A career helping people
‘Paramedic science is great choice for people who thrive in fast-paced and unpredictable environments. On placement I worked alongside the High Acuity Response Unit, which are the Queensland Ambulance Service’s elite paramedics who go to major traumas. They were using ultrasounds on a patient and explaining it to me. It’s exciting to see the level of diagnostic abilities that can be brought to pre-hospital care.’
Placements make the best practice
'Paramedic science offers multiple six-week placements and the option to travel overseas in your third year. Domestic placements serve as long job interviews and help you to build industry connections while working as part of an ambulance crew. I gained experience with pre-hospital births, high-velocity trauma, and multi-system medical cases. I also travelled to the USA for a three-week placement and experienced ride-alongs with ambulance and fire services and even helicopter and fixed-wing flight care services.'
Real experience working alongside professionals
As well as clinical placement on the road, paramedic students get first-hand experience working alongside other emergency service providers to treat casualties in simulated trauma scenarios.
Experience science in 360 degrees
When you study with us, you’ll be working in real clinical settings and simulation environments from your first year. Explore our 360° environments and see what real-world health sciences can mean for you.