Single-unit study

You can study individual units for personal or professional development without having to apply for a full QUT course.

If you successfully complete a unit, you may be eligible for credit if you decide to apply for a degree course in the future.

Units anyone can study

These units don’t have any requirements for previous study or background knowledge.

But if your previous studies were not in English, or were completed in a country where English is not the first language, you will need to demonstrate that you meet our English proficiency requirements when you apply.



LLB101 Introduction to Law

Introduction to Law provides a necessary foundation for legal studies by introducing you to core legal knowledge and the skills of legal reasoning, problem solving, legal writing and research.

LLB142 Regulation of Business

This elective unit commences the process of educating you in matters of business and commercial law. It is intended to provide an overview of a number of critical areas in the study of business law and regulation. Further, this unit will provide you with theoretical and critical analysis skills. Law graduates are increasingly required to have a strong knowledge base and understanding of business and commerce, and more specifically an understanding of how business operates within the context of the Australian legal system. This unit is intended to provide foundation skills and knowledge that are essential for an understanding of law and regulation as it applies to business.

LWS009 Introduction to Law

For students involved in a wide range of industries, it is important to have a fundamental understanding of the Australian legal system. In this unit, students will be introduced to several aspects of the law that are relevant to industry, including the sources of law (both cases and legislation), parliament and the court hierarchy, negligence, forms of business organisation, contract law, consumer law, and property law. This unit will support students as they prepare for their future role in industry.

Units you need background knowledge to study

These units have requirements for previous study or background knowledge. Check the unit’s previous study requirements for details. If you have any questions, contact the unit coordinator for the semester you want to study.

If your previous studies were not in English, or were completed in a country where English is not the first language, you will also need to demonstrate that you meet our English proficiency requirements when you apply.



LLB102 Torts

In this unit, you will apply the skills you are developing in LLB101 Introduction to Law and be introduced to the skills of legal problem solving and legal interviewing and questioning as you look at how the law of torts operates in a real world context. The knowledge and skills that you develop in this unit provide a foundation for more advanced units in later years. The study of torts law is required for admission as a legal practitioner in Australia.

LLB106 Criminal Law

This core unit introduces you to the criminal law of Queensland.  Knowledge of criminal law offences and defences/excuses is essential for understanding the type of behaviour that is prohibited by the state.  Criminal law content knowledge is required for your admission to legal practice and this unit satisfies the Priestly requirements for criminal law.

LLB107 Statutory Interpretation

This unit introduces the foundational concepts of public law, the institutions of government and the rules and principles of statutory interpretation in Australia. Knowledge and skills relating to statutory interpretation are essential in legal practice. This unit provides a foundation for the development of your skills in statutory interpretation that will be honed further in more advanced units. This unit also develops your skills in legal research, written communication and problem solving that were introduced to you in LLB101 Introduction to Law.

LLB108 Law, Governance and Sustainability

This core unit requires you to consider the law, and your role in it, within a broader global system. Australian lawyers must be aware of, and consider the global implications of their practice, including different legal and regulatory systems that may be relevant to their practice. The fundamental concepts in this unit are taught through the lens of sustainability. You will learn about different levels of governance, the world’s legal systems, and different methods of resolving disputes by critically analysing current and emerging sustainability issues. This unit provides a foundation for several core skills, including oral communication, critical thinking and reflective practice. 

LLB150 Behavioural Law and Economics

Law and economics incorporates economic analysis to predict human responses in legal environments. Traditionally, neo-classical economic theories were used to evaluate how rational actors would respond to law. Behavioural law and economics adopts a different approach, as it is based on common human characteristics identified through studies of behaviour. Behavioural economics is used to strengthen the predictive and analytical power of policymakers and economists to determine how people will respond to laws and regulations. In this unit, students will explore how law moderates behaviour, and how behavioural factors can be used to achieve legal outcomes, like deterring undesirable, or encouraging positive, behaviours. Beginning with a study of traditional economic principles and exploring traditional law and economic scholarship, students will gain insights into the differences offered by behavioural law and economics to aid in the development of meaningful legal interventions.

