Single-unit study

You can study individual units for personal or professional development without having to apply for a full QUT course.

If you successfully complete a unit, you may be eligible for credit if you decide to apply for a degree course in the future.

Units anyone can study

These units don’t have any requirements for previous study or background knowledge.

But if your previous studies were not in English, or were completed in a country where English is not the first language, you will need to demonstrate that you meet our English proficiency requirements when you apply.


Creative writing

CWB110 Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies

This unit aims to give you the 'tools' and knowledge to critically analyse and creatively appreciate a range of texts so that you are able to enter into academic or popular discourse with an understanding of important critical concepts. It provides an introduction to key concepts in literary studies. The theories relate to ideas and terminology that you will be expected to become familiar with throughout the course of your study. You are introduced to concepts that form the basis of discussions in a range of academic discourses so that you can engage analytically with texts and their contexts. 'The 'textualisation' of the world has been an important development in twentieth century theory in the West: What are texts' What do they mean' The unit addresses these issues by providing you with an introduction to conceptual frameworks derived from some of the major critical discourses that have impacted on our world.

Professional communication

CWB113 Writing Australia

This unit aims to improve your analytical and creative, oral and written communication skills. It is important for you to understand how Australian identity has been written, rewritten and remains contested by engaging with and evaluating a range of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australian writings. This unit provides you with opportunities to read, explore, discuss and evaluate a number of classic and contemporary Australian texts. Upon completing this unit you can understand and critically interrogate texts pertinent to contemporary Australian society and culture.

Units you need background knowledge to study

These units have requirements for previous study or background knowledge. Check the unit’s previous study requirements for details. If you have any questions, contact the unit coordinator for the semester you want to study.

If your previous studies were not in English, or were completed in a country where English is not the first language, you will also need to demonstrate that you meet our English proficiency requirements when you apply.


Advertising, marketing and public relations

AMB032 Mandarin 2

This subject continues to help students develop the four macro-skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing through an integrated communicative approach. While there is still further consolidation of the knowledge of the Chinese phonetic spelling system (i.e. Pinyin), greater attention is to be devoted to the speech of everyday conversations and to the the reading and writing of Chinese characters. With progressive acquisition of the Chinese language, students will receive further exposure to aspects and characteristics of Chinese culture.

AMB046 Chinese - English Translation on Business Topics

Business communication between the English-speaking world and China has been increasing rapidly and on an extensive scale. Success of many business deals and transactions depends on truthful and effective translation of business documents between the two languages.This unit is suitable for students with native or near native competencies in both Chinese and English, and who have an interest or need to work with business-related documents and high-level written communications in both languages. The unit teaches and expands students' strategies and skills in conducting translation tasks in business and, in particular, in the areas of accounting, banking, business contracts and international business through a large amount of varied translation practice using real world materials. In addition to the translation practice, students learn business Chinese and English language features, which helps them to improve their skills in writing business documents.