
Chemistry underpins all aspects of the natural and physical world and appears in all science disciplines, including physics, biology, earth and environmental science.

In this unit you will explore scientific examples in the broader field of chemistry where collaborations and exploration of material culture/practices have resulted in the production of novel solutions or products that have significant contemporary societal impacts. You will participate in authentic hands-on scientific workshops collaboratively in small groups and also laboratory practical classes and activities to experience science in action firsthand.

Importantly you will explore the contributions and integral role of First Nations peoples in the advancement of Australian science and how developing this partnership is critical for scientists in the 21st century.


  • Foundation chemistry principles will be practised and applied in the context of real-world scientific applications (e.g. First Nations native plant medicine, clean energy and sustainability, atmospheric chemistry and its relation to climate science).
  • Learn about the exciting, challenging and changing nature of contemporary Australian science.
  • This unit will use an inquiry-based learning approach where you will engage in collaborative hands-on workshops and laboratory practical classes.
  • Learning in this unit requires pre-class readings and activities before and during the intensive block.

Learning objectives

  • Develop professional skills in chemical manipulation, safe and sustainable laboratory practices, data recording and analysis.
  • Understand how a modern scientist must be open-minded and inclusive to respond to, or manage, broad and complex scientific challenges.
  • Apply fundamental concepts of chemistry and problem-solving skills via a portfolio of practical exercises.
  • Develop and practise skills in collaboration, information retrieval, critical thinking and academic writing to communicate scientific concepts, principles and practices in a socially conscious way.

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