LLB202 Contract Law

In this unit, you will examine how contract law operates in a contemporary real world context and practise skills of contract interpretation and drafting, and legal problem solving. The knowledge and skills you develop in this unit also provide a foundation for later year units in the course, for example, LLB204 Commercial and Personal Property Law, LLB301 Real Property Law, LLB304 Commercial Remedies, and commercial law electives. An understanding of contract law is a requirement for admission to legal practice in Australia.

LLB204 Commercial and Personal Property Law

The knowledge and skills you develop in this unit provide a foundation for later year units in the course, for example, LLH305 Corporate Law, and electives in the commercial area. The study of the content in this unit is required for admission to legal practice in Australia.

LLB205 Equity and Trusts

This unit builds on LLB202 Contract Law and your studies in other common law units, with a focus on developing your critical analysis and legal writing skills. An understanding of equity and trusts is also required for admission to legal practice.

LLB243 Family Law

Family law professionals are involved in referring clients to, and representing them in, dispute resolution processes. They also help clients to reach resolution in a way that minimises the conflict experienced by family members, particularly where there are children. They assist clients with their parenting and financial issues and in applications to seek protection from family violence. This unit is important if you are considering working anywhere within the family law system or in general practice. It is a general law elective in the law degree.

LLB245 Sports Law

Sports Law covers the application of a wide range of legal principles to a sporting context. You will have studied some of the principles at a general level in core units, allowing you to consolidate your knowledge, while other areas of the unit will be new. Sport-specific legal principles (for example, regarding doping) will also be covered. Sport is an area that is becoming increasingly business-orientated and litigious. If you plan to work as a manager, administrator or lawyer in the area of sports you will, in the course of your day-to-day activities, encounter a wide variety of situations that could have potential legal consequences. The unit will draw upon your knowledge of legal systems and torts law and your research skills.

LLB249 Introduction to Technology Law

Welcome to an Introduction to Technology Law, a course designed to provide you with a foundational understanding of the complex relationship between technology and law. Students will explore the historical context in which law has responded to new and emerging technologies. You will examine how technology impacts various aspects of society and how legal professionals can navigate these challenges. Special emphasis will be placed on the ethical, legal, and regulatory dimensions of technology, including issues related to AI, Big Data, privacy, security, and safety. LLB249 also addresses the complexities of international technology regulation, highlighting the need for innovative legal and regulatory approaches in the face of rapid technological advancements. This unit also serves as a foundational platform for the Law, Technology, and Innovation minor, equipping you with essential knowledge and skills to address technology-related challenges in your legal career.

LLB301 Real Property Law

Real Property Law is a core unit in the law degree. It is required for admission to legal practice in Australia. Real property law is a significant part of legal practice in government departments, in-house positions, general practice and specialised law firms. Being able to learn and apply the foundations of real property will enable your understanding and application in other specialist areas of law, for example, family law, environmental law, corporations law, bankruptcy law and succession law (wills and estates).

LLB303 Evidence

Evidence is a core unit in the law degree. Knowledge of the rules of evidence and of the procedures by which it must be tendered and dealt with in court is necessary for the conduct of litigation as either a barrister or a solicitor and for admission to practice. This unit builds upon your study of criminal procedure in LLB106 Criminal Law.

LLB306 Civil Dispute Resolution

In this unit, you will study the rules of civil procedure and alternative dispute resolution in the Queensland State courts. This includes jurisdiction, the initiation and service of process, the definition of issues through pleadings, judgment and enforcement. An understanding of civil dispute resolution is required for admission to legal practice. This core unit draws on the knowledge that you have gained throughout your degree including contract law, torts, statutory interpretation and dispute resolution skills. 

