Single-unit study
You can study individual units for personal or professional development without having to apply for a full QUT course.
If you successfully complete a unit, you may be eligible for credit if you decide to apply for a degree course in the future.
Units anyone can study
These units don’t have any requirements for previous study or background knowledge.
But if your previous studies were not in English, or were completed in a country where English is not the first language, you will need to demonstrate that you meet our English proficiency requirements when you apply.
Early childhood and inclusive education
EUB104 Future Focused Teaching
This unit introduces key concepts and skills required when working in education and understanding teachers' work. This unit will provide explicit academic and professional experience preparation underpinned by the Australian Professional Standards designed to support you through your degree and transition to the profession. The specific skills of observation, reflection and collegial conversations with peers and key personnel from the field will be considered and applied to educational contexts.
EUB109 English, Literacies and Language 1
This unit will develop your ability to teach English curriculum, literacy and language acquisition to young children, from birth to year 6. This unit develops your understanding of the effective use of children's literature in literacy teaching in prior-to-school and primary school settings. Early years literacy teaching and learning, including play-based pedagogies will be explored, with particular focus on birth to Year 3. The Early Years Learning Framework, Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline, and The Australian Curriculum will be used to explore the ways teachers assist children to build knowledge and skills with English, language and literacy as they transition from prior-to-school to formal school contexts.
EUB112 Child and Adolescent Development and Learning
This introductory unit contributes to foundational knowledge for your pre-service teaching degree. This first-year unit facilitates understanding of developmental theory and how it applies to child and adolescent learners. The unit raises awareness of the physical, cognitive, social and emotional factors that influence development. The unit explores the links between developmental theory and the processes of learning, as well as learning experiences that facilitate positive learning outcomes for diverse learners. The unit contributes to your own professional development as a lifelong, autonomous learner, capable of reflection and high-level thinking, and of enabling you, as an educator, to promote similar development in your learners.
EUB201 Early Childhood Mathematics Education 1
This introductory early childhood mathematics unit will develop your understanding of content knowledge and the teaching practices associated with Number and Algebra, including play-based pedagogies. The unit raises awareness of the importance of mathematical learning in early childhood, and considers ways to engage young children in meaningful mathematical learning in prior-to-school and primary school settings. Both the Australian Curriculum and Early Years Learning Framework will be utilised. This unit builds a foundation for the proceeding EUB302 Early Childhood Mathematics Education 2 unit.
EUB203 Science in Early Childhood
This unit focuses on the importance of quality science education for young children from birth to 8 years of age. In order to inspire young children to ask questions about their environment and become scientifically literate, teachers require knowledge of science concepts, pedagogy and curriculum, as well as diverse, contemporary and cultural perspectives on science education. This early childhood unit explores way to design and implement engaging science learning experiences that support children's conceptual development. It will build content knowledge, particularly in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics and earth, and space science. This unit will build on theories of teaching and learning to focus on inquiry-based and hands-on learning activities that are age-appropriate, early childhood science learning experiences.
EUB204 Building Partnerships with Families and Communities
Teaching and learning is enhanced when early childhood teachers build respectful and supportive relationships and work in partnership with families. This includes undertaking professional learning to enhance these skills. This unit promotes knowledge and understandings about the diversity, complexity and changing nature of contemporary childhoods, families and communities. This unit will draw on your experiences of working with children, families and communities in line with ACECQA requirements and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. It will explore professional responsibilities and the need for professional learning to develop skills for engaging in active communication, consultation and collaboration with families for effective partnerships and to develop links with other child and family services.
EUB206 Visual Arts and Media Arts Education
This unit is the first of two curriculum units in the arts and examines the basic content of the Visual and Media Arts and how students learn in these disciplines. The unit provides opportunities for practical exploration of these art forms and theories, and introduces arts pedagogies that emphasise the role of the arts in society and in the education and care of children from birth to 12 years of age. The arts play an important part in early childhood and primary education with the potential to inspire children to reach their creative potential, and to enrich their experiences in prior-to-school and primary school contexts. This Visual and Media Arts unit focuses on the historical, social, emotional, cultural, and educational importance of the arts.
EUB207 Inclusive Education: Teaching Diverse Learners
This unit will cover the fundamental concepts underpinning inclusive education and your obligations under national legislation, with an emphasis on evidence-based universal strategies for use in inclusive classrooms and prior-to-school settings. The learning in this unit will develop your understanding of quality differentiated teaching practice to support the engagement, participation, and achievement of diverse learners in inclusive settings. The unit aims to build your pedagogical agility and ethical practice for creating safe and supportive inclusive learning environments. It will enhance your responsiveness to the learning strengths, rights and requirements of diverse learners and your knowledge of universal strategies to teach diverse learners in inclusive settings.
