Single-unit study

You can study individual units for personal or professional development without having to apply for a full QUT course.

If you successfully complete a unit, you may be eligible for credit if you decide to apply for a degree course in the future.

Units anyone can study

These units don’t have any requirements for previous study or background knowledge.

But if your previous studies were not in English, or were completed in a country where English is not the first language, you will need to demonstrate that you meet our English proficiency requirements when you apply.


Biology and environmental science

BVB101 Foundations of Biology

Biology is the study of living things. Cells are considered the basic structural unit of life, existing in diverse forms from simple single-celled microbes to complex multicellular organisms such as plants and animals. Using collaborative approaches in workshops and the laboratory you will investigate the diverse nature of cells and consider how they are built and powered and how they interact and reproduce and form whole organisms. You will use the concepts developed in this unit to discuss more complex questions such as “are viruses alive” and “can we synthesise life”. This unit has a strong focus on development of practical skills and engagement in these activities is required to be able to undertake assessment that supports these learning outcomes.

BVB103 Evolution and the Diversity of Life

The famous biologist, Theodosius Dobzhansky (1973) stated that "nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution". Studying evolution and biodiversity provides you with the fundamental basis for understanding biological patterns and processes from data sources spanning research from genomes to ecology and fossils. This unit provides an overview of the nature of inheritance, biological variation, natural & sexual selection and adaptation as well as the diversity of life that these processes have generated. The  unit aims to equip you to be able to (1) interpret any biological observation in an evolutionary framework in fields as diverse as conservation and medical genetics and (2) recognise and classify major groups of organisms. We will introduce some key elements of Australia’s largely unique flora and fauna.  As a foundational unit, knowledge and skills that you gain will be built upon in subsequent units in the biology and environmental science majors.

BVB221 Nature's Pharmacy

Fundamental concepts and practical skills relevant to plant medicinal biology, chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmacology. It introduces the general classes of medicinal compounds, their biosynthesis and function, their purification and analysis, and clinical applications. The unit introduces the pharmacology of specific biologically derived compounds, thereby building upon the knowledge of drug action developed in BVB212. It provides a deeper understanding of the broader technical, social, cultural, and legal challenges in the transition from discovery to application via focused evaluation of existing/emerging global health challenges. The ability to critically evaluate scientific literature, synthesise information, and write effectively is further developed in this unit. This unit develops a broad range of knowledge and practical skills of direct relevance to natural product chemistry, plant science, botany, and allied health.

BZB210 Biological Sciences

Cells are the basic structural unit of life. They exist in diverse forms from simple single-celled microbes to complex multicellular organisms such as plants and animals. In this unit you will investigate the diverse nature of cells and consider how they are built and powered and how they interact and reproduce. You will extend these foundation concepts to examine more complex problems involving molecular biology, plant and animal biology, and ecology. This unit has a strong focus on development of practical skills and engagement in these activities is required to be able to undertake assessment that supports these learning outcomes.

CVB225 Forensic Biology and Analytical Toxicology

The extensive use of biological evidence to identify victims and offenders as well as indicate attempts to control victims prior to abuse or attack has had a significant bearing on the course of law enforcement investigations, criminal court proceedings, and victim service providers. DNA and toxicology evidence have become a highly influential piece of the crime puzzle. You will be introduced to the concepts of DNA profiling and analytical toxicology and their applications in forensic case work. You will develop the necessary skills for analysing and interpreting DNA and toxicology evidences and be introduced to the basic concepts of forensic anthropology. This learning will be through the study of the theory, hands-on practices relevant to real life scenarios as well as training on the forensic interpretation of the evidence.

EVB102 Ecosystems and the Environment

Like all other species on the planet, humans extract energy and materials from their surrounding environment and as a result of that activity, modify ecosystems. We are part of the earth's ecological systems, and our ability to understand and manage our impact on the environment must be based on a sound knowledge of ecosystems ecology. This first year unit provides an introduction to ecosystems science through a series of lectures, workshops and field work. The unit focuses on broad-scale factors that shape ecosystems, such as energy transfer, materials cycling, climate and soils and examines the ecological patterns that emerge as a result. This knowledge is then used to assess ecosystem change and human impact on the environment. This foundational unit is relevant to environmental science and biology students and those with an interest in understanding the natural science components of sustainability.

SEB123 Life and the Environment: Survival of the Fittest

This unit introduces you to the study of living things, how the environment shapes their survival and in turn how living things can then shape their environments. You will engage with biological and environmental scientists in workshops and practical activities to investigate how and why organisms have adapted to survive and reproduce in different environments and the positive and negative impacts that this can have (with particular focus on Australia). By undertaking introductory experiments and activities in the field and laboratory you will develop your understanding of scientific methodologies. You will experience how traditional and modern approaches and technologies are complementary for answering important questions and for biologists and environmental scientists to make an impact.

Chemistry and physics

CVB101 General Chemistry

This foundation chemistry unit covers the core concepts and laboratory practices that we use to define the nature of atoms and the different forms of matter, to quantify chemical reactions & chemical reaction processes through the application of thermochemistry, kinetics and chemical equilibria. The understanding of these chemical concepts is essential to knowing why matter in our universe exists in specific forms and how it transforms. This knowledge is the foundation upon which the other scientific disciplines and applied disciplines are based. The knowledge and skills developed in this introductory unit are relevant to both chemistry major students and non-majors alike.

CVB102 Chemical Structure and Reactivity

Chemistry relates to all aspects of our lives. An understanding of chemistry is necessary to make sense of our world and to address the global challenges faced by our society. Together with its companion unit, CVB101 General Chemistry, this unit provides you with a foundation in the science of Chemistry. It focuses on how atoms bond to form molecules, and the models chemists use to understand molecular structure. You will learn how to predict the reactivity and properties of molecules and will get a foundational introduction to organic and biological chemistry. You will develop your ability to apply theoretical knowledge and critical thinking to solving chemical problems. You will also complete a suite of laboratory practical experiments, where you will develop professional skills in chemical manipulation, analysis, safe laboratory practices, data recording and analysis. This unit is a foundation for higher-level courses in organic chemistry, materials science and biochemistry.

CVB210 Chemical Measurement Science

The unit introduces students to the principles and methods of making quality measurements in the context of chemical analysis and calibration. Students will gain relevant 'hands-on' experience from the practical and workshop programs, which will enable them to understand the theory in the context of 'real world' examples. The practical component involves a representative examples of wet-chemical and instrumental exercises that provide an introduction to Analytical Chemistry and practical experience for students pursuing any area of Science, Health and Engineering that needs quantitative chemical measurements. Skills developed in the unit will be important for students aiming gain an understanding of the internationally-recognised quality framework for chemical testing and calibration, the ISO/IEC 17025.

CVB222 Forensic Analysis of Bio-active Compounds

This unit provides an introduction to the basics of bio-analytical methods used for the detection and identification of bio-active substances in different matrices. The methods are demonstrated to bio-active compounds that are frequently encountered in pharmaceutical, forensic, molecular diagnostics and environmental industries. The unit will introduce modern instrumental analytical platforms such as spectroscopy, chromatography, electrophoresis, nanosensors and immunoassay.

PCN214 Radiation Protection

This unit covers radiation protection of humans, primarily aimed at radiation in the workplace. Topics include sources of radiation, effects of ionizing radiation on the human body, radiation protection in diagnostic radiology, and laser safety.

PCN801 Topics in Advanced Chemistry 2

The complexity of the chemical systems studied in a research program and the sophistication of the instrumentation used demand that deeper theoretical understanding than that acquired in an undergraduate program. The aims of this unit are to extend and deepen the theoretical and practical background required for undertaking a research program and to provide the candidate with the appropriate theoretical and practical background, at an advanced level, necessary for the completion of a research program.

PVB105 Foundations of Physics

The fundamental concepts of physics seek to describe, predict and explain phenomena at all scales from the observable universe down to subatomic particles. They underpin all the sciences. This unit introduces you to those underlying physical processes that relate to the behaviour of the world: motion, forces, energy, gravity, electricity, and special relativity, and see how they help us to also understand thermal interactions, fluid dynamics, global warming, electric and magnetic fields, electrical currents, optical instruments, space travel, the motions of the planets and to theorise about the nature, history and future of the universe itself. You will learn how to think about scientific concepts, and solve problems like a physicist. These concepts are grounded in experimental verification, and you will develop technical and reporting skills in laboratory experiments which investigate the relationships between measurable physical phenomena both individually and in teams.

PVB220 Cosmology

Cosmology is the study of the origin and evolution of the universe, from the Big Bang to the present. Topics presented include special and general relativity, the physics and geometry of space-time, inflationary cosmology, cosmic microwave background, dark energy and dark matter, supermassive black holes, gravitational waves, and the status of Australian cosmology surveys.

SEB122 Physics in the Real World

Physics describes the world around us, from the tides in the ocean to the way that objects heat up in the sunshine. Understanding basic physics provides a fundamental foundation for all of the scientific disciplines, and by learning how to think like a physicist you will understand how to approach problems systematically and analytically. This unit will enable you to identify the core physical laws required to describe a variety of real-world processes, with a particular focus on those that are relevant to other scientific disciplines. You will learn about measurement and uncertainty, motion, forces and energy, basic concepts of thermodynamics, electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation and waves, and the structure of atoms and molecules, incorporating conceptual, mathematical and practical approaches.

