)
  • Bachelor of Human Services (SW03)
  • Bachelor of Social Work (SW04)
  • Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (SW05)
  • Master of Social Work - Qualifying (SW80)
  • Master of Social Work - Qualifying (SW81)
6 credit points
$478 (2024); $498 (2025)
12 credit points
$957 (2024); $996 (2025)
24 credit points
$1,914 (2024); $1,993 (2025)
36 credit points
$2,872 (2024); $2,989 (2025)
48 credit points
$3,829 (2024); $3,986 (2025)
1 equivalent full-time study load (96 credit points)
$7,659 (2024); $7,973 (2025)
Psychology or social work discipline units in other courses

This information applies to all other courses.

6 credit points
$478 (2024); $498 (2025)
12 credit points
$957 (2024); $996 (2025)
24 credit points
$1,914 (2024); $1,993 (2025)
36 credit points
$2,872 (2024); $2,989 (2025)
48 credit points
$3,829 (2024); $3,986 (2025)
1 equivalent full-time study load (96 credit points)
$7,659 (2024); $7,973 (2025)

My employer is paying for my study

Full degrees

If your employer is covering the cost of your study, they'll need to make a formal arrangement with us by completing a sponsorship request. We'll then invoice your employer for your fees each teaching period.

If your studies are partially sponsored, both you and your employer will receive invoices for your respective portions of the fees.

Sponsorship request

Short courses

If your employer is covering the cost of studying a short course, they can pay at the time of registration. Email for more information.

Financial support

Government loans

Australian and New Zealand students may be eligible for a HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP loan to help you pay your course fees, or an SA-HELP loan to help pay for the SSAF.

Explore your options

To help you cover your living costs, you may also be eligible for Centrelink support.

Learn more at Centrelink

Government aid

International students may be able to apply for government aid programs that can offer financial support.

Aid programs