EUB213 Inclusive Practices for Diverse Learners
This unit will cover the fundamental concepts underpinning inclusive education and your obligations under national legislation with emphasis on evidence-based universal strategies for use in inclusive classrooms. This unit focuses on why, when and how to make adjustments for diverse students including those with complex learning profiles (disabilities), in partnership with parents/carers and in collaboration with teacher aides and external professionals. The unit aims to build your pedagogical agility and ethical practice for creating safe and supportive inclusive learning environments for all students. It will enhance your responsiveness to the learning strengths, rights and requirements of diverse students and your knowledge of quality differentiated teaching practice and adjustments for teaching diverse students in inclusive classrooms.
EUB311 Indigenous Education
This unit provides foundational knowledge and skills to teach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures as governed by the Australian Curriculum, Early Years Learning Framework and the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline. It engages with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' knowledges, experiences, voices and perspectives and explores implications for practice through personal, professional and theoretical lenses. This unit provides opportunities to think deeply about the roles of teachers in diverse cultural and education contexts and establishes a critical foundation for practical teaching choices.
EUB410 Education and Society
This unit explores the complex relationship between our education system and the social and cultural contexts of which it is a part. The unit uses socio-cultural and sociological theory to better understand students and learners, as well as how students' and learners' diverse backgrounds, including the backgrounds Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, shape their experiences with the modern school or early childhood site. The unit will develop reflective and critical understandings of the socially, culturally and historically constructed nature of education and care and of the social identities and socio-cultural practices influencing contemporary early childhood, primary and secondary schooling.
EUB411 Trauma-Aware Education
This unit is designed to develop your understanding and skill in neuroscience-informed support and education of early childhood and school learners who are living with the outcomes of complex childhood trauma. The behavioural and other concerns experienced by learners who have experienced complex trauma can be significant. By examining the impact of complex trauma on the developing brain and nervous system, you'll develop your understanding of why and how these concerns occur and explore approaches and strategies recommended to address short and longer-term impacts for learners. You'll be informed and prepared for the times you are responsible for the learning and well-being of these learners whilst minimising any negative impact on your own well-being or teaching practice.
EUN639 Inclusive Education: Historical, Conceptual and Legal Foundations
Inclusive education is a process of systemic transformation that begins with educators acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that all learners can access and participate in high-quality, age-appropriate curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in regular classrooms and early childhood education and care settings. This includes learners with a disability for whom inclusive education is a human right in accordance with international law and who are entitled to reasonable adjustments under national anti-discrimination legislation. This unit steps through the fundamental knowledge that educators need to meet their legal obligations and to understand inclusive practice. Together with EUN681, EUN639 provides a strong foundation for the three other core units in the inclusive education specialism: EUN640 Reading and Writing Difficulties, EUN641 Multi-tiered Supports for Diverse Learners, and EUN642 Creating Positive Learning Environments.
EUN640 Understanding Reading and Writing Difficulties
Learning to read and write with clarity and efficiency is essential for participation in modern society. However, approximately 20% of children experience ongoing reading and writing difficulties, resulting in academic underachievement, early school leaving, and unemployment. High-quality early reading and writing instruction and targeted, evidence-based supports are essential to ensure all learners can develop reading and writing competence. This unit provides opportunities for educators to build their knowledge of the teaching of reading and writing, with a focus on strategies to support learners who experience persistent difficulties. Evidence-based methods of collecting and using student data, explicit teaching strategies and adjustments will be explored, enabling educators to feel better equipped to teach reading and writing, as well as to identify and address difficulties in the learning process.
EUN641 Multi-Tiered Supports for Diverse Learners
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) are evidence-based frameworks guiding provision of high-quality teaching and learning. MTSS bring together universal approaches with processes and strategies for making significant adjustments in a systematic and effective way. This unit will cover concepts and research underpinning MTSS in inclusive classrooms and prior-to-school settings. This unit will develop your understanding of universal, targeted, and intensive approaches to designing accessible curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and learning environments, and processes for making reasonable adjustments for diverse learners, including students with complex learning profiles. The unit will build your scholarly knowledge, pedagogical ability, and ethical practice for creating inclusive learning environments, and enhance your responsiveness to the learning strengths, rights and requirements of diverse learners.