SEB124 Understanding Chemistry

Chemistry, the science of molecules, gives us the tools we need to make sense of the world around us. Chemistry underpins all aspects of the natural and physical world and appears in all science disciplines, including physics, biology, earth and environmental science. Therefore, this subject is designed to develop your understanding of the basic principles of chemistry and an opportunity to explore chemistry in the context of different science disciplines. This unit explores the structure of atoms, how atoms bond to form molecules, and the models chemists use to understand molecular structure, including an understanding of isomers. This knowledge is then applied to understand how chemical bonding and intermolecular forces work together to influence properties of macromolecules and materials. Through the practical aspects of this unit, you will develop professional skills in chemical manipulation, safe and sustainable laboratory practices, data recording and analysis. 

Computer science

ENN524 Mobile Network Engineering

Wireless communications, mobile networks and Internet of Things have been widely deployed and integrated into various mobile platforms for value-added services. This unit highlights the recent advances in wireless local area and wireless wide area networks, vehicular networks and Internet of Things with focus on basic principles, selected standards and protocols. The unit also provides an overview for mobile satellite systems and navigation satellite systems and applications

IFB102 Introduction to Computer Systems

This is an introductory computer science unit concerning computer systems, in particular how modern computer systems work, how they are structured, and how they operate. Computer systems are ubiquitous and yet they are unlike any other man-made product or system; they appear magical and are notoriously difficult to work with and manage in projects. This unit’s goal is to demystify computer systems so students can appreciate, understand and utilise computer systems in their subsequent learning, and effectively participate in the IT industry. Students will study computers, networks, operating systems and the Web. Raspberry Pi computers will be used throughout the unit and at the end students will build their own small computer system using a Raspberry Pi.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

This unit provides a hands-on introduction to computer programming for students with no prior coding experience at all. It introduces the basic principles of programming in a typical imperative language, including expressions, assignment, functions, choice and iteration. It then shows how to use Application Programming Interfaces to complete common Information Technology tasks such as querying databases, creating user interfaces, and searching for patterns in large datasets. The emphasis is on developing skills through practice, so the unit includes numerous coding exercises and assignments, using a simple scripting language and code development environment. The unit establishes a foundation for later subjects that teach large-scale software development using industrial-strength programming languages.

IFB240 Cyber Security

Cybersecurity breaches, from database hacking to malware campaigns, are increasing. The interconnectedness of information systems means the actions of individuals impact many others. This unit is important in developing an understanding of the challenges involved in protecting information assets, introducing fundamental information security concepts. Security goals including confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication and non-repudiation are defined. Threats to information and vulnerabilities that could be exploited are identified. Technical and non-technical measures to provide security for information are discussed in areas including access control, cryptography, and network communications. Security management standards and guidelines on best practice implementation are reviewed. You can take this unit as a stand-alone course to raise your information security awareness, or as a pathway into information security units, including network security and cryptography. 

IFN507 Network Systems

This unit introduces the core concepts of computer networks and the Internet, in particular layered network architecture and models, hardware and software, TCP/IP protocol stack, addressing and routing, wireless networks, network security, and network services and applications. It teaches you how modern computer networks and the Internet work, how they are structured, and how they operate. The ability to understand, analyse, design, configure and manage computer networks and network services is a requirement for a range of graduate entry information technology positions. The unit provides the necessary knowledge and skills for further study in networks, cyber security, computer science and other relevant areas. Other advanced-level networks and cyber security units build on this unit by extending your fundamental understanding of computer networks for more complex needs and various network application requirements. 

IFN551 Computer Systems Fundamentals

This unit introduces the core concepts of a computer system, in particular how modern computer systems work, how they are structured, and how they operate. You will work with simulation software that allows you will build your own small computer system. The unit teaches you how to work effectively with modern computer environments and gain sufficient knowledge to be able to adapt to the evolution of computer systems in the future. The unit provides the necessary knowledge and skills for further study in areas such as networking, security, data science and software development.

IFN555 Introduction to Programming

This unit is designed for those who have never programmed before. It introduces the basic building blocks of algorithms: sequence, selection and iteration and how algorithmic thinking is used to decompose problems into simpler steps. The C# language is used for expressing those steps in a programming language. It introduces an imperative style of programming in which a sequence of statements change the program’s state. The program’s state consists of a set of variables that contain data of various types. We introduce basic data types including numbers, text strings and lists. Students are also introduced to processes for debugging and testing programs to ensure their correctness and the forms of professional communication associated with software development.

Earth and atmospheric sciences

CLB100 Global Change

In CLB100, you will discover how the Earth has undergone natural global change and how this compares to anthropogenic change of the planet. The three key aims of the unit are: i) to focus on climatic and global change of the last 3 million years; ii) to then put this into the context of the Earth’s long planetary history; and finally, iii) to develop a sound appreciation of the close relationship between human evolution and global change. You will gain new appreciation of diverse perspectives and inclusion by learning about how different cultures have recorded past global change. In conclusion, the unit will let your discover how past planetary change can be used to inform models predicting future climate: the past is the key to the future.

CLB221 Introduction to Climate Change

This unit is designed to offer science, engineering and other students an opportunity to understand fundamentals of climate and climate change together with sustainable development efforts related to clean energy technologies. It  provides students with an overview of global climate and climate change drivers, meteorological parameters and global air circulation, as well as an overview of technological pathways towards low carbon society. Students will explore global energy balance and climate change through an investigation of (i) Energy related environmental problems on local and global scale; (ii) Earth's climate, meteorology and transport of pollutants in the atmosphere; (iii) Working principles in selected conventional and alternative energy technologies to reduce energy related environmental consequences.

CLB222 Oceans and Atmosphere

Oceans make up 70% of the Earth's surface, yet less than 5% of them have been explored. There is therefore still much to learn about the marine environment, marine resources, and management, and how oceans affect atmospheric circulation. This unit takes a bottom-up approach introducing students to the major geological processes and geomorphology features that shape the ocean floor, dynamic sediments, and biology that are sourced and distributed by ocean currents and chemistry, followed by an overview of the factors governing ocean circulation and ocean water properties and finally looking at how oceans affect atmospheric circulation and climate.  The interaction of all these processes has a direct societal impact such as the management of marine resources, including the cultural narratives of the  Great Barrier Reef, infrastructure and food security, and risk mitigation of natural hazards, weather patterns, and climate change.

CLB331 Natural Hazards

In CLB331 we will focus on the Science of Natural Hazards. By understanding the conditions and processes that lead to, and cause, severity of natural processes such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides, cyclones, tornadoes, storms/blizzards, floods, bushfire, and asteroid impacts, you will be better informed as to why there are natural hazards and disasters, and how to prepare and mitigate for future events that will have a range of social, economic and political impacts. We will build on the knowledge and skills developed in Year 1 to provide you with a global perspective of how we, as a society, will continually be confronted by natural hazards.

CLB333 Dynamic Atmosphere

Building on the foundation of atmospheric science laid in PQB360, this unit will provide enhanced understanding of chemical and physical processes that are responsible for structure, composition and properties of the atmosphere. Students will gain deeper  understanding of aerosol and cloud formation, their interaction with solar radiation and role in global climate, as well as chemical transformations that govern abundance of important atmospheric trace species in both gas and aerosol phase. This knowledge will provide students with the background to understand current issues, such as stratospheric ozone depletion, impact of volcanoes on climate, air pollution and photochemical smog, acid rain and climate change.

ERB110 Earth's Dynamic Systems

Earth Science impacts every aspect of modern life. The concepts of Earth Science are fundamental not only to the field of geology, but also to climate science, environmental science, natural resource management, water security, civil and geotechnical engineering and society at large. This introduction to Earth Science and its applications, includes earth cycles and materials (minerals and rocks), geospatial mapping, geological history, physical geography  and landforms. Additionally, the unit provides accessible examples of the use of scientific reasoning for understanding complex natural systems. Earth's Dynamic Systems is a foundation unit for further studies in Earth Science, but more importantly, serves as a broad introduction to the very world we live on and to science in general. Such a background is highly desirable for any informed citizen for understanding complex issues around resources, climate, environment, and societal development.

ERB111 Earth and Planetary Evolution

In ERB111 Earth & Planetary Evolution, you will focus on key events in the history of our planet and the solar system – the formation of our planet, the concept of geologic time, the origin of the oceans and atmosphere, and the evolution of life. You will learn about the connections between the evolution of life and physical planetary processes and events, to appreciate the complexity of life that exists on Earth today. This provides a fundamental introduction to astrobiology and geological time and prepares you for a more in-depth exploration of Earth system connectivity, biodiversity, natural hazards, environmental management, and climate change.

ERB220 Minerals in Society

Minerals in Society is the study of minerals and rocks that form the solid Earth, with a focus on how minerals and their elemental building blocks are used in society. Indeed, modern society has been built on humankind’s ability to exploit the physical and chemical properties of minerals. The study of minerals is essential for understanding the structure and composition of the earth, detailed processes of the rock cycle, and how minerals are the source of metals needed for a sustainable future. 

ERB311 Dynamic Atmosphere

Building on the foundation of atmospheric science laid in PQB360, this unit will provide enhanced understanding of chemical and physical processes that are responsible for structure, composition and properties of the atmosphere. Students will gain deeper  understanding of aerosol and cloud formation, their interaction with solar radiation and role in global climate, as well as chemical transformations that govern abundance of important atmospheric trace species in both gas and aerosol phase. This knowledge will provide students with the background to understand current issues, such as stratospheric ozone depletion, impact of volcanoes on climate, air pollution and photochemical smog, acid rain and climate change.

