
  • This course combines the standard three-year Bachelor of Business degree with one year of compulsory overseas studies
  • Choose one of 12 majors: accounting, advertising, behavioural economics, economics, entrepreneurship and innovation, finance, financial planning, human resource management, international business, management, marketing or public relations
  • Your year of overseas study can either offer you a second degree, cultural immersion or flexible exchange program
  • Enhance your international knowledge and intercultural skills
  • Employers are looking for graduates who can bring an international experience to their job.



  • This course combines the standard three-year Bachelor of Business degree with one year of compulsory overseas studies
  • Choose one of 11 majors: accounting, advertising, behavioural economics, economics, entrepreneurship and innovation, finance, human resource management, international business, management, marketing or public relations
  • Your year of overseas study can either offer you a second degree, cultural immersion or flexible exchange program
  • Enhance your international knowledge and intercultural skills
  • Employers are looking for graduates who can bring an international experience to their job.


Why choose this course?

The world of business is increasingly global, whether it is through the sourcing of goods, selling to international customers, partnering with international companies or just dealing with an increasingly international and intercultural workforce and customer base.

The Bachelor of Business – International is designed to enhance students’ international knowledge and intercultural skills through the embedding of intercultural skills and by requiring you to live and study in an international setting. Whether it is by studying business from a different cultural perspective or by undertaking an intensive cultural immersion program, you will have a set of skills that will take you further.

Employers are looking for graduates with a difference and recent international surveys have shown that more than 50 per cent are looking for employees who can bring an international experience to their job.

Real-world learning

The Bachelor of Business – International is made up of four distinct parts over 32 units:

1. Nine core business units covering the major functional areas and skills in business

2. Eight units in your chosen major. Choose a major in one of our twelve professional areas:


3. Eight units of your choice to match the international study option you have chosen

4. Seven optional units allowing you to complete a second major, minor or extension of your choice.

In the semester before you go overseas, you will study a dedicated intercultural skill development unit, Bridging Cultures – International, with assessment continuing throughout your year overseas. The unit is designed to help you assess your own intercultural development personally, socially and within your chosen business field.

Explore this course

What to expect

The first of its kind in Australia, QUT’s Bachelor of Business – International combines the three-year Bachelor of Business with one year of compulsory international studies. The combination gives you all of the outcomes of the standard degree plus international skills developed during your international study year.

International study year options

You will have a range of options to choose from for your overseas study year, including:

  • Second degree program — If you are interested in getting a second degree from an internationally recognised university then there are a number of options available at:

  1. Aston Business School in England

  2. IESEG School of Management in France

  3. BI Norwegian Business School

  4. Montpellier Business School in France

  5. WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

By completing a set program of study at QUT, and completing one year of study overseas at one of these schools, you can earn degrees from two AACSB and EQUIS accredited schools. Note that places may be limited with some partners.

  • Language and cultural immersion — Are you interested in living or working in China, Japan, Korea, Chile or another country? Why not undertake a year of studies, concentrating on developing language, cultural and business skills relevant to that region.

  • Special programs — Undertake a certificate program at selected partners and you can be awarded a certificate for studies in a related area, or apply to undertake an internship on exchange for credit.

  • Flexible exchange studies — Maybe you just want to spend a year living in a country of interest, or studying something we don’t offer at QUT. You can use this option to complete a year of international study while keeping all of your QUT study options open.

Careers and outcomes

Careers and outcomes

Career outcomes are the same as those associated with the Bachelor of Business (see individual majors). The advantage of the Bachelor of Business – International is that it gives you enhanced international skills increasing your ability to work globally, or in a globally engaged firm.

Possible careers

  • Account executive
  • Accountant
  • Administrator
  • Advertising professional
  • Banking and finance professional
  • Business analyst
  • Business development officer
  • Economist
  • Financial advisor/analyst
  • Financial project manager
  • Financial risk manager
  • Human resource developer
  • Human resource manager
  • Information officer
  • International business specialist
  • Investment manager
  • Manager
  • Market research manager
  • Marketing officer/manager
  • Project developer
  • Project manager
  • Public relations officer/consultant
  • Statistician

Details and units

The units that you will study in the Bachelor of Business – International will depend upon the combination of major(s) that you have chosen at QUT and the international study year option that you will undertake.

If you choose the Flexible Exchange Studies/Certificate Program/Language and Cultural Immersion as your overseas option, you can enrol and follow the units listed in the course structures below relevant to your QUT major study area.