EUN642 Creating Positive Learning Environments
In learning contexts, an in-depth knowledge of effective practices that create positive and supportive learning environments, collaborative partnerships and teaching practices that address the requirements of all learners is essential. This unit responds to educators' concerns about how to effectively create and maintain safe and supportive learning environments that meet the requirements of all learners. It focuses on theory, knowledge, and practices to effectively understand the requirements of all learners; manage the environment to support all learners' participation and engagement; and respond proactively to more challenging contexts and complex requirements. Theoretical approaches and practical strategies in teaching and supporting learners with complex profiles in inclusive classrooms will be emphasised including functional behavioural assessments, personal and social capabilities, connectedness and wellbeing.
EUN647 Pedagogy in First Nations Education
In this unit, you will develop your knowledge of culturally responsive pedagogy that enhance learning opportunities for First Nations learners and deepen understandings of First Nations perspectives that can be incorporated into your learning spaces. We consider the development of thinking around teaching strategies for First Nations education contexts, including the emergence of Aboriginal learning styles and the use of Aboriginal processes for learning, and we critically engage with the implications of Australian Professional Standards for Teachers 1.4 and 2.4. This unit will enable educators to choose teaching strategies responsive to their students and intended learning, enhancing the learning opportunities for First Nations and non-Indigenous learners.
EUN648 Designing Curriculum in First Nations Education
In this unit, you will develop your understanding of First Nations perspectives, focusing on the centrality of relationships to place, people and knowledge, and investigate how this interacts with the requirements of current Australian curriculum. This unit centralises and develops the abilities of educators and knowledge holders to work together to create learning opportunities informed by the two great knowledge traditions of this continent. This unit will enable educators to embed First Nations perspectives and work with First Nations knowledge according to protocol to enhance the learning opportunities for First Nations and non-Indigenous learners.
EUN649 Policy in First Nations Education
In this unit, you will develop your understanding of policy eras that have shaped the treatment of First Nations peoples since 1788, ending with a focus on present-day policy initiatives. The unit content will specifically investigate the role of education in delivering policy intentions and the impact this has had, and continues to have, on First Nations peoples and their ways of knowing. These understandings will contribute to the development of your own critical practice in First Nations education.
EUN650 Designing for Learning in First Nations Education
In this unit, you will design a learning sequence for your education context that embeds First Nations perspectives or knowledges. This unit provides an opportunity to develop a learning sequence with guidance from First Nations education academics and a shared journey with your peers. You will critically reflect on your own cultural position and how this influences and shapes your design, and develop a plan of action for future practice.
EUN651 Introduction to Trauma-Aware Education
In this unit, you will begin to build your knowledge and understanding of important research, key theories and concepts relating to trauma-aware education. You will work with peers to consider the implementations of this theory and research and to identify ways to strengthen educational policies and practices that better respond to the holistic needs of children and young people. This unit is designed to be studied at the beginning of your specialisation as it provides foundational information for the remaining units in the Graduate Certificate and Master of Education course. The unit may also be studied as a single option unit.
EUN652 Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences
There is growing understanding of the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on learning, well-being, health and life outcomes. ACEs are a range of potentially traumatic events that occur during childhood. In this unit, you will examine important research informed by the initial "Centers for Disease Control, Kaiser Permanente ACE Study" that contribute knowledge and practice for schools and early childhood education and care services. You will work with peers to consider the implementations of this research and to identify ways to strengthen educational policies and practices that better respond to the holistic needs of children and young people. Along with EUN651, this unit is designed to be studied at the beginning of your specialisation as it provides foundational information for the remaining units in the Graduate Certificate and Master of Education course. The unit may also be studied as a single option unit.
EUN653 The Science of Complex Trauma
In this unit, you will build your knowledge and understanding of important theory and research examining the biology and neurobiology of child and adolescent development, the impact of complex trauma on development and functioning, and the intergenerational transmission of complex trauma. Your growing understandings will be applied to the education context including early childhood education and care and primary and secondary schooling. You will work with peers to consider the implications of this information for educational policies and practices and will develop your skills to explain key learnings to colleagues. This unit is designed to be studied along with or after EUN651 and EUN652, as part of the Trauma-Aware Education specialisation for the Graduate Certificate or Master of Education course. The unit may also be studied as a single option unit.
EUN654 Learners Impacted by Trauma
This unit will examine the challenges faced by particular groups of children and young people who are living with the outcomes of various types of trauma, and how schools and early childhood services can respond to these challenges.