PCB150 Biomedical Physics

This unit aims to provide Biomedical and Allied Health students with an introduction to the physical properties and processes that underlie the science and technologies used in those fields. Professionals in the applied sciences require an understanding of the processes involved in making and recording measurements and of the physical principles that underlie the parameters being measured and the instruments being used to make those measurements. The unit introduces you to the processes of measurement, and of estimating, presenting and interpreting the uncertainties associated with measurements. The physics of mechanics, heat, sound and light will be introduced and explained to enable you to understand the parameters being measured and the limits of the measurement process. The unit will include a broad introduction to the imaging technology underpinning the diagnosis of many diseases.

SEB121 Earth in Motion

In this unit you will learn about the inter-connectivity of Earth and life and how our planet has changed through time, including the recent socio-economic issues around climate, biodiversity and future energy demands.

Information systems

IAB201 Modelling Techniques for Information Systems

This is an introductory unit that will provide you with the foundational skills and knowledge required for understanding, designing and analysing information systems. The unit aims to develop an ability to manage the complexity of contemporary and future information systems and the domains in which they are used. It will also provide you with the skills to design artefacts, fit for purpose and audience, that can be used to solve real-world problems related to information systems. Unit content will play an important role in future units and a wide variety of professional IT activities. This unit expands on knowledge acquired in IFB103: IT Systems Design by introducing conceptual modelling techniques that underpin most modern systems modelling languages. Subsequent units will build on the conceptual modelling skills learned in this unit, for example, by applying it to the techniques covered in IAB203: Business Process Modelling and IAB204: Business Requirements Analysis.

IAB353 Business Intelligence using Enterprise Systems

This unit provides knowledge and skills for supporting Business Intelligence(BI) using enterprise systems. BI is a technology-driven process for analysing data and delivering actionable outcomes as part of planning and decision-making tasks undertaken by executives, managers, and workers. It involves data science and machine learning techniques and tools applied to key aspects of businesses including products, services, customers and resources. You will be exposed to the planning, modelling, reporting, and prediction structures underpinning business intelligence. To support this, you will learn, Data preparation, analysis and modelling, predictions, and visualization. In addition, you will be exposed to advanced data analytics capabilities including, real-time analytics and Internet of Things (IoT) analytics. This will be applied through a comprehensive framework that supports data Ops, data security, and governance. The unit provides a rich exposure to real-world BI platforms.

IFB103 IT Systems Design

Developing an innovative, practical and cost-effective IT solution that is user-focused is a complex task for IT experts. It requires a systematic process that includes: 1) identifying and clarifying a business problem that an IT system can help to resolve; 2) collecting and interpreting requirements; 3) decomposing the system into its components; and, 4) prototyping techniques to ensure that all the components of the system satisfy the requirements. This unit presents students with authentic industry challenges in which you apply your IT knowledge, fundamental analysis and design techniques. It exposes you to design contexts, theories, processes, principles and methods that IT experts use, either individually or in a group, to analyse and design an IT system. The unit builds your skills towards any career related to operational analysis and design of a specific business scope, including Business Systems Analyst, Solution Architect, and Project Manager.

IFB105 Database Management

This is an introductory unit on database addressing the core concepts, requirements and practices of databases. It introduces conceptual data modeling to address a key area of concern of modeling structured data to build a comprehensive understanding of the data aspect of a problem. You will learn how to transform such data model into a relational database design as well as how to effectively retrieve data through SQL queries. Normalization, database security/administration, other special topics and ethical aspects related to information systems are also covered. IAB207 Rapid Web App Development, IAB303 Data Analytics for Business Insights and the Capstone units IFB398 Capstone 1 and IFB399 Capstone 2 build on this unit for data storage/retrieval and business insights. IAB206 Modern Data Management extends this unit earning to unstructured data such as graphs and documents which are also gaining popularity in the real world.

IFB201 Introduction to Enterprise Systems

This unit provides an introduction to enterprise systems, the most widely used form of software technology in the business world. It will provide you with a background of the different aspects of businesses that they manage, such as resources, teams, products, services, customers and suppliers, and prominent types of enterprise systems in the market, including customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, supply chain management systems. Based on this background, you will learn how to design, develop and effectively utilise enterprise systems from three perspectives. These are: business processes through which activities are coordinated across an organisation; software applications which provide the programming code underpinning the processes; and decision-making in which data is combined and visualised for users to determine critical outcomes. 

IFN515 Fundamentals of Business Process Management

This unit provides an in-depth introduction towards the management of Business Processes. It takes you through the fundamental lifecycle phases of a typical business process improvement initiative, from process identification to process monitoring, covering process modelling, analysis, improvement and automation.

IFN552 Systems Analysis and Design

The unit outlines the process of clarifying business problems that an IT system can help to resolve, and provides a working knowledge of principles, contexts and methods that IT experts use, either individually or in a group, to analyse and design an IT system. The knowledge and skills (both hard skills such as the modelling techniques and soft skills such as team work) that you learn in this unit will be used extensively in your professional life following graduation. The unit builds your skills towards any career related to operational analysis and design of a specific business scope, including Business Analyst, Solution Architect and Project Manager.

IFN554 Databases

This is a foundational unit addressing the core concepts, principles and skills required for understanding, designing and managing databases. It introduces a conceptual approach to modeling the data aspect of business domains, how to transform a conceptual data model into a relational database design, and how to retrieve and manipulate data through standard database querying techniques. Relevant societal and ethical aspects of database management are also covered. The knowledge and skills involved in developing and managing databases effectively are essential for IT Professional, Business Analyst, and Data Scientist nowadays.

IFN558 Management Information Systems

Organisations are continuously transforming to leverage the potential of information systems. To be able to effectively transform an organisation, its leadership must be made aware of what an information system actually is, how to manage the components of information systems effectively, and how to make informed decisions based on the data present in the information system. The purpose of this unit is to provide insights into how information systems can be effectively leveraged by organisations. Drawing on case studies, concepts related to the following will be discussed: digital transformation of organisations, business analytics and data visualisation, design cycle approach for digital solutions, as well as ethical implications. The knowledge and skills taught in this unit will help make you a well-rounded IT professional and prepare you for careers related to business analytics and management.

Mathematical sciences

MXB100 Introductory Calculus and Algebra

This unit builds on high school calculus by exploring derivatives, integrals and differential equations. It also introduces the basic theory of matrices, vectors and complex numbers. The ability to apply these concepts and techniques, and express real-world problems in mathematical language, is essential in quantitative fields such as science, business and technology. This is an introductory unit, which attempts to establish foundational skills that you will extend in subsequent discipline-specific units. This unit is particularly intended for students whose mathematics preparation does not include Queensland Senior Specialist Mathematics, Mathematics C or an equivalent.

MXB103 Introductory Computational Mathematics

Many real world phenomena are modelled by mathematical models whose solutions cannot be found analytically. To solve these problems in practice, it is necessary to develop computational methods, algorithms and computer code. This unit will introduce you to numerical methods for addressing foundational problems in computational mathematics such as solving nonlinear ordinary differential equations, finding roots of nonlinear functions, constructing interpolating polynomials of data sets, computing derivatives and integrals numerically and solving linear systems of equations. This is an introductory unit providing foundational skills in computational methods and their practical implementation using relevant computational software. This unit will be essential throughout the remaining parts of your degree. MXB226 Computational Methods 1 builds on this unit by extending your computational and programming skills to more challenging problems and more sophisticated algorithms.

MXB105 Calculus and Differential Equations

Calculus and differential equations are used ubiquitously throughout mathematics, statistics and operations research. In this unit, you will build upon the foundations of calculus established in high school or in earlier university mathematics study, to greatly enhance your repertoire of theory and practice in these areas. The application of calculus and differential equations in the description and modelling of real-world problems will also be considered. This unit will extend your problem-solving skills, range of knowledge and use of techniques in differential and integral calculus. These theoretical concepts and their applications will be pursued further in MXB202 Advanced Calculus.

MXB106 Linear Algebra

This is a foundational unit in linear algebra which introduces core algebraic concepts, as well as theoretical and practical tools, that will be of central importance to solving real-world problems in science and engineering by mathematical methods. Linear algebra is fundamental to most branches of mathematics, finding widespread applications in mathematical modelling, statistics, finance, economics, information technology, operations research, and computational mathematics. This unit aims to cultivate a deep understanding of the basic mathematical structures of linear algebra, including vector spaces and linear combinations, matrix transformations, invariant subspaces and eigenvalue problems. These theoretical concepts and their applications will be pursued further in MXB201 Advanced Linear Algebra.

MXB107 Introduction to Statistical Modelling

Statistical modelling provides methods for analysing data to gain insight into real-world problems. The aim of this unit is to introduce a wide range of fundamental statistical modelling and data analysis techniques, and demonstrate the role they play in drawing inferences in real-world problems. This unit is designed around the exploration of contemporary and important issues through the analysis of real data sets, while simultaneously and necessarily building your statistical modelling expertise. You will learn how to propose research questions, analyse real data sets to attempt to answer these questions, and draw inferences and conclusions based on your findings. The importance of ethical considerations when dealing with real data sets will be emphasised. The R programming language will be introduced, and you will gain experience and build your expertise in using this industry-leading software to conduct statistical analyses.

MZB125 Introductory Engineering Mathematics

Professional engineers have a "conceptual understanding of the mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, and computer and information sciences which underpin the engineering discipline" (Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competency Standard for Professional Engineer). This unit will serve as the transition from high school mathematics to university, particularly if you have not studied Queensland Specialist Mathematics (formerly called Senior Mathematics C) or equivalent. You will learn about elementary functions, their derivatives and integrals, the algebra of complex numbers, and vectors and matrices. Mathematical techniques and problem solving skills are employed in a range of mathematical exercises and contextualised problems, illustrating how these concepts and techniques are used in engineering systems. In future units you will continue to apply the mathematical knowledge and skills you have learned in this unit to increasingly complex problems.