If you select the Second Degree as your overseas option, you will require a personalised study plan from the QUT Business School Student Centre in your first year of study.  You can follow the 1st and 2nd semesters of study as indicated only.  Depending on your overseas destination, some of your study units are pre-determined so your study plan will be individually designed for you.  If you do not seek study plan advice after commencement in the program you may risk ineligibility for this overseas option.

All students will be requested to indicate a preference for international study year within the first year of your degree.


Your degree at a glance

Year 1

This year is designed to give you an introduction to the core knowledge sets in business and to start you on your program of study in your chosen discipline area. In your first year you will study a mix of core units and the introductory units in your major of choice. If you are uncertain about which major you would like to study then you can choose primarily first year core units to get a taste of a variety of business disciplines.

Year 2

Year two is the important year in the Bachelor of Business – International. It is the year in which you will choose your preferred international study option and destination, and you begin to make subject choices that can lead to this option. In this year you complete your exchange application and final decisions will be made on where you will go. Your final destination will depend upon your meeting certain conditions (see special conditions).

In year two you will continue to study business core units but you will also increase the level of study in your chosen major. If you are interested in undertaking a second degree as your international study option then you will be required to study some subjects which will be required to meet the conditions of the institution who will be hosting your second degree.

Year 3             

Depending upon whether you commence in February or July, you will spend all or just part of year three offshore. For most students, you will commence your overseas study half way through year three (August – October depending upon where you go to study).

In the first half of year three you will complete additional major studies at QUT, complete other units required for your international study option and undertake a special core unit Bridging Cultures – International. This unit of study is designed to help you prepare for your year offshore, and help you develop ways in which you can best assimilate and evaluate the overseas experience. Assessment will include undertaking intercultural evaluations at different points both before and after your offshore experience to allow you to see how you have changed over that time.

The second half of year three will be spent undertaking studies at your host institution. Depending on your choice of international study option, these subjects may be set (second degree) or completely elective (free exchange option).

Year 4

In year four you will complete your offshore studies. This will include the final component of the intercultural assessment at the conclusion of which you will be provided with feedback on the extent to which you have developed in terms of your intercultural awareness and thinking. You then return to QUT to complete the final component of your QUT degree.

The final semester at QUT will include the capstone unit in your chosen major which is designed to integrate your previous knowledge and skill development in that discipline and allow you to apply that to a real situation.


Special conditions

The unique nature of the Bachelor of Business – International which requires you to spend a year studying in another cultural living and learning environment means that you need to be prepared differently, and we need to ensure that you are performing academically well enough to handle the different environment. The following are special conditions relevant to this degree:

Academic performance — Consistent with the exchange policy in place at QUT, you will not be able to complete the international study year if you have not maintained a GPA of at least 4.5 on the QUT 7-point scale. This rule is in place to protect both you and the QUT reputation. Many of our partners are among the best business schools internationally where you will face a challenging learning environment. The higher GPA requirement is in place as a guide to increase our confidence that you will be able to meet the study challenges and to represent QUT well at the partner institutions.

International study preferences — QUT has agreements with the major partner schools involved in the Bachelor of Business – International to set aside study places for our students, however these places are limited. Consequently we cannot guarantee that every student will be assigned to their first study preference. You will be able to let us know of your preferred destination when you commence your degree, and will submit a final set of preferences one year prior to commencing the offshore study program. International study options will then be determined based on the number of places on offer at the partner institution, the number of applications at QUT, and, if necessary, academic performance. Where possible QUT will try to ensure that every student gets their preferred study destination, but this cannot be guaranteed. However every student who has the required GPA will be able to undertake an overseas study experience.

Designated unit — The unit AMB390 Bridging Cultures – International is the main unit of study used to both teach and assess intercultural aspects of the degree, and is the unit in which we will carry out assurance of learning on this dimension of your study program. It has been defined as a designated unit and must be passed in order for you to complete the degree program.

Study plans — The combination of multiple major areas of study at QUT with many international study option choices means that each student is likely to have a unique study plan. You will be provided with a study plan based on your expressed preference in the first semester of your degree. It will be necessary for you to complete your studies according to that plan as any variation may mean you will not be able to undertake your preferred international study option. This is particularly the case if you wish to undertake the second degree option where you will need to complete certain prerequisite subjects necessary to meet the requirements of the degree program at your host institution.

