Make a real-world difference
Welcome to our diverse community of supporters who are paving the way for advancements that span the globe.
The generosity of QUT donors has been key to making substantial progress in areas such as protecting the Great Barrier Reef, developing sustainable crops, producing clean energy, and supporting students in need.
However, with only 40% of our income now coming from government grants, and much more that needs to be achieved, your gifts — large and small, regular and one-off — are key to continuing this important work and shaping the future.
Support students
Scholarships for students in financial need
Give the life-changing gift of education to help bright and ambitious students reach their full potential.
To make your gift go even further, QUT matches every donation to the Learning Potential Fund dollar-for-dollar.
Support research

Precision treatment for prostate cancer
With one Australian man lost to metastatic prostate cancer every three hours, your support will help find better ways to diagnose and treat prostate cancer and save the lives of our fathers, brothers, neighbours and friends.

Restore the Great Barrier Reef
Support world-leading robotics helping to tackle destructive crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks and grow healthy, new coral to actively restore the ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef.
Support community
Indigenous Chair in Creative Industries
Support the first philanthropically endowed Indigenous Chair in Australia to help amplify the role that Indigenous knowledge, perspectives and practices play in our local, national and international communities.
Latest giving news
Donor generosity maps out career journey for Amy
Amy Leask is on a remarkable journey of exploration with one of the world’s largest mining operations.

History and impact of giving
When staff at the Queensland Teachers College at Kelvin Grove organised an early form of workplace giving in the 1950’s, the seeds of QUT's giving culture were sown.
From donating a tuppence each pay to help purchase artworks for the QUT Art Collection to now making the impossible possible for students, research and the community, the generosity of donors continues to build on our strong vision for the future.
Our commitment to you
QUT upholds the strongest governance to honour the intentions of our donors.
We aim to ensure you have all the information necessary to make informed decisions about your gift, are aware of how your gift is being used and the important impact it is making.
QUT is committed to ensuring you have a deeply meaningful giving experience and aim to nurture a positive lifelong relationship with you.
Contact Advancement
Level 3, A Block, Room 315
Gardens Point
2 George St
Brisbane QLD
GPO Box 2434
Brisbane QLD 4001
Support QUT
Our projects focus on health, environment and sustainability, student scholarships and Indigenous Australian engagement, success and empowerment. By supporting QUT, you’re contributing to areas that require immediate assistance.