Units you need background knowledge to study

These units have requirements for previous study or background knowledge. Check the unit’s previous study requirements for details. If you have any questions, contact the unit coordinator for the semester you want to study.

If your previous studies were not in English, or were completed in a country where English is not the first language, you will also need to demonstrate that you meet our English proficiency requirements when you apply.


Biology and environmental science

BVB201 Biological Processes

An understanding of processes which occur at the cellular level is fundamental to all aspects of biology. Using a combination of theoretical and laboratory-based approaches to enquiry you will explore the biochemical pathways and processes that facilitate biological function and the genetic mechanisms that control them.

BVB204 Ecology

Ecology is the study of the living and non-living factors that influence the distribution and abundance of organisms. It is a key discipline of biological and environmental science, and is central to managing and conserving species and ecosystems. This unit examines the fundamental concepts of ecology such as population ecology, interactions between trophic levels in food webs, attributes of ecosystems such as biodiversity and nutrient cycling; and develops the conceptual foundation for later subjects in the biological and environmental science majors and minors.

BVB205 Animal Biology

An understanding of animal physiology and anatomy is fundamental to studying the way that animals grow, develop, reproduce and respond to their environments. This unit has a focus on vertebrate physiology but will include elements of invertebrate physiology. The unit builds on earlier studies of cells and genes, to explain how the animal functions as a whole, and how different animals have evolved diverse physiological systems to cope with different environments. Finally, the unit will consider the relationship between animals and humans, placing the topic in a broader societal context. This knowledge will be useful to biology educators and those who wish to pursue further animal studies or research in wildlife, domestic, or companion animals.

BVB225 Ecosystems and Biodiversity

There are over one million species catalogued, and several million yet to be described. Familiarity with biological diversity and the role species play within ecosystems is central to biological and evolutionary research, and for developing solutions to sustain the environmental health of our planet. Australia has a largely unique flora and fauna, with a very high proportion of our plant and animal species found nowhere else. While it is impossible to cover every Australian plant and animal in a single unit, we will introduce some key elements of that diversity, with a focus on terrestrial ecosystems and the plants, insects and mammals which occur in them. For students enrolled in biology and environmental science majors this unit provides foundational knowledge to complement areas such as ecology and environmental monitoring; while for education majors the skills gained in creating collections forms a basis for teaching biology in both primary and secondary school.

BVB304 Integrative Biology

This Capstone unit requires you to think critically about an important problem in biological sciences and to integrate the knowledge gained through earlier units to provide an effective solution. You will conduct a research project, applying your knowledge of quantitative techniques and experimental design, to answer a specific challenge. Through critical analysis and reflection on your work and that of your peers, you will gain a deeper understanding of the scientific method and will become confident in applying it. The unit will provide a foundation for future Honours studies, or higher degree research.

BVB306 Plant Biology

This is a foundational plant biology unit addressing the core concepts of plant function, including structural, physiological and molecular aspects, from the cell to the whole plant. This subject will outline and teach the skills required for measuring and monitoring plant function and an appreciation of how they are influenced by the environment and applied by industry. It introduces the fundamentals of plant physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology in such a way to enable you to understand how plants grow, develop and interact with their environment, and will also be valuable for lifelong appreciation of the potential of agriculture and its contribution to industry and humanity.

BVB313 Population Genetics and Molecular Ecology

Understanding the dispersal and movement of genes in populations is fundamental to the management of invasive species, the management of fisheries and wild resources and the conservation of rare species. This unit will provide the theoretical and practical training required for practicing ecologists to use genetic techniques in theoretical and applied settings. 

BVB321 Invasion Ecology

Invasive species cause substantial and costly negative effects to native ecosystems and threaten food security. An understanding of the ecological processes by which they are introduced, establish and spread in new regions is essential for their control. Invasive species are now so widespread that they will be encountered in some way in a wide range of careers in ecology and environmental science. Similarly, while pest species are typically dealt with within agro-ecosystems, managing and reducing large populations in a sustainable manner requires science and sophistication, and often similar ecological principles to dealing with invasive species. Integrating and extending work introduced in earlier units, you will learn the skills and concepts that are necessary to understand, analyse and manage pests and invasive species, and the processes of biological invasion.

BVB330 Synthetic Genomics

The field of Synthetic Biology has emerged from decades of advances in DNA sequencing and editing technologies. Thanks to the increasing information available describing DNA sequence-function relationships, scientists can design and build new biological parts (like enzymes), new genetic programs (connecting multiple biological parts), and even new organisms.  These products of synthetic biology are used improve agricultural practices, reduce pollution, develop new therapeutics, and create new bio-based chemicals and materials. In this unit you will be introduced to bioinformatic tools for analysing DNA, and for designing new genetic circuits.  You will apply this knowledge to design, edit and implement genetic programs in vitro and in live organisms, and develop data analysis skills.

ERB310 Groundwater Systems

This unit focuses on the origin, occurrence and movement of groundwater; aquifer properties; chemistry and quality of groundwater; exploration methods for groundwater; drilling methods and well testing equipment; assessment of groundwater problems, both supply and quality; and introduction to modelling of groundwater systems. Groundwater resources of Australia and current issues associated with these resources are covered.This unit builds on knowledge of soil and water chemistry from “Soils” and “Environmental pollution”. Through working on real world assessment tasks, you will learn how to collect, analyse and interpret groundwater data. These skills will prepare you for any role where groundwater may be encountered (including government, industry and consulting roles).

EVB206 Environmental Pollution

This unit deals with major  sustainable development problems  of pollution of water, the land surface and the atmosphere. It covers processes responsible for the occurrence and release of pollutants in the environment, dispersion mechanisms, the hazards associated with different types of pollutant, accumulation of toxic substances, and procedures for the reduction of emissions and remediation of contaminated environments. It applies your learning from the Experimental Design and Quantitative Methods unit, BVB202 to assess and report on environmental pollution. 

EVB302 Environmental Pollution

This unit deals with major problems of pollution of water, the land surface and the atmosphere. It covers processes responsible for the occurrence and release of pollutants in the environment, dispersion mechanisms, the hazards associated with different types of pollutant, accumulation of toxic substances, and procedures for the reduction of emissions and remediation of contaminated environments. It applies your learning from the Experimental Design and Quantitative Methods unit, BVB202 to assess and report on environmental pollution.

EVB304 Case Studies in Environmental Science

This capstone unit requires you to think critically about an important problem in environmental science and to integrate the knowledge gained through earlier units to provide an effective solution. You will identify and research a real world environmental problem, apply your knowledge of quantitative techniques and experimental design and think critically to address the problem and provide an answer to the research question posed. Through critical analysis and reflection on your work and that of your peers, you will gain a deeper understanding of the scientific method and its application to environmental science.

EVB310 Groundwater Systems

This unit focuses on the origin, occurrence and movement of groundwater; aquifer properties; chemistry and quality of groundwater; exploration methods for groundwater; drilling methods and well testing equipment; assessment of groundwater problems, both supply and quality; and introduction to modelling of groundwater systems. Groundwater resources of Australia and current issues associated with these resources are covered. This unit builds on knowledge of soil and water chemistry from “Soils” and “Environmental pollution”. Through working on real world assessment tasks, you will learn how to collect, analyse and interpret groundwater data. These skills will prepare you for any role where groundwater may be encountered (including government, industry and consulting roles).

Chemistry and physics

CVB203 Physical Chemistry

This is a developmental unit that covers concepts that determine how chemical systems behave. It covers the discrete nature of atoms and molecules through spectroscopy, and develops understanding of the thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical processes. Theoretical and practical-based approaches are to develop understanding of the nature of the physical properties and dynamic transformations of matter essential to all branches of chemistry and to other disciplines based on physical materials, or that use and rely on chemical reactions. This unit builds on knowledge and practical skills introduced in CVB101 General Chemistry, it expands on the concepts introduced in CVB101 and prepares for CVB302 Applied Physical Chemistry.

CVB204 Organic Structure and Mechanisms

Build on the organic chemistry knowledge and laboratory skills gained in CVB101 and CVB 102. The deeper understanding of reaction mechanisms, instrumental characterisation and stereochemistry are important in facets of all subsequent chemistry units. Perhaps most importantly, this unit will be used as the foundation for advanced studies in organic chemistry in CVB 301 Organic Chemistry: Strategy for Synthesis. To successfully complete this unit you will: -Describe the electronic effects and mechanistic concepts which govern the reactions of organic compounds. -Predict the outcome of a set of reaction conditions when applied to organic compounds. -Design syntheses based on the major functional groups. -Deduce the solution of synthetic problems in organic chemistry -Apply modern spectroscopic techniques as an aid to structure elucidation -Demonstrate a range of practical skills in safe laboratory practice applied to the synthesis, isolation and purification of organic compounds.

CVB303 Coordination Chemistry

Coordination chemistry - the chemistry of transition metal complexes - encompasses aspects of organic, physical and transition metal chemistry. Deep understanding of the electronic structure of these remarkable compounds is developed along with an exploration of fascinating topics of current international research interest including organometallic compounds, bioinorganic chemistry, coordination polymers, metal-organic-frameworks (MOFs) and other metallo-supramolecular species. Synthesis and characterisation skills are honed through laboratory exercises drawing on knowledge developed throughout the chemistry major including magnetometry, thermogravimetric analysis and UV-visible, infrared and NMR spectroscopy.