If you are unable to meet any of the eligibility requirements for the international study year, or your personal circumstances change which prevent you from undertaking the year overseas, you may be eligible to transfer to the Bachelor of Business (BS05) three-year program. All eligible studies completed in the Bachelor of Business – International (BS08) program may be transferred to the three-year program.

The units that you will study in the Bachelor of Business – International will depend upon the combination of major(s) you have chosen at QUT and the international study year option that you will undertake. Because of the large number of combinations it will be necessary to draw up an individual study plan for every student. This plan will be created at the beginning of your course during the orientation period.

To allow you to enrol in the first semester of your degree, the indicative first semester study plans are shown below.

For more information on the units of study you will undertake in your chosen major please go to the page associated with that major.


Your Degree at a Glance

Year 1

This year is designed to give you an introduction to the core knowledge sets in business and to start you on your program of study in your chosen discipline area. In your first year you will study a mix of core units and the introductory units in your major of choice. If you are uncertain about which major you would like to study then you can choose primarily first year core units to get a taste of a variety of business disciplines.

Year 2

Year two is the important year in the Bachelor of Business – International. It is the year in which you will choose your preferred international study option and destination, and you begin to make subject choices that can lead to this option. In this year you complete your exchange application and will final decisions will be made on where you will go. Your final destination will depend upon your meeting certain conditions (see special conditions).

In year two you will continue to study business core units but you will also increase the level of study in your chosen major. If you are interested in undertaking a second degree as your international study option then you will be required to study some subjects which will be required to meet the conditions of the institution who will be hosting your second degree.

Year 3             

Depending upon whether you commence in February or July, you will spend all of just part of year 3 off shore. For most students, you will commence your overseas study half way through year three (August – October depending upon where you go to study).

In the first half of year three you will complete additional major studies at QUT, complete other units required for your international study option and undertake a special core unit Bridging Cultures – International. This unit of study is designed to help you prepare for your year offshore, and help you develop ways in which you can best assimilate and evaluate the overseas experience. Assessment will include undertaking intercultural evaluations at different points both before and after your offshore experience to allow you to see how you have changed over that time.

The second half of year three will be spent undertaking studies at your host institution. Depending on your choice of international study option, these subjects may be set (second degree) or completely elective (free exchange option).

Year 4

In year 4 you will complete your offshore studies. This will include the final component of the intercultural assessment at the conclusion of which you will be provided with feedback on the extent to which you have developed in terms of your intercultural awareness and thinking. You then return to QUT to complete the final component of your QUT degree

The final semester at QUT will include the capstone unit in your chosen major which is designed to integrate your previous knowledge and skill development in that discipline and allow you to apply that to a real situation.


Special Conditions

The unique nature of the Bachelor of Business – International which requires you to spend a year studying in another cultural living and learning environment means that you need to be prepared differently, and we need to ensure that you are performing academically well enough to handle the different environment. The following are special conditions relevant to this degree:

Academic Performance. Consistent with the exchange policy in place at QUT, you will not be able to complete the international study year if you have not maintained a GPA of at least 4.5 on the QUT 7 point scale. This rule is in place to protect both you and the QUT reputation. Many of our partners are among the best business schools internationally where you will face a challenging learning environment. The higher GPA requirement is in place as a guide to increase our confidence that you will be able to meet the study challenges and to represent QUT well at the partner institutions.

International Study Preferences

QUT has agreements with the major partner schools involved in the Bachelor of Business – International to set aside study places for our students, however these places are limited. Consequently we cannot guarantee that every student will be assigned to their first study preference. You will be able to let us know of your preferred destination when you commence your degree, and will submit a final set of preferences one year prior to commencing the offshore study program. International study options will then be determined based on the number of places on offer at the partner institution, the number of applications at QUT, and, if necessary, academic performance. Where possible QUT will try to ensure that every student gets their preferred study destination, but this cannot be guaranteed. However every student who has the required GPA will be able to undertake an overseas study experience.

Designated Unit. The unit AMB390 Bridging Cultures – International is the main unit of study used to both teach and assess intercultural aspects of the degree, and is the unit in which we will carry out assurance of learning on this dimension of your study program. It has been defined as a designated unit and must be passed in order for you to complete the degree program.

Study Plans. The combination of multiple major areas of study at QUT with many international study option choices means that each student is likely to have a unique study plan.  You will be provided with a study plan based on your expressed preference in the first semester of your degree. It will be necessary for you to complete your studies according to that plan as any variation may mean you will not be able to undertake your preferred international study option. This is particularly the case if you wish to undertake the second degree option where you will need to complete certain pre-requisite subjects necessary to meet the requirements of the degree program at your host institution.