EUN655 Leading Trauma-Aware Education
In this unit, you will examine the means to advocate for, progress and lead trauma-aware work in school and early childhood education and care contexts, to align with current systemic frameworks and to enhance learner outcomes and staff well-being. You will also work with peers to develop your skills for the design and delivery of professional learning to colleagues. This is the final unit of the Trauma-Aware Education specialisation for the Graduate Certificate or Master of Education course.
EUN660 Investigating Curriculum and Pedagogy in Early Childhood
Debates and shifts in education contribute to the shaping of new pedagogical approaches and curriculum directions. In this unit you will be given opportunities to take the lead in current discussions and debates. Issues will be examined using analytical frameworks, interpreting existing research, and through developing your own learning agenda for critically assessing issues and contingencies.
EUN661 Child Development in Context
Child development is an interdisciplinary field that takes account of psychological and sociological theories, as well as perspectives from the neurosciences and biology. Advancement of knowledge in the field comes through research, and the ability to mobilise knowledge in real-world applications. The unit will review a range of current perspectives that inform understanding about child development. The application of this knowledge to early childhood education and other professional contexts in which practitioners work with young children and their families will be a focus. Students will learn to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings, develop research skills, and conduct independent research projects related to early childhood education. Through this course, students will enhance their ability to critically analyse developmental issues and contribute to the field through evidence-based practices.
EUN662 Arts and Science in Early Childhood
Early childhood teaching and learning in the arts and sciences requires ongoing construction and reconstruction of new knowledges about learners, learning, and the early years context in which learning takes place. You will build on your knowledge base of the arts and sciences. You will be supported to develop effective communication capabilities using appropriate literacies to exercise confident leadership in learning environments. This unit aims to challenge you, as leaders in early childhood teaching and learning, to interrogate a broad range of ideas, principles and guidelines to inform decisions about arts and science curriculum and to engage with trans-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary knowledge and innovation. You will be challenged to engage in critical evaluation of approaches to teaching and learning, to use appropriate techniques to analyse and solve problems, and to manage change productively.
EUN663 Mathematics in Early Childhood
Children's early experiences are critical in laying the foundation for them to become numerate citizens and critical participants in society. It is essential that children have opportunities to develop concepts that are foundational to understanding in mathematics. Therefore, early years educators require knowledge about how young children develop understanding in a number of conceptual areas and a positive disposition towards mathematics. In this unit, you will learn about foundational concepts in mathematics and explore ways in which early childhood educators can develop appropriate learning opportunities and foster children's mathematical development.
EUN664 Language, Literacies and Communications in Early Childhood
The focus of this unit is to help you to understand recent research-based practices for learning and teaching literacy and language in early childhood education contexts. Emphasis is placed on a definition of literacy as a critical social, material and cultural practice, and a balanced approach to literacy teaching and learning is fore grounded. The unit highlights the importance of all children becoming active participants in a society, and of knowing and engaging in a range of literacy and language practices. You will have opportunities to consider the importance of providing high quality literacy and language instruction for all students as a basic foundation of a socially just or high equity education system. You will engage in addressing current issues and debates, and in understanding the research research evidence and professional practices that underpin literacy and language learning and teaching in prior to school and early years of schooling.
EUN666 Foundations of Educational Counselling
This unit will introduce you to core counselling techniques and communication skills that underpin effective helping strategies used by counsellors in a range of helping professions. The unit will assist you to understand and use particular skills that help to increase your own self-awareness and awareness of the needs of others. The aim of effective counselling is to develop the capacity of clients to problem-solve and to work towards their goals and potential.
EUN668 Psychoeducational Assessment
This unit is designed to provide you with a broad understanding of the various types of psychoeducational assessment techniques and strategies used in the educational context by Guidance Officers/School Counsellors. Throughout this unit, you will examine a range of psychoeducational assessment strategies such as observation, interviewing and formalised testing of learners who exhibit learning, behavioural and/or emotional difficulties.
EUN675 Practitioner Research (Action Research)
This unit will introduce the range of genres and approaches identified as practitioner-led or practitioner-engaged. The unit promotes an inquiry stance to research, valuing practitioners as knowers and agents of educational or social change. You will learn about this family of research approaches, including: design-based research; action research, participatory action research; practitioner-as-researcher; self study; and practice research. Dimensions covered include the roles and identities of researchers and practitioners; positive research partnerships; design and methodology; methods and how they are applied; research problems that lend themselves to practitioner-led inquires; and issues of rigor and generalisation. This unit is designed to be studied as part of the research pathway in the Masters of Education course. This unit helps prepare students for both practitioner research and further postgraduate study. This unit may also be studied as a single unit option.