CVB313 Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Environmental Analytical Chemistry provides the tools and techniques necessary to make quantitative measurements of the extent of environmental alteration by natural or man-made activities. Principal areas of study include the chemical evaluation of air quality; water quality; soil and sediment contamination; and pesticide residue contamination in agriculture. Students will gain an understanding of the relevant methods of analyses through the lectures and a complementary laboratory practical program. This will allow students to develop technical skills such as: sample collection and treatment; use of modern instruments, including receptor modelling, atomic spectrometric and IC instruments for inorganic elemental analysis, GC, GC-MS and HPLC instruments for organic components. Experience gained in the unit will be important for students seeking positions in environmental protection agencies, environmental laboratories and environmental consultancy.

PCB675 Radiation Safety and Biology

This unit covers radiation protection and the biological effects of radiation on the human body. It is aimed towards those who are likely to be working with ionizing radiation in the workplace.

PCN112 Medical Imaging Science

This unit offers an introduction to nuclear medicine, radioactive decay, radionuclide production, imaging systems and internal dosimetry. There is a strong emphasis on the application of new technologies in the clinical discipline of nuclear medicine. The second part offers an introduction to programming techniques and algorithms and digital image processing techniques that are important for the practicing medical physicist. The techniques will be authentically applied to different types of medical images preparing you for the workplace on graduation.

PCN212 Radiotherapy

This unit provides an overview of the application of physics to radiotherapy including theoretical and practical aspects of the major topics in radiotherapy physics. The unit builds on your previous knowledge of radiation physics and applies it to radiotherapy.

PCN520 Project (FT)

New and exciting technologies are playing an increasingly important role in everyday life. Modern healthcare is a good example of a field where technology has had a huge impact in the way patients are diagnosed and treated. Graduates are increasingly involved in the research and development of new technologies and also in its translation and implementation into clinical use. This unit aims to develop furthe your skills for carrying out such work in the form of a research project. The project may be carried out in collaboration with a hospital or industry. This unit aims to introduce and improve your skills in carrying out research work in the form of a short research project.

PCN540-1 Project (PT)

New and exciting technologies are playing an increasingly important role in everyday life. Modern healthcare is a good example of a field where technology has had a huge impact in the way patients are diagnosed and treated. Graduates are increasingly involved in the research and development of new technologies and also in its translation and implementation into clinical use. This unit aims to develop further the student's skills for carrying out such work in the form of a research project. The project may be carried out in collaboration with hospitals or industry. This unit aims to introduce and improve the students skills in carrying out research work in the form of a short research project. (48 credit points achieved at completion of PCN540-1 and PCN540-2.)

PCN540-2 Project (PT)

New and exciting technologies are playing an increasingly important role in everyday life. Modern healthcare is a good example of a field where technology has had a huge impact in the way patients are diagnosed and treated. Graduates are increasingly involved in the research and development of new technologies and also in its translation and implementation into clinical use. This unit aims to develop further the student's skills for carrying out such work in the form of a research project. The project may be carried out in collaboration with hospitals or industry. This unit aims to introduce and improve the students skills in carrying out research work in the form of a short research project. (48 credit points achieved at completion of PCN540-1 and PCN540-2.)

PVB200 Computational and Mathematical Physics

This is a foundational physics unit designing to provide strong mathematical knowledge and skills required by a physicist and demonstrate the application of computational methods to solve problems in physics. It builds on prior maths study in Maths C or equivalent and teaches tactics in MATLAB programming, numerical methods and the implementation. The strong computational skills are important attributes of any physicist, whether working in research or industry, experimental or theoretical. This is an introductory unit and the knowledge and skills developed in this unit are relevant to physics, chemistry or some engineering majors. PVB302 Classical and Quantum Physics needs the mathematical knowledge and computational skills from this unit to understand the complex quantum world.

PVB205 Classical Mechanics

The first part of this unit focuses on vector calculus, complex functions and Fourier series, which is designed to provide strong mathematical knowledge and skills required by a physicist, to be used in this and advanced physics courses such as fluid dynamics, electromagnetism and quantum physics. The second part of this unit applies the mathematical tools acquired in the first part to 3D Newton mechanics, and reformulate classical Newtonian mechanics into mathematically sophisticated frameworks, i.e., Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics under arbitrary coordinate systems. These tools will be used to analyze real world effects, starting from First Nations Australian's experience in mechanics, through to descriptions of weather, planetary motion and more. The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation derived from the principle of least action using the calculus of variations generalises elegantly to modern quantum mechanics.

PVB207 Quantum Physics

This course provides an introduction to the principles of quantum physics, exploring the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of matter and energy at the microscopic level. Topics covered include wave-particle duality, black body radiation, quantization of energy, uncertainty principle, and Schrödinger equation. By using a theory - practice approach you will explore these new concepts and learn how to apply these principles to understand the behavior of electrons and the properties of quantum systems. The course will also cover the historical development of quantum physics, including the contributions of prominent scientists such as Max Planck and Albert Einstein, and its applications in modern technology and research.

PVB303 Nuclear and Particle Physics

This unit explores the microscopic universe from the nucleus down to the fundamental particles and forces from which matter is built. It will examine the development and the modern state of models of the nucleus, drawing on Quantum Mechanics (PVB302) to explain the stability and the properties of nuclei. Some of the current theories of particle physics and nuclear forces will be introduced. The second part of the unit will explore applications of nuclear physics, e.g. nuclear reactions, nuclear power and nuclear medicine. Lectures will be complemented by experimental laboratory work, enabling you to advance your experimental, communication and scientific writing skills.

PVB304 Physics Research

This is the capstone unit for the Physics course, which gives you the opportunity to engage in real-world physics research. Students will undertake a project in which they explore computational and/or experimental approaches to generating new understanding in active research areas, and summarize their findings through scholarly writing and presentations. This unit provides students with the chance to develop their skills around gathering data, interpreting data, assessing uncertainties and presenting results in a clear and compelling way, helping them to develop skills that are required in both industry and academic contexts. This unit builds on all the previous learning in the Physics course, and enables students to draw on their developed expertise and to apply it to a well-defined research problem.

PVB322 Advanced Nanotechnology

This unit deepens the understanding of nanotechnology, which is an emerging field focused on understanding and exploiting the novel chemical and physical properties of matter at the nanometer scale. Nanomaterials offer substantial advantages in many applications due to their small size, which can lead to, for example, improved thermal conduction or insulation or exceptional low electrical resistivity. These properties are relevant to the improved sustainability of electrical devices, buildings, cars, etc. This is an advanced unit and comprises an introduction to the physics and chemistry related to nanoscale science, which will lead to the understanding of nano-objects and nanomaterials, with a bias towards technological applications derived from the fundamental sciences. This unit builds on PVB321, providing extra skills in computation to calculate properties at nanoscale that are relevant to physics, chemistry and engineering.

Computer science

CAB201 Programming Principles

This unit builds on the gentle introduction to programming provided in IFB104, EGB103 or MZB126. In those units students learn how algorithms are constructed by combining the logical structures of sequence, selection and iteration. Students also learn how functions can be used to abstract and reuse sections of code. These concepts are reinforced in this unit and extended with additional applications of abstraction necessary to combat complexity when building larger systems. Object-oriented principles are introduced where the program is structured around classes of objects that are identified from the real-world providing a high-level architecture that is better able to stand the test of time as requirements evolve throughout the lifetime of the system. This unit provides the foundation for the other more advanced and specialized programming units.

CAB210 User Experience Fundamentals

User experience (UX) means how a person feels when interacting with digital technology, like mobile applications, web services and games. This unit introduces user experience methods to study people’s needs in a real-world context, and to evaluate the usability and experience with technologies. This unit is important to inform the design and development of technologies that meet the needs of people who are going to use them and the context within which they will be used. A stronger understanding of user experience will provide students with an edge in the market place for jobs such as interaction designers, usability engineers, game designers, app developers, information architects, and user experience designers.

CAB222 Networks

Building on your digital systems knowledge, you will be introduced to practical and theoretical knowledge on a wide range of modern networking topics to be able to design, implement and maintain network-based applications. You will participate in practical networking exercises to provide hands-on experience with network-based computing.

CAB302 Software Development

This unit teaches you how to work effectively in a team to develop large-scale software systems. It includes principles of teamwork, modern software development methodologies and tools that are needed when working in a team on a large project.

CAB330 Data and Web Analytics

Data analytics has become a popular way to support decision-making by turning an organization's large collection of data into useful knowledge about their customers and business processes. Data analytics has direct applications in several fields such as social networks, business processes, search-engines, e-commerce, digital libraries, bioinformatics and web information systems. This unit provide fundamental knowledge and skills of data analytics to help with data-driven decision making. You will learn the different types of data mining techniques to apply classification, clustering and association mining. You will learn how the processing can be applied to text and web usage data. This is an introductory unit and the knowledge and skills developed in this unit are relevant to all IT professionals. It builds on CAB220 - Fundamentals of Data Science which introduces the basic concepts of data manipulation.

CAB340 Cryptography

The dependence of modern society on remote electronic data transmission and storage makes it an essential requirement that this data be secured, both against unwanted disclosure and malicious alterations. This unit provides a self-contained introduction to the field of cryptography, from historical roots and attacks, to the mathematical principles that underpin the workings of the modern ciphers most commonly in use for securing internet communications. The focus of this unit is on a grounded understanding of cryptographic designs and their limitations, which in turn inform how they are used in practice.