If you are unable to meet any of the eligibility requirements for the International Study Year, or your personal circumstances change which prevent you from undertaking the year overseas, you may be eligible to transfer to the Bachelor of Business (BS05) three year program.  All eligible Studies completed in the Bachelor of Business – International (BS08) program may be transferred to the three year program.


ATAR/selection rank threshold

These thresholds are the lowest adjusted scores to which QUT made an offer in Semester 1, 2025.

Don't have a ATAR/selection rank?

Find out other ways you can apply

Course code
QTAC code
  • Online
  • Gardens Point
  • Gardens Point
4 years full-time
8 years part-time
4 years full-time
February and July
February and July

You can defer your offer and postpone the start of your course for one year.

Assumed knowledge

Before you start this course, we assume you have sound knowledge of the subject/s listed below. If you don't have the subject knowledge, you can still apply for the course but we strongly encourage you to undertake bridging studies to gain the knowledge:

  • English, or Literature, or English and Literature Extension, or English as an Additional Language (Units 3 & 4, C)

For Accountancy, Behavioural Economics, Finance, Financial Planning, Economics, and Marketing majors: General Mathematics, or Mathematical Methods, or Specialist Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C).

More about assumed knowledge



Offer guarantee

If you achieve an ATAR or selection rank of 85.00 or higher (including any adjustments) and satisfy all other admission requirements, you are guaranteed an offer for this course.

VET guarantee

If you have completed an AQF diploma or higher, and satisfy all other admission requirements, you are guaranteed an offer for this course.

Advanced standing

If you have prior studies or work experience, you may be eligible for advanced standing (credit). You can apply for advanced standing once you've been accepted to QUT. If you're in your first semester of study, you must apply for advanced standing within 10 days of receiving your offer.

More about advanced standing


You can defer your offer and postpone the start of your course for one year.

More about deferring your offer

Adjustments to your ATAR/selection rank

Any adjustments you receive to your ATAR or selection rank will be applied to this course.

Find out if you’re eligible for an adjustment to your ATAR or selection rank

Offers we made to school leavers in Semester 1, 2024

The figures listed in the tables below reflect the offers that were made to recent ATAR students. The entry thresholds box at the top of this page shows the lowest adjusted ATAR/selection rank required to receive an offer for all applicants for the most recent January QTAC offer round.

Excluding adjustments Including adjustments
Highest ATAR/selection rank
to receive an offer
Selection rank 95.15
Selection rank 99.95
Median ATAR/selection rank
to receive an offer
Selection rank 87.00
Selection rank 89.00
Lowest ATAR/selection rank
to receive an offer
Selection rank 79.20
Selection rank 81.25

You can find out more about your fellow students’ backgrounds with this course’s student profile.

Other admission options

If you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, you may be eligible for admission through our Centralised Assessment Selection Process (CASP).

Minimum academic requirements

I completed my studies outside of Australia

Select the country where you completed your studies to see a guide to the grades you need to apply for this course.

If your country or qualification is not listed, you can still apply for this course and we will assess your eligibility.

I completed secondary school in Australia

ATAR/selection rank
Offer guarantee

If you completed secondary school in Australia and achieve an ATAR/selection rank of 85.00 or higher (including any adjustments) and satisfy all other admission requirements, you are guaranteed an offer for this course.

VET guarantee

If you have completed an AQF diploma or higher, and satisfy all other admission requirements, you are guaranteed an offer for this course.

Minimum English language requirements

Select the country where you completed your studies to see a guide on meeting QUT’s English language requirements.

Your scores and prior qualifications in English-speaking countries are considered. Approved English-speaking countries are Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, United States of America and Wales.

If your country or qualification is not listed, you can still apply for this course and we will assess your eligibility.

We accept English language proficiency scores from the following tests undertaken in a secure test centre. Tests must be taken no more than 2 years prior to the QUT course commencement.

English Test Overall Listening Reading Writing Speaking
IELTS Academic / One Skill Retake 6.5 6 6 6 6
Cambridge English Score
You must share your results with QUT through the Candidate Results Online website.
176 169 169 169 169
PTE Academic 58 50 50 50 50
TOEFL iBT 79 16 16 21 18

Don't have the English language score you need? We can help!