EUN676 Case Study and Ethnography
In this unit you will build your capacity to undertake two qualitative approaches to educational research: case study and ethnography. You will begin by exploring how these approaches enable researchers to study practices in specific contexts, and to see patterns between people and systems. You will explore examples of how each approach can be used to critique or inform policy, engage in social transformation efforts, and provide insightful evaluations. You will learn about specific methods and techniques, and how research data is collected and used in different settings. You will consider the affordances of each approach through examining the contributions you could make by engaging with these research approaches. This unit is designed to be studied as part of the research pathway in the Masters of Education course. This unit helps prepare students for both practitioner research and further postgraduate study. This unit may also be studied as a single unit option.
EUN677 Evaluating Programs
Evaluation is a particular subset of research that aims to result in a judgement about the value of a particular approach. Evaluation seeks to understand the effectiveness of programs, practices and policy: what works for whom and how? This unit will introduce you to critical processes and current thinking about evaluation. You will explore how different purposes for evaluation may be applied in educational and other settings. You will learn about the theory and terminology of evaluation; processes for articulating a theory of change for evaluation; design of program logic models; steps for evaluation design; and critical literacy in relation to interpreting and applying evaluation findings. This unit is designed to be studied as part of the research pathway in the Masters of Education course. This unit helps prepare students for both practitioner research and further postgraduate study. This unit may also be studied as a single unit option.
EUN678 Survey Research
This unit aims to introduce the principles and practice of designing surveys including the strengths and weaknesses of survey research, the survey research process and contexts in which survey research might be used. Core issues in questionnaire design will be discussed, question types and response categories. Wording and ordering, layout and length of questionnaire, memory and recall, sensitive questions and the importance of evaluating and testing survey items will be incorporated. Issues related to reliability and validity will also be addressed including sampling, sample size and non-response and sampling error. Finally the unit will focus on ethical considerations in survey research and reporting. This unit is designed to be studied as part of the research pathway in the Masters of Education course. This unit helps prepare students for both practitioner research and further postgraduate study.
EUN679 Capstone
In this unit you will design a research-focused project to investigate a topic of professional interest and relevance. This will lead to a project proposal and oral presentation where you will recommend an implementation strategy or proposal for future action. This capstone unit will support you to reflect on and refine the specialised knowledge, mastery of theory and high level skills you have developed over the course of your study and apply these to a real-world practice context. You will cultivate ways of working to identify problems, research the evidence base, build your confidence and ability to communicate findings and critically reflect on your role in leading change and improving educational practice. This unit is designed to be studied as part of the research pathway in the Masters of Education. This unit helps prepare students for both practitioner research and further postgraduate study.
Teacher education and leadership
EUB210 Science in Primary Education 1
This unit will introduce you to science content knowledge and practices required to teach primary science from Foundation to Year 6. The content is relevant to the Science Understanding, Science as a Human Endeavour, and Science Inquiry Skills strands of the Australian Curriculum. It includes big ideas from the biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth and Space science disciplines. Adequate science disciplinary content knowledge has recently become a more focused requirement of Australian teachers working within educational systems. This unit will be built upon in EUB212 Science in Primary Education 2, where you will develop the knowledge and skills to plan, sequence, and assess inquiry-based student learning in primary science education using constructivism as a referent for your science teaching practice.
EUB250 Australian Geographical Studies
This unit explores the unique nature of the Australian continent, its landforms and landscapes, it's people and places. A vast nation with a small population, Australia is faced with challenges of remoteness not found in other regions of the world. This remoteness shapes the identity of places and the relationships of people with their environment and poses challenges for sustainability and liveability. Australia is home to the one of world's oldest living cultures, that of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who have a connection and relationship with the land that shapes their identity and underpins their belief systems. In this unit you will gain an understanding of Indigenous peoples' perspectives on the creation of and relationships with land. The skills and knowledge acquired in this unit are valued in a range of academic endeavours including regional and urban planning, resource management, native title, emergency management, environmental management.
EUB252 Australian Society and Culture
Australian Society and Culture combines literary and cultural studies, political analysis and history. It provides a context through which you can acquire knowledge about Australian institutions and traditions. Over the last few centuries, numerous social, cultural and political ideas, policies and actions have shaped and re-constructed Australian society. Understanding how Australia has evolved as a nation, a community, a culture and a people involves critically analysing various constructions, meanings and interpretations. A study of Australian society and culture will therefore involve an appreciation of Australian people and the significant political and social debates that they engage in. This unit offers insights and understandings about issues that divide Australians as well as events and circumstances that unite the nation.