LLB341 Artificial Intelligence, Robots and the Law

As new technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics become more infused in our business, government and social lives, difficult legal, ethical, regulatory and policy questions arise. Developments in machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics raise interesting and urgent issues surrounding the regulation of automated decision-making, privacy, liability and insurance, competition and consumer regimes, and the future of work. This unit considers the application of existing legal and regulatory principles but also the possible need for new principles and regulatory tools. Students will consider developments and innovations in these new technologies, and how the law might be asked to respond.

LLB352 Smart Contracts and Blockchain Governance

Smart contracts represent challenges in emerging technology. Smart contracts raise questions of how traditional areas of law (such as contract law) are challenged by emerging technologies and the underlying technology of blockchain forces engagement with broader questions of law, regulation and governance. The growing need to convert law into computer code requires using traditional legal skills in new and innovative ways.   In this unit you will further develop the skills to explore ideas of code and law as raised by smart contracts and blockchain. These are skills that future lawyers will need to know as emerging technology becomes more embedded in legal practice.  Please note - coding experience or skills are  not required for this unit.

LLB443 Mining and Resources Law

Mining and resources law is dominated by a complex myriad of legislation and regulation. The policies underlying the various legislative schemes recognise the importance of the sector to the Australian economy, and the balance that must be struck between economic and environmental imperatives, property rights, native title and cultural heritage. This unit is designed to explore the salient issues in mining and energy resources law and their impact in a volatile legal, social, commercial and policy environment.

LLB460 Competition Moots A

Mooting is a fundamental element of legal education. As a student mooter at QUT, you have the opportunity, because of the number of national and international competitions that the QUT Law School is invited to participate in, to take your skills to the national and international arena and experience mooting at the highest level. Each international and national moot that you participate in requires significant preparation and attention to detail. This unit is one of a number of work integrated learning units designed to provide you with the experience of using and developing your legal knowledge and skills. Mooting will provide you with an authentic learning experience with direct application in real world legal environments. Through this experience you should be better placed for a smooth transition to the workplace.  In order to enrol in this unit, you must have been selected to represent QUT in a moot competition which attracts academic credit.

LLB461 Competition Moots B

Mooting is a fundamental element of legal education. As a student mooter at QUT, you have the opportunity, because of the number of national and international competitions that the QUT Law School is invited to participate in, to take your skills to the national and international arena and experience mooting at the highest level. Each international and national moot that you participate in requires significant preparation and attention to detail. This unit is one of a number of work integrated learning units designed to provide you with the experience of using and developing your legal knowledge and skills. Mooting will provide you with an authentic learning experience with direct application in real world legal environments. Through this experience you should be better placed for a smooth transition to the workplace.  In order to enrol in this unit, you must have been selected to represent QUT in a moot competition which attracts academic credit.

LLB463 Legal Placement

This unit will enable you to experience the real world application and development of your legal knowledge and skills through participation in a domestic legal placement. You will work alone or with a small group of students to respond to real world legal issues at a community legal centre, not-for-profit organisation, law firm or company. You will undertake legal research, draft reports, prepare presentations, and/or undertake other legal tasks under supervision. This unit affords you an authentic learning context to undertake legal work in the real world. Through this experience you should develop skills to be better placed for career planning and transition to the workplace. You will need to enrol in this unit in order to apply for a project. However, your enrolment does not guarantee that you will be allocated to a QUT-organised project, or that you will be able to undertake this unit.

LLB464 International Legal Placement

The final year elective 'International Legal Placement' will prepare you to transition into the workforce by providing you with the opportunity to work on a real-world legal issue. QUT partners with a number of international organisations to identify contemporary legal issues impacting the international community. During the semester, you will apply your legal knowledge and skills by completing a QUT-organised project with one these organisations. Students enrolled in in-person projects will travel abroad to present their work.  Your enrolment in this unit does not guarantee that you will be selected for a project. If you are not selected for a project, you will be unable to undertake this unit.

LLH201 Legal Research

In this unit, you will develop problem-solving and research skills and apply them to ill-defined problems. You will also have the opportunity to reflect on your career goals and strategically build your skills to enhance your employability. You will then have the opportunity to reflect on and expand your research skills in LLH402 Legal Research Project and your career goals in LLH403 Legal Industry Capstone Project. 