We offer English language programs to improve your English and help you gain entry to this course.

When you apply for this course, we will recommend which English course you should enrol in.

Assumed Knowledge

For accountancy, economics, behavioural economics, finance, financial planning and marketing majors General Mathematics, or Mathematical Methods, or Specialist Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C).


Your actual fees may vary depending on which units you choose. We review fees annually, and they may be subject to increases.

2026 fees

2026: Fee available from October

Additional costs

There are additional costs associated with travelling to and living in another country.  This includes visa’s, airfares, accommodation, health cover and other associated living costs. These costs will vary depending on your destination.  Information on indicative costs and financial support available are available on the Student Exchange website.

You will continue to pay or defer fees through QUT while you are on your international study year.  You won’t have to pay any tuition fees at your exchange university.

2026 fees

2026: Fee available from July

Additional costs

There are additional costs associated with travelling to and living in another country.  This includes visa’s, airfares, accommodation, health cover and other associated living costs. These costs will vary depending on your destination.  Information on indicative costs and financial support available are available on the Student Exchange website.

You will be required to pay international tuition fees at QUT while you are on your international study year.  You won’t have to pay any tuition fees at your exchange university.

2025 fees

2025: CSP $17,000 per year full-time (96 credit points)

Additional costs

There are additional costs associated with travelling to and living in another country.  This includes visa’s, airfares, accommodation, health cover and other associated living costs. These costs will vary depending on your destination.  Information on indicative costs and financial support available are available on the Student Exchange website.

You will continue to pay or defer fees through QUT while you are on your international study year.  You won’t have to pay any tuition fees at your exchange university.

2025 fees

2025: $36,100 per year full-time (96 credit points)

Additional costs

There are additional costs associated with travelling to and living in another country.  This includes visa’s, airfares, accommodation, health cover and other associated living costs. These costs will vary depending on your destination.  Information on indicative costs and financial support available are available on the Student Exchange website.

You will be required to pay international tuition fees at QUT while you are on your international study year.  You won’t have to pay any tuition fees at your exchange university.

Student services and amenities fees

You may need to pay student services and amenities (SA) fees as part of your course costs.

Find out more about undergraduate course fees

HECS-HELP: loans to help you pay for your course fees

You may not have to pay anything upfront if you're eligible for a HECS-HELP loan.

Find out more about government loans


You can apply for scholarships to help you with study and living costs.

Browse all scholarships

QUT Excellence Scholarship (Academic)

QUT's premier offering for students with outstanding academic achievement.

Scholarship eligibility
Academic performance

Faculty of Business and Law Excellence Scholarship

A scholarship for future undergraduate students who want to study business, property economics or law.

Scholarship eligibility
Academic performance

Laurie Cowled Indigenous Scholarship for Business Students

A scholarship for future and current Indigenous female students enrolled in undergraduate or postgraduate studies in business.

Scholarship eligibility
Indigenous Australian; Struggling financially; Women

Equity scholarships scheme

A scholarship for low-income students studying in any faculty.

Scholarship eligibility
Struggling financially

QUT Elite Sport Scholarship

QUT's premier offering for students with outstanding sporting achievement.

Scholarship eligibility
Sporting excellence

International Merit Scholarship

A high achievement scholarship for future international undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Scholarship eligibility
Academic performance

QUT Budding Entrepreneur Scholarship

A scholarship for innovative individuals who are engaged in their passion for entrepreneurial action.

Scholarship eligibility

QUT Real World International Scholarship

A scholarship to cover tuition fees, with eligibility based on your prior academic achievements.

Scholarship eligibility
Academic performance

Applying guide

When you're preparing your application, make sure you have all the important information. This includes understanding the entry requirements, and checking if you're eligible for advanced standing (credit).

How to apply

QTAC code

You'll need to know this course's QTAC code when you apply through QTAC.

Ready to apply?

If you've already read about the best way to apply, you can apply directly through QTAC.

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How to apply

Follow our step-by-step applying guide to make sure your application is complete, giving you the best chance of getting in.

How to apply

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If you're ready for the next step, apply online today.

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Ready to apply?

If you're ready for the next step, apply online today or contact our MBA Program Manager +61 468 575 146 or mba@qut.edu.au

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Ready to apply?

If you're ready for the next step, apply online today or contact our MBA Program Manager +61 468 575 146 (Brisbane),
(02) 6198 3098 (Canberra), emba@qut.edu.au

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