EUB253 The Ancient World
This unit facilitates understandings of ancient societies focusing on selected periods, features and individuals in the ancient Near East, Greece and Rome. Such understandings encourage questioning of established interpretations and knowledge, and provides a foundational understanding of these historical periods.
EUB254 Studies in Language
Pre-service English language teachers require a solid foundational understanding of the nature, complexity and diversity of language; of the ways in which it is acquired and learned and how it is used to perform a range of cognitive, social, cultural and personal functions. These understandings about language and literacy development are related to a broad range of teaching contexts, both local and international. This unit will enable you to gain insight into various aspects of language that impact on teaching and learning in schools. The unit will develop your awareness of the nature, function and development of language and literacy and the role each plays in the constitution of social and cultural processes and practices, with particular reference to the role of language in classroom contexts. It aims also to provide you with a critical literacy tool kit and also extend your understanding of the dynamic, changing nature of 'English' in the current global context.
EUB255 Literature: Theory and Practice
This unit provides you with opportunities to explore literature and fiction, theories of how literary and fictional works are produced, and to engage in creative writing. You will explore, as both consumers and creators, how fictional texts can convey and transform personal and cultural perspectives. The unit invites you to draw on a very wide repertoire of fictional texts across all media in interpreting and creating texts for professional, personal, cultural, social and aesthetic purposes.
EUB257 Reasoning with Quantity, Space and Shape
A deeper understanding of measurement, shape and space will allow you to apply your mathematical knowledge to problems of interest in the real world. This in turn will provide you with new ways to explain mathematics to others and to assist them in their learning. In this unit you will further apply your growing mathematical knowledge-base, built from earlier discipline units, to problems of both real world and abstract natures that involve the use of measurement and geometry concepts. This unit intends to give you greater confidence in explaining mathematical ideas to others by exposing you to different applications and links between mathematical topics.
EUB303 Technologies Education
Technologies impact the lives of people globally and are essential to envisioning and developing innovative solutions to meet both current and future needs. This unit focuses on Digital Technologies and Design and Technologies - two distinct learning areas from the Australian Curriculum. Topics covered in this unit are the theoretical approaches, practical experiences, and the development of communities of practice as relevant to teaching in the technologies learning area. This unit also includes practical application of the ICT general capability.
EUB350 Asia in Focus
This unit provides the opportunity to engage with a range of physical and human geography topics with Asia as the focus. A regional geography approach is used to explore and understand the features, elements and characteristics of the human and physical landscapes as well as the interconnection between Asian nations and Australia. A case study approach is used with topics include sustainability and liveability of places; natural and ecological hazard zones and the risks in these zones; population, urbanisation and the emergence of megacities; the unique and diverse physical environments and the relationships people have with places across Asia.Utilising a range of geographical technologies, this unit provides valuable analytical skills, including spatial analysis, that are valued in a range of professions including regional planning, foreign affairs, journalism, environmental management, emergency services, hazard management, resource management and global security.
EUB353 China and its Region
The unit provides you with the knowledge the ancient beginnings of Dynastic China, to Western Imperialism, through to the rise of Communism and Maoist China. The role of powerful individuals, and an understanding of how the country's fortunes changed over time are additional features of the content. To enhance understanding, and for comparative purposes, the unit also examines significant events in the history of India and Cambodia. Through appreciating the circumstances and personalities that have shaped China and its neighbours historically, you will be able to more readily and articulately analyse and interpret major events taking place in modern China.
EUB354 Screen Studies and New Media
This unit provides you with opportunities to explore screen and moving image media and their functions as important sources of information, education, cultural exchange and participation. The unit introduces you to different schools of theory in these areas and provides you with the tools to analyse and evaluate a wide diversity of screen texts and to work creatively with these texts. You will gain a working familiarity with a number of new media platforms.
EUB356 Mathematics in Everyday Contexts
Applying mathematics and statistics to investigate real world phenomena and solve related problems is considered by some to be the ideal way the engage learners in mathematics and to illuminate for them, the most difficult ideas. In this unit you will draw on mathematical and statistical techniques of preceding discipline units, applying them to real world problems from a variety of contexts.
EUB409 Innovative Learning and Teaching with Digital Technologies
In this unit you will explore the use of digital technologies in learning and teaching. You will consider the place of digital technologies in learning and teaching in early childhood, primary school, and secondary school settings, and engage with educational theory and research as well as relevant curricula and policy requirements. Building on reflections of previous professional practice and experience, you will identify opportunities for improvement or innovation, and then design an innovative digital learning experience.