CAB401 High Performance and Parallel Computing

Building on your skills in "sequential" programming, this unit teaches you the tools and techniques needed to exploit multi-processor computer systems to achieve dramatic performance improvements for computationally intensive problems. This unit gives you both an understanding of why future computer hardware will be increasingly parallel, the challenges this poses for software development as well as a set of practical skills in creating high-performance programs using today's best tools and techniques.

CAB403 Systems Programming

Most of our other Computer Science units focus on high-level applications programming. Applications programmers are insulated from the low- level intricacies of the underlying hardware by making use of services provided by the operating system such as threads, virtual memory, file systems and device drivers. This unit focuses on Systems Programming, where the programmer can’t necessarily rely on high level services provided by the operating system and must interact directly with the underlying hardware. Systems software is either part of the operating system or software that operates at a similar level. This unit aims to give you practical programming skills for developing systems level applications and services.

CAB432 Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is among the most important developments in the IT industry in recent years, and one which has received enormous attention. Cloud is a natural progression from earlier trends in service and infrastructure outsourcing and virtualisation, but is distinguished by its elasticity and scale: service and infrastructure provisioning may change rapidly in response to variations in demand, allowing clients to cater for unexpected spikes in load without tying up capital in expensive and potentially underutilised assets. Cloud services and technologies are becoming increasingly diverse and sophisticated, moving rapidly from the original 'bare metal' offerings and providing a rich set of options and APIs. This unit provides a technically oriented introduction to Cloud Computing, giving you experience in developing modern cloud applications and deploying them to the public clouds of the major vendors.

CAB441 Network Security

As a system administrator or information security professional you are expected to have an in depth understanding of a variety of network security controls, principles and analysis tools and their use in a wider cybersecurity context.  In this unit you will learn these tools by building and testing a secure network in a virtualised environment in accordance with cybersecurity principles.

IFN509 Data Exploration and Mining

This fundamental data science unit addresses the core concepts, techniques and practices of data exploration and mining. In the information age, with astronomical amounts of data produced and made available every minute, data exploration and mining becomes necessary for individuals and organisations who need to make decisions. With the advancements in data storage technology and the need for automation, data analytics skills are now essential. Data analytics methods enable users to manage, interpret, understand, process and analyse the data to find useful insight. This unit will introduce you to a wide range of data analytics methods and theories to manipulate, model and analyze data.  This is an introductory unit and the knowledge and skills developed in this unit are relevant to both computer science and non-computer science majors.

IFN541 Information Security Management

This unit builds upon the fundamental information security concepts introduced in IFN553 by exploring the challenges and solutions for information security management in organisations. This is important contextual knowledge that can be built upon through later, more specialised units. In this unit, you will learn how careful planning, implementation and improvement of information security controls in the areas of people, process and technology can be an enabling force to help organizations achieve their business goals.  Effective information security risk management is a crucial component of organizational risk management. Information security is a digital life skill. This unit provides relevant, real-world examples of information security vulnerabilities, threats, attacks and the controls to manage them, that all information technology professionals should understand to protect themselves, the organisations they work for and to advance their careers.

IFN553 Introduction to Security and Networking

Cyber security breaches -  network infiltration, malware,  theft of personal or corporate information - are commonplace. The rise of the internet means that malicious actions of individuals may have global impact. This unit  introduces essential information security concepts such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is used to understand network communications. Threats and vulnerabilities are identified, for both stored and transmitted data.  An overview of cyber security measures - preventing, detecting and correcting actions that result in harm - is provided. The limitations of such measures are noted, allowing you to develop an understanding of the trade-offs involved in protecting information. You can take this unit as a stand-alone course to raise your awareness of information security issues in networked systems, or as the start of a pathway into further cyber security and networking units.

IFN556 Object Oriented Programming

In this unit you will learn how the principles of Object-Oriented programming can help combat complexity when developing larger programs. The key concepts are abstraction and encapsulation. Abstraction is the processing of giving a name to something plus generalization – the process of ignoring differences and instead identifying common properties of a collection of objects. Encapsulation is the process of “putting things in a box” – selectively exposing some aspects of what’s in the box, but deliberately hiding much of what is in the box. In object-oriented programming languages classes and methods provide the principle mechanism for abstraction and encapsulation. 

IFN563 Object Oriented Design

Builds upon the concepts that you have learned in IFN556, introducing methods of Object Oriented Design which will allow you to solve more complex, real world problems. In this unit you will learn how to identify potential objects and classes by examining the real-world context that the programming is modelling. By basing our software design on entities that exist in the real world, we maximise the chances that our software architecture will age and evolve gracefully - i.e. we won’t need to restructure our application completely as the requirements change. This is because our choice of objects is stable - the entities that an organisation needs to deal with (for example Customers, Invoices, Vehicles and Projects) will not change completely overnight. You will also learn about and apply several standard software design principles and patterns. Finally, you will learn how such designs are professionally communicated and used as part of object-oriented software design processes.

IFN564 Data Structures and Algorithms

In this unit you will work with some of the fundamental data structures of computer science, including lists, stacks, queues and trees, including the binary search tree. You will learn and implement the algorithms commonly used for searching, sorting and processing these data. You will learn how to assess the efficiency of such algorithms, allowing you to distinguish between those which can process large amounts of data efficiently, and those that run unacceptably slowly as the size of the input grows.

IFN645 Large Scale Data Mining

The data that modern data scientists have access to is larger and more complex than in previous generations. Dealing with these data requires specialised algorithms and the use of a higher performance or cloud computing environment. This unit outlines the challenges and opportunities associated with big data and introduces data mining algorithms that scale to large datasets. This unit will expand on the material presented in earlier data mining units and students will use their programming knowledge to implement data mining algorithms in high-performance computing environments.

IFN646 Biomedical Data Science

Biology and medicine are becoming data-intensive disciplines. From new sequencing technologies to electronic health records and wearable devices, it has never been easier or cheaper to generate biomedical data. This provides a great opportunity to study complex biological systems, to offer better patient care, etc., but working with this data is not trivial. This advanced unit will teach you how to handle and analyse biomedical data, as well as gain an appreciation of its strengths, limitations and complexities so that you can understand and critically interpret measurements and analyses. The unit aims to provide you with knowledge of modern biomedical technologies and the associated data science methodologies, buildingon what you have learned in IFN509. 

IFN649 Advanced Networks

This unit is designed for graduate students in the Masters of IT. Students will learn the theory, architecture, hardware/software, and programming of networks, including network services, Internet-of-Things (IoT), as well the security, trust, and privacy considerations in these networks. You will learn the theory and practice of building, monitoring, and tailoring computer networks to applications, including core network functions and services such as routing, DHCP and DNS. You will also learn about the theory and practice of IoT networks that underpin the 'fourth industrial revolution'. There are two main components of the unit: collaborative learning activities covering the principles involved, and practical assignments in which you will build your own miniature networks using free open source software on virtual servers and on IoT devices.   

IFN657 Principles of Software Security

Many security vulnerabilities and threats arise at the software level. They can often be attributed to poor software design and implementation, including poor understanding of code-level security requirements, inadequate handling of exceptional cases, incomplete descriptions of the interface between components for secure interactions, and insufficient care in the use of programming languages. This unit provides an overall understanding of software security from a programming perspective in a security context, with the aim of improving your ability in designing, implementing and analysing security-critical programs. In this unit, you will learn about secure programming techniques that can be used to detect vulnerabilities in software and defend against attacks such as buffer overflows, SQL injection and cross-site scripting. The module also covers common mistakes made in using programming languages, libraries and frameworks, and how they can be avoided.

IFN692 Interaction Design for Emerging Technologies

In IFN692 you will learn how to use Interaction Design to imagine, prototype, evaluate, and critique future and emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Social Robotics. Interaction Design and User Centred methods allow to look beyond the new technologies, to the new experiences, business practices, and forms of social interactions that these technologies will make possible, which is key to leading design innovation. IFN692 builds on the methods and principles encountered in IFN591 – Understanding the User Experience - and will add tools, methods, knowledge and critical skills that you will apply in the context of a design project, from exploring the social and cultural context of the design intervention, to envisioning possible futures for, with, and by users, up to prototyping and testing the interaction with emerging technologies in a realistic setting.

Earth and atmospheric sciences

CLB223 Geospatial Information Systems

This unit introduces the theory and concepts of digital geographic information science with a focus on the interpretation of earth and environmental data from observations and sources like remote sensing and climate models/reanalysis data. You will record and create geospatial information that you share and combine to class data sets for mapping and analysis. Skills on accessing and processing scientific datasets in formats like NetCDF, HDF are developed through collecting and processing environmental data sets. Cartographic products are created to respond research questions about spatial patterns and environmental variability. Thus, a final report assessment demonstrates spatial analytical thought by analysing the datasets and discussing possible explanations to the patterns identified. Think spatially about processes and patterns, create informative and accurate geographic information and reporting products based on real world geospatial data sets.

CLB224 Environmental Geochemistry

The interface between the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere is the most active and significant for element cycling. This the environment in which humans rely on for food, water, energy and raw materials. Environmental Geochemistry explores the behaviour and fate of chemical elements in this planetary interface. It is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of geochemistry and how they relate to environmental issues, influence climate, and habitability for life. The unit covers a range of topics, including the chemical composition and properties of the Earth's surface, the cycling of elements in the environment, and the impacts of human activities on the geochemistry of the Earth's surface. It also covers the geochemical techniques used to study  and monitor processes in Earth and environmental industry and academic applications, such as the use of stable isotopes to trace the movement of elements in the environment over different time scales.