LLH206 Administrative Law

This unit examines the manner in which the executive branch of government is legally accountable, particularly in its dealings with individuals. The unit builds on key principles studied in LLB203 Constitutional Law concerning the structure and operation of our federal system of government, in order to focus on judicial and extra-judicial means of reviewing administrative action. An understanding of administrative law is required for admission into legal practice in Australia.

LLH302 Ethics and the Legal Profession

This unit is a core unit in the law degree and is required for admission to legal practice in Australia. It builds on the legal research and critical analysis skills developed in LLB104 Contemporary Law and Justice and LLH201 Legal Research.

LLH305 Corporate Law

Corporate Law is designed to provide you with knowledge and understanding of the key legal principles and policy issues relevant to registered companies. This unit is a compulsory area of study in the law degree and is required for admission as a legal practitioner.

LLH403 Legal Industry Capstone Project

LLH403 is a work-integrated learning unit that prepares students to transition from university to professional work. This final-year capstone unit will enable you to apply the research skills developed in LLH402 to a real-world legal problem. QUT works with industry partners to identify the complex contemporary legal problems Australians are facing. You will apply your legal knowledge and research skills by completing a research project that presents a solution to one of these problems. You will further develop your reflective writing skills by critically reflecting on the challenges you faced while completing your research project. Whether you see your future in a law firm, community legal centre, law reform commission, government department, or elsewhere, you will require the ability to apply your legal knowledge in real-world contexts; recognise opportunities to create solutions in the workplace; and reflect on feedback, experience and career development.  

LLH470 Commercial Contracts in Practice

An advanced knowledge of contract law principles and their interaction with principles of equity and property law within the Australian context is crucial for all lawyers involved in negotiating, reviewing and drafting commercial agreements. The unit draws upon the fundamental principles of contract, equity and property studied earlier in your degree to examine at an advanced level the interaction of these principles in the context of common commercial transactions, including sales, leases and share sale agreements. Relevant regulatory provisions are also examined where applicable. The unit provides an opportunity for you to gain an enhanced understanding of the common practical issues related to the negotiation, drafting and interpretation of common clauses in commercial agreements, as well as the use of generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) tools in this context.

LLH471 Health Law and Practice

In this honours elective unit, you will apply the skills of communication, legal reasoning, critical and creative thinking, and research project management developed throughout the degree and consolidated in LLH401 Legal Research Capstone. You will also develop advanced knowledge in relation to health care law, building on the knowledge from LLB102 Torts. The relationship between the provider of health services and the patient has, in recent times, become more complex and there is consequently a significantly growing field of related legal scholarship and litigation.

LLH473 Independent Research Project

This unit provides you with the advanced research and writing skills needed for enrolment in higher degree research programs and for the legal profession. As an advanced Honours elective, this unit builds upon the research and higher order thinking skills developed in other Honours units, including LLH201 Legal Research.

LLH474 Insolvency Law

An understanding of the principles of insolvency and restructuring law will assist you to gain a more complete grasp of the legal system, particularly in a commercial context. Knowledge of the law as it applies to both personal and corporate insolvency provides opportunity to develop your skills in a range of legal areas as well as providing a base for those interested in working in this specialised field.

LWN164 Health Care Law and Ethics

The relationship between law and ethics in healthcare is important, as health knowledge and interventions and our understandings of the respective roles, responsibilities and rights of health professionals, health organisations, patients and the state, amongst others, continue to rapidly develop and evolve. This unit explores the relationship between law and ethics to lay the foundations of an understanding of both law and ethics as they relate to healthcare.

Legal practice

LPP110 Lawyers Skills

This unit provides you with opportunities to develop and demonstrate competence in some of the lawyering skills and values identified in the Australasian Professional Legal Education Council’s (APLEC) and the Law Admissions Consultative Committee’s  (LACC) have published standards for the pre-admission practical training of Australian legal practitioners. Those standards have been adopted in Queensland as part of the admission rules for the legal profession. This unit focuses on ethics and professionalism, interviewing, negotiation, advocacy and personal well-being.