EUB451 Australia, Britain and America
This unit focuses on British and American social and political influences on Australian foreign policy and social attitudes since 1900. It investigates Australia's, America's and Britain's relationship. The content examines World War 1, the interwar-years, World War 2 and the post-World War 2 period. A secondary objective is to examine the fight for independence and democracy, particularly in a number of former colonial countries. Before World War 2, reverence for the British Empire and appreciation of its protection influenced Australian attitudes and governmental decision-making. Most Australians seldom questioned this close relationship. During and after World War 2, America became Australia's great and powerful friend - and the influence of Britain diminished. Nevertheless, public affection for the mother country did not dissipate so quickly.
EUB452 Integrated STEM Investigation Project
Practitioners of the sciences almost always require an ability to define problems, connected with the needs and values of others, formulate justifiable questions, develop investigation methods that are rigorous and evidence-based, interpret data, and communicate findings verbally and in writing. This unit will build on foundational and specialist discipline knowledge gained throughout your units of prior study. This unit prepares you to think critically about an important problem related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and to integrate the knowledge gained through earlier units to provide an effective solution. During this project you will critically analyse and reflect on your work and that of your peers, you will gain a deeper understanding of scientific methods, technology design and/or mathematical modelling and reasoning, and will become confident in applying them.
EUN643 Theory and Practice of Second Language Teaching and Learning
At a time of increasing migration, educational institutions are experiencing growing enrolments of students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. In domestic contexts students are learning through English as an additional language (EAL) or through Standard Australian English as an additional dialect (EAD). In overseas settings, the focus is English as a foreign language (EFL). For teachers, school leaders and policy-makers as well as Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) professionals, knowledge and skills in promoting learning in second language contexts is crucial. This unit introduces you to foundational knowledge about language; the integral role of language in teaching and learning; and practical teaching methods and techniques for learners using English as an additional language. A key focus of the unit is the integration of theory and practice, that is, applying TESOL principles to promote improvement in your teaching.
EUN644 Sociolinguistics
In the context of teacher education, there is increasing acknowledgement of the importance of studying the relationships between language, pedagogy and society. This unit will provide you with understandings of these relationships and how they impact communities and educational settings, notably schooling in Australian and overseas contexts. At a time of increasing migration and diversity, understanding the social and cultural influences on language use is crucial for ensuring educational access and social participation by all learners. It is also vital for understanding language choices and rights in multicultural, pluralistic societies.
EUN645 Second Language Curriculum Design
Whether working with an official syllabus or curriculum or from an analysis of language needs, EAL/D teachers, community language teachers and those who work with them such as school leaders, curriculum and materials developers, policy makers and program managers in the area of TESOL, need an understanding of current issues in course design and the processes involved in developing effective language programs for specific groups of learners. This unit introduces the factors that influence teachers in the development of language programs. It includes analysis of the following areas: learner profiles and needs; aims and objectives; processes and criteria for selecting methodology; content selection and sequencing; choice and evaluation of materials and resources and processes involved in developing courses.
EUN646 Second Language Assessment
In this unit you will be introduced to theories and practices in second language assessment. It provides you with the opportunity to examine and evaluate both classroom-based assessment tasks and standardised tests used to assess the proficiency of second language speakers, including learners for whom English is an additional language or dialect (EAL/D). Language teachers and school leaders need both the understanding of theoretical aspects of language assessment and the skills necessary for the creation and interpretation of classroom-based language assessment tasks. Through reading and discussion of recent research into language assessment, you will also develop a framework through which to evaluate language assessment tasks used in a teaching context relevant to you.
EUN656 Leadership Identity
Leadership within educational organisations occurs in various forms, from official leadership roles right through to the day-to-day professional practice of educators. In this unit, you will explore concepts of leadership and construct (and reconstruct) your own leadership identity as an aspiring or current leader. Throughout this unit you will engage with a wide variety of leadership theories and frameworks. You will then be supported to respond through a process of reflexive identity work that addresses the fundamental questions of “who am I as a leader?” and “what does leadership look like for me?”. Through this process you will consolidate your own critical understandings of adaptive, resilient leadership as a dynamic and ongoing development process that is shaped by knowing, doing and being.
EUN657 Leading the Learning of Others
In this unit, you will learn how to lead the collective and individual learning and development of others, whether you are a mentor, middle leader, professional developer, school or system leader or aspiring leader. You will engage with adult learning theories and principles and explore how these can be applied to designing learning processes for leading others for varying purposes in specific educational contexts. In this unit, you will also be introduced to principles of coaching and mentoring and how to establish and maintain a professional learning culture in workplace contexts.You will engage with specific work-based challenges for leaders such as workplace supervision and managing underperformance and will explore ways to negotiate these challenges effectively and ethically.
