The Challenge
A return to study had become a reality for stockbrokers and financial advisors across Australia in response to the requirements set by the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA).
In a bid to build ethical standards through education, the FASEA Code of Ethics was developed to introduce ethical standards that go above existing legal requirements and encourage higher standards of behaviour and professionalism in the financial services industry.
In response, Morgans partnered with QUTeX to design and deliver a customised version of FASEA’s mandatory ethics bridging course.

The Client
Morgans is Australia's largest national full-service stockbroking and wealth management network with more than 240,000 client accounts, 500 authorised representatives and 950 employees operating from offices in all states and territories. They have been helping Australian investors with stockbroking services for over 35 years.

The Solution
The introduction of a Code of Ethics by The Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA), on 1 January 2020 reinforced the importance of ethics in the financial planning and advisory services industry. The code, which is enforceable by law, requires advisors to comply with its 12 standards which address five core values: trustworthiness, competence, honesty, fairness and diligence.
QUT's Ethics and Professional Relationships bridging course was designed to help advisors comply with the FASEA ethics education requirements. The 12-week, course is fully supported and includes online directed learning through online webinars and builds a pathway for future learning, depending on the participant’s needs.
Participants benefit from the delivery of an intensive and rich learning experience by QUT's qualified and industry experienced facilitators. The course will help individuals and participating teams develop their knowledge, satisfy FASEA’s education requirements and build networks and connections with their colleagues.
Ethics and Professional Relationships
To learn more about QUT's FASEA-approved bridging course – Ethics and Professional Relationships, download the course brochure.
The Impact
Morgan's Executive Brian Sheahan commented, “Morgans values the importance of ethical financial advice for consumers. We wanted to make the most out of the Government's financial services reforms and frame it as an opportunity for our advisers to enhance their knowledge. QUT has helped us to do that in a way that is relevant to the business, our advisers and our clients.”
In relation to their partnership with QUTeX, Sheahan commented that the result of the collaboration was a practical response to the requirements, with underlying academic integrity. “Placing the client's needs at the centre was central to the development of the Morgans' bespoke program. We wanted to deliver the course while also providing an opportunity for meaningful contextualisation.” he concluded.
QUT's partnership with the Stockbrokers and Financial Advisors Association (SAFAA), prompted an endorsement from Senator the Hon Jane Hume, Assistant Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and Financial Technology: “As part of its plan for a stronger economy, the Morrison Government is committed to restoring trust and confidence in Australia's financial system. A key part of this is raising the education, training, and ethical standards of financial advisors. Particularly in uncertain times like these, access to quality and professional financial advice is so important.”

As the peak body for stockbrokers and financial advisers, we value the importance of ethics to the provision of financial advice. QUT’s tailored bridging course has ensured that SAFAA members meet their FASEA compliance obligations while also engaging in education which is relevant to their jobs and meaningful to their clients.
- Judith Fox, CEO of SAFAA
How can QUTeX help you?
What's the leadership culture of your organisation like? Does it foster coaching and mentoring? Changing the leadership culture of your organisation requires expertise in business, leadership and psychology. QUTeX leverages the whole of the university's resources to develop educational programs for organisations just like yours. Using learning that is interactive our programs maximise the learning potential of your team so they can apply what they learn as they go.
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