ERB203 Sedimentary Geology and Stratigraphy

This unit provides you with an introduction to sedimentology and stratigraphy, incorporating sediments and sedimentary rocks and how they relate to depositional environments. The unit focuses on the link between features preserved in sedimentary rocks and what those features tell us about how the rock was emplaced, the environment it was emplaced into and the subsequent burial history of the rocks. Sedimentology and stratigraphy is a fundamental part of the education of any earth scientist, and especially of those who wish to be involved in fossil fuel (i.e., coal, petroleum and gas) exploration, water resource exporation and management, and environmental geology, such as geosequestration of carbon dioxide, landscape remediation and soil science, investigation of extreme events (e.g., landslides, tsunami and storm surge) and climate change.

ERB206 Petrology

Igneous and metamorphic rocks comprise the bulk of the Earth and are formed by geological processes, many of which cannot be directly observed as they occur at relatively high temperature and pressure within the Earth. The structure, texture, mineralogy and chemical composition of igneous and metamorphic rocks provide the fundamental clues from which the origin of these rocks can be interpreted. This information can then be used to address larger scale geologic issues, such as the tectonic development of mountain ranges or plate boundaries, and magma source regions and eruptive history of volcanoes.

ERB221 Sedimentary Geology and Stratigraphy

Sedimentary rocks cover most the Earth's surface and are arranged into layers that record the planet's evolution over large periods of geological time. The study of sedimentary rocks (sedimentology) and sequences of layers in the Earth’s crust (stratigraphy) can help unravel sedimentary processes, depositional environments and the burial history of the rocks. This allows scientists to develop a detailed geological history of an area, including modern and ancient climate variations, landscape evolution and exploration for resources. Sedimentology and stratigraphy are a fundamental part of the education of any earth scientist, and especially those who wish to be involved in energy and mineral resource exploration, water resource exploration, climate science and management and environmental geology, such as geo-sequestration of carbon, landscape remediation, soil science and investigation of extreme events (e.g., landslides, tsunami and storm surge).

ERB222 Igneous Petrology and Geochemistry

Igneous rocks comprise the bulk of the Earth's crust and are formed by geological processes, many of which cannot be directly observed as they occur at relatively high temperature and pressure within the Earth. The structure, texture, mineralogy and chemical composition of igneous rocks therefore provide fundamental clues from which the origin of these rocks can be interpreted. This information can then be used to address larger scale geologic issues, such as the hazard risk and future eruptive potential of volcanoes, constraining magma generating processes and source regions deep within the Earth that lead to a diverse spectrum of magma compositions generated and erupted at the Earth's surface, and the tectonic development of plate boundaries.

ERB303 Energy Resources and Basin Analysis

The vast majority of the world's energy is derived from fossil fuels. Advanced concepts of stratigraphy and basin analysis are fundamental for exploration, evaluation, exploitation and conservation of oil, gas, coal and water in sedimentary rocks. Knowledge of subsurface geologic methods using core, well and geophysical data is essential for anyone wishing to enter the petroleum, coal or strata-bound minerals industry. This unit will cover advanced basin analysis concepts and combine project based learning and practical exercises to provide insight into the exploration of petroleum and other natural resources.

ERB304 Dynamic Earth: Plate Tectonics

How we think about Earth processes and evolution has been revolutionised by the recognition that rigid plates forming the outer layer of the Earth move relative to one another and interact at their boundaries. This notion is a cornerstone of the unifying theory of Plate Tectonics. In this unit, you will be introduced to the driving mechanisms of motion and deformation within of the Earth and how they relate to the driving forces of Plate Tectonics. You will become familiar with the igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary responses associated with specific tectonic environments, and how they have evolved through Earth's evolution. This is a synthesis course integrating all knowledge that you have gained from your Earth Science Major units.

ERB306 Earth's Mineral Resources

A mineral resource represents an enrichment of an element or mineral that can be mined for a profit, and Australia's wealth and future economic growth depend largely on these resources. Develop a theoretical background and understanding of the major aspects of mineral resource formation; develop the practical skills to describe and interpret mineralised rocks and their host sequences; and plan and execute an exploration program. Learning approaches include, lectures (including guest industry lectures) and practical sessions using samples from famous ore bodies across the globe (hand samples and thin sections for microscopic study). Students are assessed based on a group project and theoretical and practical exams. Many students find the semester-long mineral exploration group project a highlight, as students get an opportunity to use a variety of real datasets to ‘explore’ for mineral prospects. The JK Education Endowment Award is given to the group with the top mark.

PVB204 Electromagnetism

Electromagnetism is one of the fundamental forces in the universe and is present in almost all aspects of modern technology. In this unit you will develop theoretical knowledge and understanding of electromagnetism from electric charge to more advanced topics such as electrostatics, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves and applications such as waveguides. It will extend your mathematical knowledge and techniques from earlier units to explore and analyse these advanced physics concepts.

Information systems

IAB206 Modern Data Management

Introduce you to the technologies that can be used to address challenges in managing fast incoming, voluminous, and varied data that is increasingly being relied on to make decisions in today's business environment. You will develop practical skills in using modern data management technologies that will prepare you to be a data analyst, business analyst, solution architect, as well as enterprise architect.

IAB207 Rapid Web Application Development

Web applications are widely in use both within enterprises and in consumer applications. Developing Web applications faces significant challenges, including faster delivery of new innovations, robustness for change, and performance scalability. The unit will address these challenges by using Model-View-Controller (MVC) frameworks to support rapid development of web applications. The knowledge and skills developed in this unit are valuable for all IT professional roles – software engineers, business analyst and architects, enabling an understanding of software systems design practices and development practices. This is an introductory unit and students will be exposed to web application development through a guided process of using well known frameworks such as CSS-Bootstrap, Python-Flask and JQuery. It builds on concepts learnt in IFB103 and IFB105 and recommends knowledge of Python programming.

IAB251 Software Engineering for Enterprise Systems

This unit provides knowledge and skills related to software engineering, applied to the design, development, configuration, and maintenance of Enterprise Systems. Enterprise Systems (ES) are large-scale software applications that serve as the operations of modern organizations, such as managing customers, controlling production, and connecting to suppliers, and more. You will learn how to analyse business needs, design software architectures, and develop, test and deploy software applications. To support this you will learn, key aspects of software engineering using a real-world ES Platform. This will include: software design patterns; multi-tier software components and rapid composition of solutions; testing; DevOps; and agile development. By the end of the unit, you will become proficient at these for real-world projects and software development.

IAB303 Data Analytics for Business Insight

In this unit you will draw on your knowledge and skills learnt in prior IT core units to learn how to problem solve with data for the purposes of extracting business insight. Through the practical sessions you will explore the relationship between common business concerns and the data and analytics that can be used to address them, developing the skills to use a range of analytics techniques with a variety of data. You will also have the opportunity to learn how to present analytics in a meaningful way for business use. Interactive sessions will support you in increasing your understanding of different kinds of data, their importance to business, and why certain analytical and visualisation techniques can be used.

IAB305 Information Systems Lifecycle Management

This unit provides the essential skills and knowledge for managing an information system across its lifecycle, spanning inception, design, implementation and production release. For systems inception, it covers the way an information system is proposed and justified, at the highest level, using a business model and business case analysis. Systems design covers the modelling of both business and systems architecture to support new design proposals. Systems implementation focusses on the different options and processes for purchasing off-the-shelf solutions in support of systems design. Production release covers the planning of IT infrastructure to host and run digital solutions as well as organisational change management. The unit expands on skills from IFB103 Systems Design and IAB201 Modelling Techniques for Information Systems. The skills learned in this unit will be utilised and further developed in IAB401 Enterprise Architecture.

IAB320 Business Process Improvement

This unit fosters developing process analysis, improvement, and design skills of students. These skills and capabilities will prepare you to undertake the digital transformation challenges of today’s organisations. You will understand and apply a variety of methods, tools, techniques, and approaches for organisational-wide process improvement initiatives. You will be exposed to a robust selection of quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques as well as key process redesign paradigms used in the industry. This will involve developing your knowledge and expertise in different process improvement methodologies such as Lean, Six Sigma and Process Reengineering using a hands-on teaching approach with real-life case studies to enable authentic learning outcomes.

IAB330 Applied Internet of Things

This unit provides the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to design and develop IoT solutions for real-world applications. Through a blend of theoretical learning and hands-on experience, students will explore the fundamental concepts of IoT architecture, sensor integration, data processing, and machine learning. Students will delve into the architecture and components of IoT systems and gain practical experience with IoT hardware and software with emphasis on data collection, preprocessing, and storage techniques specific to IoT applications, as well as machine learning algorithms tailored for real-world IoT use cases. The unit emphasises practical learning experiences and culminates in the development of IoT solutions for real-world scenarios, preparing students for roles in the rapidly evolving field of IoT.

IAB352 Enterprise Systems Management

Organisations invest substantial resources in acquiring enterprise systems from vendors such as SAP and Oracle, presumably expecting positive impacts to the organisation and its functions. Despite the optimistic objectives, failure of enterprise systems to attain benefits is common. This unit provides the knowledge and skills into how to successfully manage enterprise systems projects throughout their entire lifecycle, from acquisition to use to retirement. Drawing on real-life case studies, concepts related to requirements analysis, implementation strategy, training, knowledge management, and change management will be discussed throughout the unit. The knowledge and skills taught in this unit are relevant for anyone pursuing a career involving the management of large IT projects.