EUN658 Leading Innovation and Change
The dynamics of educational institutions and contexts require leaders to identify and cultivate innovations that purposefully respond to changing needs and new opportunities. This unit will provide you, as a current or emerging leader, with conceptual and practical tools for understanding, designing and activating innovation in the real world. You will explore relevant leadership models and processes, strategic thinking and planning, governance, and the importance of understanding and working with people to realise meaningful change.
EUN659 Leading Evaluation
In this unit, you will develop your knowledge of evaluation approaches, and how you can lead evaluation to improve educational quality. This unit will equip you with principles and practical tools to understand a range of practical evaluation approaches. You will understand different ways that educational policy is created, and evaluated in practical ways, as well as critically analyse the influence of evidence in accountability systems, evaluate values inherent in policies. Using real world scenarios, you will explore the concept of demonstrating impact, drawing on multiple forms of evidence in a range of educational contexts. By integrating the theory and practice, you will be equipped to critically understand and also design evidence-based plans for evaluation in educational contexts.
EUN672 Understanding Research for Professionals
This unit provides an introduction to social research. It emphasises the foundational aspects of social research and explores qualitative, quantitative and mixed research approaches. It will cover introductory or foundational issues such as what constitutes research, worldviews and epistemologies. You will be introduced to methodology, research design and a variety of methods commonly used in social research. A key objective is to equip you to become a critical and discerning consumer of social research. This unit will build your ability to evaluate projects in terms of research design, methods of data collection and analysis for the purposes of becoming a better user of research in professional settings.
EUN673 Big Data and Learning Analytics
This unit introduces the fundamental process of data science and provides the necessary computational and statistical foundations for further experimentation in data science. You will learn how and when to use key methods for educational data mining and learning analytics. You will learn how to apply these methods and when to apply them, as well as their strengths and weaknesses for different applications. This unit is designed to be studied as part of the research pathway in the Masters of Education course. This unit helps prepare students for both practitioner research and further postgraduate study. This unit may also be studied as a single unit option.
EUN674 Understanding Large Scale Assessments
In this unit you will engage with the theoretical and practical aspects of Large Scale Assessments (LSAs). Topics covered will include theories of assessment, classical test theory vs item response theory, Differential Item functioning, latent traits, scale development, and issues of error, reliability and validitiy. The knowedge and skills learnt in this unit will give you better insight into the the life cycle of a large scale assessment such as NAPLAN or PISA and equip you with the knowledge to make better educational decisions informed by large scale assessments. This unit is designed to be studied as part of the research pathway in the Masters of Education course. This unit helps prepare students for both practitioner research and further postgraduate study. This unit may also be studied as a single unit option.
Units you need background knowledge to study
These units have requirements for previous study or background knowledge. Check the unit’s previous study requirements for details. If you have any questions, contact the unit coordinator for the semester you want to study.
If your previous studies were not in English, or were completed in a country where English is not the first language, you will also need to demonstrate that you meet our English proficiency requirements when you apply.
Early childhood and inclusive education
EUN667 Advanced Educational Counselling
This unit builds on the knowledge and skills gained in its pre-requisite (Foundations of Educational Counselling), and provides you with an overview of major theories of counselling that are helpful in the schooling context. The unit also assists you to develop a model using one or more of these theories that may be used as a basis for your future practice.
EUN669 Educational Guidance and Counselling: Professional Practice
This unit will develop your understanding and knowledge regarding areas of practice undertaken by Guidance Officers/School Counsellors in early childhood, primary school and secondary school settings. This unit is designed to prepare you for your professional experience (practicum) and a career in school guidance and counselling.
EUN681 Inclusive Education: Policy and Practice Foundations
Inclusive education is a process of systemic transformation that begins with educators acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that all learners can access and participate in high-quality, age-appropriate curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in regular classrooms and early childhood education and care settings. This unit steps through the fundamental knowledge that inclusive educators need to collaborate as members of multidisciplinary teams in designing accessible learning experiences using inclusive practices. Together with EUN639, EUN681 provides a strong foundation for the three other core units in the Inclusive Education specialization: EUN640 Understanding Reading and Writing Difficulties, EUN641 Multi-tiered Supports for Diverse Learners, and EUN642 Creating Positive Learning Environments.