LPP112 Work Skills

This unit provides you with opportunities to develop and demonstrate competence in the values, work and risk management capabilities and financial awareness that the Australasian Professional Legal Education Council’s (APLEC) and the Law Admissions Consultative Committee’s (LACC) standards for the pre-admission practical training of Australian legal practitioners. Those standards have been adopted in Queensland as part of the admission rules for the legal profession. This unit covers the values of Ethics and Professional Responsibility and the skills areas of Trust and Office Accounting and Work Management and Business Skills described in those standards.

LPP113 Civil Litigation

This unit provides you with opportunities to develop and demonstrate competence in the area of Civil Litigation as described in the Australasian Professional Legal Education Council's (APLEC) and the Law Admissions Consultative Committee's (LACC) standards for the pre-admission practical training of Australian legal practitioners. Those standards have been adopted in Queensland as part of the admission rules for the legal profession. In this unit you will learn how to institute and run a civil proceedings up to the point of settlement before trial.

LPP114 Commercial

This unit provides you with opportunities to develop and demonstrate competence in the area of corporate and commercial practice as described in the Australasian Professional Legal Education Council's (APLEC) and the Law Admissions Consultative Committee's (LACC) standards for the pre-admission practical training of Australian legal practitioners. Those standards have been adopted in Queensland as part of the admission rules for the legal profession. In this unit you will advise a client on aspects of setting up a proprietary company, draft conditions for a contract for the sale of a business and advised on due diligence and take other steps on behalf of a buyer of a business.

LPP115 Property

This unit provides you with opportunities to develop and demonstrate competence in the Property area of practice as described in the Australasian Professional Legal Education Council's (APLEC) and the Law Admissions Consultative Committee's LACC) standards for the pre-admission practical training of Australian legal practitioners. Those standards have been adopted in Queensland as part of the admission rules for the legal profession. In this unit you will act for the purchaser of a residential property and provide advice on a lease and mortgage and critical forms for those transactions.

LPP116 Electives

In this unit you choose two practice areas from the eight practice areas that the Australasian Professional Legal Education Council (APLEC) and the Law Admissions Consultative Committee (LACC) have designated as the eight 'elective' practice areas for the purpose of admission to the legal profession. People who wish to be admitted to the legal profession in Australia are required to have demonstrated basic competence in two of those eight areas.  This unit provides you with an opportunity to explore the two areas of practice that you choose from the eight. 

LPP117 Interaction (Professional Capability)

This unit provides you with opportunities to broaden your professional capabilities that will assist you in your future legal career.  You will develop these capabilities through the practical application of your legal and procedural knowledge in interviewing, negotiation, file management and other related activities.  The capabilities you will develop include professional engagement, effective communication, adapting to change and developing resilience. 

LPP118 Placement

In this unit, you complete a placement in a private, government, community, in-house, judicial or other workplace that provides legal services under the supervision of legal practitioner or judicial officer in Australia.  The Law Admissions Consultative Committee's (LACC)  standards for the pre-admission practical training of Australian legal practitioners, provide that you need to complete a placement in a law office in Australia if you wish to be admitted to the legal profession.Those standards have been adopted in Queensland as part of the admission rules for the legal profession. If you need QUT to find a placement for you, we will find you a placement in the Brisbane metropolitan area.  If you want a placement in Queensland outside the Brisbane metropolitan area, we will endeavour to satisfy your request but cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.  If you want a placement outside of Queensland, you will need to source your own placement.

LPP119 Career Skills

LPP119 Career Skills will enable us to introduce new content into the course in these areas: The business of practising law Legal Tech Creating a professional identity Advanced legal communication These areas are touched upon in some other course units but are not given the depth of treatment that they require if we are to prepare our students for the modern professional workplace.