IAB401 Enterprise Architecture

This unit covers Enterprise Architecture (EA) theory and practice, concerning the ways in which business and IT systems are planned and designed using modelling techniques. EA focuses on organizational capability maps, which reflect what businesses do, independent of business. The techniques for capturing different artefacts at business and IT levels relevant to systems planning will include business services, processes, information and resources. Students will be taught how to develop a multi-layered EA based on state-of-the-art modelling techniques in TOGAF Archimate and UML. Importantly, this unit extends your knowledge and skills to model, design and problem and pursue careers in EA, modelling, design and solution architecture of individual systems. The unit links to and extends learning from previous units in Data and Information Management and Process Modelling.

IFN557 Rapid Web Development

This is a foundational unit addressing web application development through a guided process by using well known frameworks such as Bootstrap, and Python-Flask. It introduces the development of a web application, covering development life-cycle phases of design, development, and deployment. The unit provides a working and “hands-on” introduction to different aspects of building an interactive and dynamic application. The knowledge and skills involved in developing web applications are indispensable for all IT professionals. This applies not only for programmers but also for roles such as business analyst and solution architect, which require a strong understanding of development for systems analysis and design practices.

IFN561 Enterprise Systems Lifecycle Management

This is a transitionary unit, providing students with fundamental information systems skills relating to different practices in managing information systems in large, enterprise-level organisations. Information systems and enterprises are becoming inextricably interwoven. It has become nearly impossible to talk meaningfully about enterprises that are not dependent on information systems of one type or another.  An important role of managers is to understand what type of information system they should use to achieve the business strategic objectives or to improve existing business capabilities. This unit provides students with fundamental skills that business analysts or IT managers are required to have in order to be able to analyse business strategies, evaluate how information systems may enable enterprises to achieve strategic objectives, and understand how such an information system can be developed and implemented within an enterprise. 

IFN623 Human Information Interaction

Humans usually interact with and retrieve information by means of technologically driven systems. As our information environment becomes ever more complex, these interactions are becoming more and more diverse. While much is understood about the systems side of this picture, much less is understood about how humans interact with information. The foundation of this unit is an understanding how humans process information from the viewpoint of cognitive psychology.  This understanding will be translated into conceptual frameworks and associated design principles for creating effective interactions. This grounding is then mapped to contemporary technological solutions (e.g. conversational agents) which are used to augment human intelligence in highly interactive contexts. Methods to evaluate and critique both interaction effectiveness and implications for society will therefore also be covered in detail.

IFN631 IT Governance

This is a foundational executive Information Technology (IT) unit addressing the core concepts, frameworks and methods for IT leaders (e.g. CIOs, IT Managers) to support their organizations in creating and delivering business value with information and technology through business-IT alignment. Three main outcomes that can be expected after successful adoption of IT governance are: benefits realization, risk optimization, and resource optimization. The unit takes an enterprise-wide, managerial perspective on how IT executives can facilitate the transition towards digital business and set the executive agenda for IT in larger organizations. This unit builds on IFN528 Management of Information Systems, which introduces you to a foundational understanding of information systems and their role in transforming organizations. 

IFN653 Business Process Automation

This unit provides a detailed technical and practical exposition of modern business process automation. In order to fully realise the benefits of Business Process Management, it is essential to have the ability to transform business process models into executable process instances. These processes can be designed, executed, monitored, analysed and improved using Business Process Management Systems. The application of these systems can lead to significant cost reductions to an organisation and provide it with the flexibility to rapidly adapt to an ever-changing environment. Major themes of the unit include the theoretical and operational underpinnings of process automation, a detailed discussion on workflow patterns, runtime process flexibility and exception handling, and the design, implementation and deployment of process specifications using a state-of-the-art business process automation environment. 

IFN663 Advanced Enterprise Architecture

IFN663 is an advanced unit on Enterprise Architecture (EA). The unit looks into the ways in which business and IT systems are planned using modelling techniques. It introduces how business and IT aligns and supports the scoping of IT solution architectures of individual systems and principles of enterprise architecture. It covers how to develop a multi-layered EA based on state-of-the-art modelling techniques in TOGAF Archimate and UML and provides skills for IT professional and senior roles. The unit builds upon pre-requisite knowledge from IFN500 Design Thinking for IT. Units such as IFN662 Enterprise Systems and Applications are highly related to this unit.

Mathematical sciences

MAB141 Mathematics and Statistics for Medical Science

This introductory unit is designed to meet the mathematical and statistical requirements of medical science students, particularly students enrolled in Vision Science (OP45). Approximately one quarter of the unit focuses on the mathematical foundations for techniques used in manipulating medical science laboratory data. The remainder of the unit considers a range of relevant statistical techniques, addressing concepts such as which analysis methods may be appropriate for testing a given research hypothesis, how the choice of analysis method is affected by the available data and how to interpret the outcome of the formal analysis. This unit will provide you with an essential foundation in the mathematical and statistical concepts and data analysis methods that will be used in later medical science units.

MXB161 Computational Explorations

This unit introduces you to techniques of computation and simulation across a range of application areas in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Computation and simulation are cornerstones of modern practice across STEM; practitioners skilled in these areas can explore behaviours of real-world systems that would be impractical or impossible to undertake using only theoretical or experimental means. In this introductory unit, you will develop your computation and simulation skills through individual and collaborative problem-solving activities. Further exploration is available through the second major or minor in Computational and Simulation Science.

MXB202 Advanced Calculus

Advanced calculus is fundamental to the study of applied mathematics and related quantitative disciplines such as physics, physical chemistry and engineering. This unit introduces you to new skills and methodologies in multivariable and vector calculus that are essential to the study of science, technology and engineering, and it also provides you with the necessary background to go on to more advanced study in applied mathematics, such as partial differential equations and advanced mathematical modelling. This unit builds on your introductory calculus and linear algebra skills developed in MXB105 Calculus and Differential Equations and MXB106 Linear Algebra, and will further develop your ability to decompose complex problems into smaller components, resolve these smaller components and hence solve the original problem.

MXB226 Computational Methods 1

This is a foundational unit for Computational Mathematics. It introduces the design and implementation of computational techniques for solving a range of problems in mathematics. These techniques will be analysed for important properties such as efficiency, stability, convergence and error. The main topics that will be covered include: finite difference methods for models of heat diffusion in two dimensions; direct and iterative methods for linear systems; efficient storage of data; norms; approximation; numerical integration; numerical methods for ordinary differential equations.

MXB241 Probability and Stochastic Modelling 2

It is important to develop skills and knowledge in both statistics and mathematics. Building on the methodology and skills developed in previous studies in probability and stochastic modelling, this unit provides you with formal statistical tools such as stochastic process models and statistical methods for theoretical and applied development. These methods are useful in a wide range of areas, from communication systems and networks to traffic to law to biology to financial analysis, and link with other modern areas of mathematics. This unit will provide opportunities to learn how to build statistical models of real world processes, acknowledging the assumptions inherent in selected models. The skills developed in this unit will be integral in the understanding of material throughout your studies in statistics and mathematical modelling.

MXB261 Modelling and Simulation Science

With the rapid development in both computing hardware and its application to advanced scientific problems that require computational solutions, there is a need for IT, Maths and Science students to have a practical understanding of Computational and Simulation Science. This unit aims to provide you with the knowledge to apply computational simulation techniques in a selection of application areas where the scientific problems are characterised by widely varying scales, both in space and time. You will use relevant programming softwares to develop and implement simulation algorithms together with analysis of resulting data using multi-dimensional visualisation techniques. You can further develop visualisation skills through units MXB262 Visualising Data and MXB362 Advanced Visualisation and Data Science, as well as extending your knowledge of computational science through the unit MXB361 Aspects of Computational Science.

MXB325 Modelling with Differential Equations 2

Among the variety of differential equations encountered in applied mathematics, equations modelling the transport of quantities such as mass and energy are especially important.  This unit significantly extends your repertoire by considering models with greater mathematical complexity than you have previously encountered, drawn from and representative of a variety of important real-world applications.  Such complexity necessitates greater ingenuity in the analysis and solution of the governing equations, which will harness and extend your full knowledge of modelling with differential equations.

MXB328 Work Integrated Learning in Applied and Computational Mathematics

Throughout your course, you have been building your discipline skills and your understanding of contemporary industry practice. This capstone unit provides you with the opportunity to bring together the skills that you have developed throughout the applied and computational mathematics major, combining them in a coherent manner to solve a significant and relevant real-world problem from industry. Your experience will reflect the genuine practice of an applied mathematician in the workforce.

MXB334 Operations Research for Stochastic Processes

This unit provides you with the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills in operations research to guide decision-making for complex real-world problems. Your previous learning in deriving and solving operations research problems was mostly dealing with a decision making in a deterministic setting. The focus here is to optimize decision making when there is uncertainty and stochastic variables. Combined with the operations research expertise you have acquired over your degree, you will be able to formulate and solve these complex decision problems using computational tools.

MXB338 Work Integrated Learning in Operations Research

Throughout your course, you have been building your discipline skills and your understanding of contemporary industry practice. This capstone unit provides you with the opportunity to bring together the skills that you have developed throughout the operations research major, combining them in a coherent manner to solve a significant and relevant real-world problem from industry. Your experience will reflect the genuine practice of an applied mathematician in the workforce.

MXB348 Work Integrated Learning in Statistics

Throughout your course, you have been building your discipline skills and your understanding of contemporary industry practice. This capstone unit provides you with the opportunity to bring together the skills that you have developed throughout the statistics major, combining them in a coherent manner to solve a significant and relevant real-world problem from industry. Your experience will reflect the genuine practice of a statistician in the workforce.